• Overview

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Architecture (2024W)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (7)

251.866 Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte 1 (VO)
104.590 Descriptive Geometry (VU)
253.G62 Gestaltungslehre (VU)
253.G63 Hochbau 1 (VO)
299.002 Orientierungskurs und Gegenwartsarchitektur (VU)
259.600 Tragwerkslehre und Materialkunde 1 (VO)
264.219 Zeichnen und Visuelle Sprachen 1 (VU)

2. Semester (1)

264.220 Zeichnen und Visuelle Sprachen 2 (VU)

3. Semester (6)

251.868 Baugeschichte 1 (VO)
259.605 Digitale Darstellungsmethoden 2 (VU)
253.G66 Hochbau 2 (VO)
253.G65 Spatial Design (VU)
264.218 Three-dimensional design (VU) [3]
260.658 Urban Developement (VO)

5. Semester (6)

259.597 Architekturtheorie 1 (VO)
251.870 Denkmalpflege (VO)
253.G67 Gebäudelehre (VU)
253.G68 Hochbau 2 (VU)
259.599 Technischer Ausbau (VO)
259.603 Tragsysteme 2 - Optimierung (VU)

6. Semester (48)

253.M23 (gender-)inclusive planning in school architecture (SE)
253.M08 - Haus der Wiederverwendung (UE)
253.M16 - Transformation Turnau (UE)
260.903 Bachelor Design Studio Linear Circularity (UE)
260.905 Bachelor Design Studio Tirana Fabrika (UE)
251.223 Built by Nature (SE)
251.871 Compulsory elective (SE)
260.834 Core - Ribbon - Mesh: Viennese Villages in Transdanubia (SE)
253.M02 Design Studio Urban timber construction V - complement (UE)
251.872 Elective seminar: Art History Project (SE)
259.647 Elective Seminar Building Physics and Building Ecolog (SE)
259.090 Elective Seminar Current Topics in Building Physics (SE)
260.757 elective seminar real estate development (SE)
259.648 Elective Seminar Universal Seminar (SE)
253.M22 Integrated Design Archipelagos and Architectures of Crisis (UE)
253.L72 Integrated Design Bachelor Alte WU – Umbau statt Abbruch (UE)
253.L70 Integrated Design Cultural_space (UE)
253.L71 Integrated Design LEO. Stationen am Nasenweg (UE)
253.M40 Integrated Design Studio Bachelor Music Theater (UE)
253.L60 Integrative Design Bachelor Architecture-according-to-the-style-of-house (UE)
253.M35 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor "Weiterbauen – Landwirtschaftliche Bauten im Weinviertel" (UE)
253.M31 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor "Ärztezentrum" (UE)
253.L64 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor - Landing Point Vienna: Alexandria (UE)
253.L63 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor - Landing Point Vienna: Tahanang (UE)
253.L65 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor - Landing Point Vienna: Tango (UE)
253.L97 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor (UE)
253.M12 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor (UE)
253.L92 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor: Blurring Typologies, Vienna / Agency for better living (UE)
253.M26 Integratives Entwerfen Bachelor „Gerüst und Füllung – im Hochhaus“ (UE)
253.M10 Material labor / Material archive (UE)
264.226 Optional Seminar Architecture Sociology (SE)
251.883 Optional seminar Monument + City (SE)
253.L93 Project(s) of Anamnesis: Roma, Agency for Better Living (UE)
253.M14 Radikale Symbiose II - Transformation Autosilo (UE)
253.M37 Seminar 'Close Distance' – Spatial Perception and Construction (SE)
251.936 Seminar Architectural Drawings (SE)
264.222 Seminar Art and Design 2 (SE)
253.161 Seminar Design and Building Economy (SE)
264.224 Special Seminar in Art and Cultural Theory (SE)
264.225 Special Seminar in Art and Design (SE)
253.L96 STADT, LAND, KUNST - Bauen an der Peripherie von Wien (UE)
253.M28 Wahlseminar "Learning from Mediterranean Heritage: Low Tech strategies in Architecture - Construction and Material" (SE)
259.671 Wahlseminar Architekturtheorie (SE)
251.874 Wahlseminar Case Studies: Architecture as Cultural Discourse (SE)
259.649 Wahlseminar Current issues in architectural theory (SE)
259.611 Wahlseminar Digitale Architektur und Raumplanung (SE)
253.K02 Wahlseminar Gestaltungslehre (SE)
251.903 Wahlseminar | Architecture as an Expression of Political Tendencies (SE)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (325)

260.916 "Greenways Exploration in Seoul - South Korea" (EX)
253.M30 "Transforming the 90s" (UE)
251.227 (Wieder-) Verwendung von Material, Baustoffen und Bauteilrecycling (VU)
251.851 - mosques :: research - design! (VU)
251.204 : Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and Central Asia (VO)
259.502 Act (VU)
253.370 Adaptive architecture (VO)
259.085 Advanced Methods in Structural Design: Vaulted floor slabs (VU)
259.617 Advanced Parametric Modeling (UE)
259.076 Algorithmic Evolutionary Design and Multi-criteria Evolutionary Optimization II (VU)
264.096 Applied Cultural Theory (VO)
251.917 Architectural documentation and presentation | Architectural drawings (VU)
251.206 Architectural history 3 : Comparative history of architecture (VO)
259.634 Architecture and Structural Design (VO)
251.210 Architecture History Research and Presentation (SE)
264.237 Architectures of the Everyday (VU)
251.682 Art-historical analysis of buildings/city walks (UE)
264.236 Art as Architectural Concept (VO)
264.273 Artistic Project / at the beginning: margarete (UE)
264.238 Artistic Project K (UE)
264.214 Artistic Project M (UE)
264.272 Artistic Projekt HOPE feat. Design-Build Raumlabor to Go! (UE)
259.437 Ausgewählte Kapitel der Digitalen Architektur (SE)
253.H19 Big Buildings (VO)
251.818 Building History 3 Austrian Architecture of the 19th and 20th century (VO)
259.036 Building Materials and Mechanics of Structural Design: Systems and Optimization (VU)
259.078 Building Monitoring and Diagnostics (VU)
259.664 Building Physics - Studio - Consultancy (UE)
259.659 Building Physics UE - accompaning to 259.606 (UE)
253.062 Building Technology (UE)
253.H18 Building Theory and Planning Methods (VO)
260.300 Business Administration Fundamentals for Real Estate Development (VO) [2]
259.619 CAAD and Geometry (VO)
259.048 Calculation of construction prices (VO)
259.503 Code (VU)
251.834 Collaborative Work :: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Architecture (VU)
253.949 Collaborative Working (VU)
181.200 Communication and rhetoric (SE)
181.204 Communication and rhetoric 2 (SE)
264.107 communication in time- and web- based media (VU)
253.G71 Concepts of Space and Design (VU)
251.922 Conferences: conception, implementation, documentation - Cultural Heritage (SE)
264.101 Constructional and spatial freehand drawing 1 (VU)
251.203 Contemporary Architecture : Building Future (VO)
264.093 Contemporary Culture (VO)
259.637 Contemporary Structural Design and Fabrication (VO)
253.H45 Critical Architectural Practice (VO)
259.618 Current Issues in Digital Design and Production (VU)
259.012 Current Topics (SE)
259.075 Data-integrated Algorithmic Design Processes II (VU)
264.109 Datas and Information (VU)
251.212 Design Parlament, barrier-free access (UE)
253.M29 Design Studio "BIM_Spa" (UE)
260.878 Design Studio "Competition of Competitions" (UE)
253.L86 Design Studio "Ekstase" Was tun mit dem Lamarr? (UE)
253.M32 Design Studio "Hardware/Software" (UE)
260.913 Design Studio "Making Greenways - typological transposition between Vienna and Seoul" (UE)
253.L79 Design Studio "On Exhibition" (UE)
253.M36 Design Studio "Weiterbauen – Landwirtschaftliche Bauten im Weinviertel" (UE)
253.L85 Design Studio "Ärztezentrum" (UE)
253.M09 Design Studio - Haus der Wiederverwendung (UE)
253.L66 Design Studio - Landing Point Vienna: Black Austria (UE)
253.L68 Design Studio - Landing Point Vienna: Disko (UE)
253.L67 Design Studio - Landing Point Vienna: Vikings (UE)
253.M17 Design Studio - Transformation Turnau (UE)
251.211 Design Studio (UE)
253.L90 Design Studio (UE)
253.M00 Design Studio (UE)
253.M13 Design Studio (UE)
253.M21 Design Studio (UE)
253.M24 design studio adaptive structures - bamboo (UE)
253.L74 Design Studio Alte WU – Umbau statt Abbruch (UE)
253.M41 Design Studio Approximation: Paravent (UE)
251.832 Design Studio Architectural Creation as Cultural Production (UE)
253.L61 Design Studio Architecture-according-to-the-style-of-house (UE)
253.M49 Design Studio Barbarakapelle: Transformation into the Exhibition Space of the Dombauhütte (UE)
259.682 Design Studio Circular Wood in the City (UE)
260.899 Design Studio Dichter : Grüner * Offener _ (UE)
260.911 Design Studio Entwerfen Retrofit Gemeindebau 4.0 (UE)
253.M20 Design Studio Experiment und Alltag (UE)
260.900 Design Studio Flood (UE)
253.L99 Design Studio Foreigners Everywhere from an architectural perspective (UE)
251.209 Design Studio FORZA FORTEZZA! (UE)
260.894 Design Studio Going Dutch – Unproduktiv? Produktiv! (UE)
253.L89 Design Studio Ground Works: the un/built land (UE)
253.L94 Design Studio Hôtel de Dieu / Agency for better living (UE)
260.907 Design Studio Kharkiv Housing Challenge (UE)
253.L73 Design Studio LEO. Stationen am Nasenweg (UE)
260.904 Design Studio Linear Circularity (UE)
260.896 Design Studio Made in Sicily (UE)
253.M44 Design Studio Material begreifen (UE)
253.M11 Design Studio Material labor / Material archive (UE)
253.M39 Design Studio Music Theater (UE)
253.M15 Design Studio Radikale Symbiose II - Transformation Autosilo (UE)
260.908 Design Studio Railway Overbuild (UE)
280.601 Design Studio Recovering - Designing new Stabilities (UE)
259.088 Design Studio refilling*22 - interdisziplinärer Entwurf gekoppelt mit 259.089 Stegreifentwerfen refilling*22 - interdisziplinärer Entwurf - Konstruktion (UE)
260.901 Design Studio Rehabilitated Giant Opel plant Aspern (UE)
253.L62 Design Studio Reloaded: Mitten im Siebenten (UE)
253.M43 Design Studio Rethinking Gußhausstraße 28 (UE)
259.087 design studio Reuse, Recycle, Reduce: Algorithmic Building for and with the Circular Economy (UE)
260.912 Design Studio Salzburg Schallmoos (UE)
259.080 Design Studio Shape of Water (UE)
251.919 Design Studio Summerschool Festpielhaus Salzburg (UE)
253.L78 Design Studio Taboo City Spaces – Queer Feminist Learning from Heritage (UE)
253.L76 Design Studio The City and the Water (UE)
253.L77 Design Studio The Cosmic Mountain: Experimenting with the Sacred Landscape of Montserrat through Design-Based Filmmaking (UE)
260.906 Design Studio Tirana Fabrika (UE)
260.902 Design Studio Triangle, loop, polygon: an exploration of the urban spaces around the Votive Church (UE)
253.M34 Design Studio Up-cycling Industrial Waste (UE)
253.M07 Design Studio Upcycling (UE)
253.M03 Design Studio Urban timber construction VI - transforming TVFA (UE)
253.M01 Design Studio Urban Timber V - complement (UE)
259.086 Design Studio Vienna Stories 2: Soil Bodies (UE)
253.A18 Design Studio Vorbild Wien / Exemple parlant Vienna (UE)
253.M27 Design Studio „Gerüst und Füllung – im Hochhaus“ (UE)
259.092 Design to Make (UE)
259.639 Digital and Analog Fabrication Processes (VU)
264.112 Digital Production (VU)
264.131 Digital Production Methods (VU)
251.208 Diploma Seminar - History of Architecture and Building Archaeology (SE)
259.077 Diploma seminar - Structural design and timber engineering (SE)
253.L57 Diploma seminar planning and construction economics, Manfred Berthold (SE)
253.L80 Diploma seminar Spatial Design (SE)
260.897 Diploma seminar urban design (SE)
259.097 Diplomseminar - Building Physics and Building Ecoloigy (SE)
259.081 Diplomseminar - Digitale Architektur und Raumplanung (SE)
253.L84 Diplomseminar - Gebäudelehre (SE)
253.M45 Diplomseminar - Gestaltungslehre (SE)
253.M04 Diplomseminar - Hochbau und Entwerfen (SE)
260.918 Diplomseminar - Landschaftsarchitektur und Landschaftsplanung (SE)
264.270 Diplomseminar - Visuelle Kultur (SE)
264.271 Diplomseminar Drawing and Visual Languages (SE)
259.084 Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VU)
253.E05 DNA des Wohnens (VO)
251.694 Dokumentation and Analysis of Historical Architecture (UE)
253.G81 Earth building - national and international Symposium, excursions, documentaries (VO)
253.G88 Earth Building Module (VU)
259.445 Elements of Building Construction (VU)
253.368 Emerging materials and technologies (VO)
259.082 Ethnographic Methods for Architecture and Building Science (VU)
259.102 Everyday practices and human-technology relationships (VO)
259.015 Evidence-Based Design Support (VU)
259.024 Evidence-informed healthcare design (VU)
251.781 Excursion (EX)
253.L87 Excursion Dresden (EX)
260.895 Excursion Going Dutch – Unproduktiv? Produktiv! (EX)
253.L59 Excursion Hochbau 2 (EX)
253.C19 excursion Hochbau und konstruktives Gestalten I (EX)
253.L09 Excursion Housing (EX)
260.919 Excursion Linear Circularity (EX)
253.L88 Excursion Montserrat (EX)
253.365 Excursion Spatial Design (EX)
253.M42 Excursion Theatrologie (EX)
260.921 Excursion Tirana (EX)
260.915 Excursion Urban Design (EX)
251.786 Excursion | History of Architecture II (EX)
253.M05 Exkursion Radikale Symbiose II (EX)
251.449 Exkursion zu Baukunst (EX)
253.M46 Exkursion – Landwirtschaftliche Bauten im Weinviertel (EX)
253.354 Experiencing material (VU)
253.457 Experimental membrane structures (VU)
253.G73 Experimental work in space laboratory (VU)
253.369 Extreme architecture (VO)
264.068 field trip around themes and places of contemporary art production (EX)
251.221 Field Trip FORZA FORTEZZA! (EX)
260.769 Field Trip on Urban Design in Southeast Europe (EX)
251.220 Field Trip plan-live-care (EX)
253.E03 Formen des Wohnens (VO)
251.219 Forum History of Art (VO)
264.124 Freehand Drawing 1 (UE)
259.698 Fundamentals of AEC-Knowledge (what every student should know) (VO)
259.020 Fundamentals of Algorithmic Design (VU)
259.019 Fundamentals of Building Physics and Performance Assessment (VU)
259.011 Fundamentals of Scientific Research (VO)
259.021 Fundamentals of Utilizing Data Sources (VU)
253.H17 Gebäudelehre und kulturelles Handeln (VO)
259.018 Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VO)
352.031 Getting agreement in negotiations (SE)
253.M38 Graduate Seminar Space Composition (SE)
253.G74 Graphic Design (VO)
253.G75 Graphic Design (VU)
253.373 HB2-Materialdatenbank (UE)
264.274 heat reductice structural systems (UE)
260.823 Historic Gardens (VO)
251.224 Historische Baumaterialien & Baukonstruktionen (VU)
251.778 History of Architecture III (EX)
251.684 History of structural engineering (VO)
259.099 Human-Centered Product Design for Embedded Systems (VU)
264.269 In-depth Seminar Architecture Sociology (SE)
259.014 Instruments and Scientific Writing (VU)
260.764 Instruments for Urban Development in Central and South-East-Europe (VU)
251.114 Introduction into the methods of building research (VU)
264.252 Introduction Prefab-Lab / Workshop License (LU)
259.022 Introduction to Advanced Architectural Design for Healthcare (VO)
260.705 Introduction to Real Estate Economics (VO)
259.037 Introduction to Reliability Theory of Constructions (VO)
259.663 Introduction to scientific research - Online VO (VO)
251.865 Introduction to scientific work (SE)
259.045 Iterative architecture planning (VO)
259.046 Iterative architecture planning (UE)
251.901 Learning in Educational Institutions (VU)
259.098 Lecture-Exercise (VU)
260.767 Lecture Series (VO)
253.367 Logic of discovery: From fiction to architecture (VO)
259.640 Logics of Structures (VU)
253.M25 Luftbar 2 (UE)
260.917 Made in Sicily (EX)
251.222 Materialität u. Konstruktion i. d. Baudenkmalpflege (VU)
259.013 Mathematics and Physics (VU)
253.H26 Mediated Architecture (VU)
259.103 Methods course: Ethnographies of thermal comfort (VU)
251.216 Methods History of Art (VU)
264.031 Model Making II (UE)
253.H20 Modul "Building Theory" (VU)
259.322 Modul digital design and production (VU)
251.692 Module History of Art and Architecture (VU)
253.366 Modul Emerging Fields in Architecture (VU)
260.706 Module Real Estate Development and Economics (VU)
253.364 Module Spatial Design (VU)
251.691 Modul History of Architecture and Building Archaeology (VU)
253.381 Modul Housing (VO)
253.E81 Modul Kunst:Raum (VU)
259.332 Modul Meta - Architecture (VU)
259.044 Modul planning- and construction management (VU)
260.763 Modul Urban Design in Southeast Europe (VU)
257.036 Monument preservation and building renovation (UE)
259.642 Nature-inspired Structures (VO)
251.226 Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungsmethoden in der Baudenkmalpflege (VU)
264.261 Negotiation Skills (SE)
264.095 New Models of Culture and Art Production (VU)
259.025 New perspectives in healthcare design (SE)
264.179 open artistic concept and practice - urban matters (VU)
251.142 Optional Seminar in History of Architecture and Building Archaeology (SE)
251.231 Panoramic photos - the world in cinemascope (SE)
259.616 Parametric Modeling and Programming (VU)
259.632 Parametric structural design 1 (VU)
259.636 Parametric Structural Design and Optimization Processes (VU)
258.033 photography (VU)
264.120 Photography of Architecture and Models / Photography of Objects, Video (VU)
253.353 Polytope (VU)
251.681 Practical course. Art history practicals in museums and collections (UE)
253.458 Practice unit experimental membrane structures (UE)
253.498 PR for architects (VO)
253.499 PR for architects (UE)
259.047 Processes and controling of complex architectural projects (VO)
259.074 Project Courese (UE)
259.049 Projectmanagement of complex projects (UE)
260.698 Real Estate Development (VO)
260.699 Real Estate Development (UE)
259.646 Recent Research in the field of Ecology (VO)
251.678 Recent Tendencies in Architecture (VO)
251.169 Recording and presentation of arcitecture (VU)
259.089 refilling*22 - interdisziplinärer Entwurf gekoppelt mit 259.088 Entwerfen refilling*22 - interdisziplinärer Entwur (UE)
264.097 Regimes of the Visual (VU)
259.104 Research discourse: Thermal comfort from different perspectives (VU)
258.032 Scale models (UE)
259.051 Scheduling and cost planning (VO)
259.079 Schematic Logoi and Natural Philosophy: Architectonics and Climatics (SE)
259.446 Science and the quest for knowledge (SE)
253.355 Seeing Light (VO)
253.361 Seeing Light (UE)
260.765 Seeing Space (SE)
251.214 Seminar for diploma candidates - Heritage conservation (SE)
251.197 Seminar for diploma candidates (SE)
253.K72 Seminar for Diplomas, Gestaltungslehre, Pier P. Tamburelli (SE)
251.232 Seminar for diploma student in the history of arts (SE)
257.086 Seminar for diploma student in the history of arts (PV)
253.L98 Seminar for diploma students - Hochbau Konstruktion und Entwerfen (SE)
251.186 Seminar for diploma students in the history of arts, Harald R. Stühlinger (SE)
251.213 Seminar for doctoral candidates Going beyond (SE)
259.035 Seminar for Master- and Phd-Students Building Physics and Building Ecology, Orehounig (SE)
259.701 Seminar for Master- and Phd-Students FOB Building Physics and Building Ecology (Matthias SCHUSS) (SE)
259.700 Seminar for Master- and Phd-Students FOB Building Physics and Building Ecology (Ulrich PONT) (SE)
253.L83 Seminar for PhD students in Scientific Methodology (SE)
251.217 Seminar History of Art (SE)
264.213 Short Design Studio Assembling Lines (UE)
264.253 Short Design Studio Film and Architecture (UE)
253.B57 Small design studio Small design studio Intervention in Urban Spaces (Asia & Europe) (UE)
264.191 Social Learning in Ongoing Creative Processes (UE)
264.254 Sociology of Architecture (SE)
299.001 Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU)
259.054 Sondermodul Advanced Architectural Design for Social Infrastructure (VU)
259.101 Sondermodul Embodiments by robotics and AI in everyday spaces (VU)
253.351 Space and Shape (VU)
260.768 Space and Society in Time: Planning Culture in Transition (VU)
253.360 Spatial experiments (UE)
253.362 Spatial strategies (UE)
259.106 Special module Ethnographies of thermal comfort (VU)
253.H46 Spezialgebiete der Gebäudelehre (VU)
251.225 Statik historischer Baukonstruktionen & Baukonstruktive Analysen (VU)
253.356 Strategy (VO)
259.635 Structural Complexity and Design Methodologies (VU)
259.638 Structural Intervention and Integration in Existing Constructions (VU)
259.501 Substitute (VU)
253.G82 Sustainable building with renewable raw materials (VU)
253.371 Synthesis emerging fields (UE)
259.509 Talk (VO)
259.513 Tame (VO)
259.023 Technology-driven healthcare design (VU)
253.M48 Theme diploma – Daylight in Architecture (SE)
251.228 Theme diploma – MuseumsQuartier - Fischer von Erlach Wing – Heike Oevermann (SE)
253.M47 Theme diploma – Museumsquartier – Fischer von Erlach Wing – Wilfried Kuehn (SE)
253.M33 Themendiplom "Neues Wohnen im Bestand" (SE)
253.M06 Themendiplom Astrid Staufer (SE)
259.093 Themendiplom – Museumsquartier - Fischer von Erlach-Trakt – Kristina Orehounig (SE)
259.100 Theory of Technology, research and development (VO)
260.914 TU Courtyards - Grounding (UE)
260.891 TU Courtyards (UE)
259.631 Tutorium Tragwerkslehre 1 (VO)
264.094 Urban Visual Culture (VU)
259.091 Vergabewesen und Vertragsrecht (Modul: Planungs- und Baumanagement - Master Architektur) (VO)
259.095 Vision and Research (VO)
264.098 Visual Culture Module (VU)
264.132 visual strategies in architectural presentation (VU)
251.215 Werkstatt Kunstgeschichte (SE)
253.E08 Wohnen: On Site (VU)
253.H44 Wohnen: On Site | Architecture and Photography (VU)
253.G79 Wohngespräche 2 Housing Talks 2 (VU)
253.I17 Wohngespräche (VU)
259.031 Woodencity | Timber and the City (UE)
253.747 Workshop Housing Design Build (UE)
264.275 x Claiming Spaces: WHOSE FOOD? (UE)
253.E04 Zukunft des Wohnens (VO)