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280.834 - Assessment and Evaluation methods in Spatial Planning (VO 3.0ECTS)

Getzner, Michael
Getzner, Michael
Witthöft, Gesa
Güntner, Simon Andreas
Schneider, Antonia
Sanopoulos, Angelos
Seidl, Roman

E280 Institute of Spatial Planning
Getzner, Michael
Witthöft, Gesa
Güntner, Simon Andreas
Schneider, Antonia
Sanopoulos, Angelos
Seidl, Roman

E280 Institute of Spatial Planning
Getzner, Michael
Güntner, Simon Andreas
Witthöft, Gesa
Seidl, Roman
Sanopoulos, Angelos

E280 Institute of Spatial Planning