• Overview

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Chemical and Process Engineering (2023S)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (10)

317.530 Fundamentals in Programming for MB, WIMB and VT (VU)
163.112 Fundamentals of Chemistry (VO)
163.107 Inorganic Chemistry for Chemical Engeneering (VO)
166.686 Introduction to Chemical Engineering - Prolog (VO)
166.687 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (VU)
163.181 Laboratory technology for process engineers (SE)
104.297 Mathematics 1 for MB, WIMB and VT (VO)
104.604 Mathematics 1 for MB, WIMB and VT (UE)
307.505 Mechanical Engineering Basics for Chemical and Process Engineering (VO)
307.426 Technical Drawing/CAD (VU)

2. Semester (8)

163.183 Fundamentals of Chemistry (LU)
104.299 Mathematics 2 for MB, WIMB and VT (VO)
104.606 Mathematics 2 for MB, WIMB and VT (UE)
325.092 Mechanics of solid bodies 1 (VO)
309.025 Mechanics of solid bodies for chemical engineers - exercises 1 (UE)
163.123 Organic Chemistry for Chemical Engineers (VO)
311.123 Physics for MB (VO) [6]
307.427 Technical Drawing/CAD Engineering Training (UE)

3. Semester (8)

302.671 Fundamentals in Thermodynamics (VU)
370.059 Fundamentals of electrical engineering (VT) (VO)
308.862 Materials Science of Metallic Materials (VO)
104.618 Mathematics 3 for MB, WIMB and VT (VU)
301.058 Mechanics of solid bodies for chemical engineers 2 (VU) [1]
152.003 Physical chemistry for VT (VO)
164.340 Physical Chemistry for VT Calc Lab (UE) [49]
166.216 project management for chemical engineering (VO)

4. Semester (9)

302.696 Applied Thermodynamics (VU)
159.478 Chem.Appwes.I (VO)
164.211 Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials for Chemical Engineers (VO)
163.133 Chemical Technology of organic materials for process engineers (VO) [10]
322.048 Fundamentals in Fluid Mechanics (VU)
372.041 Fundamentals of electrical engineering (Process and Chemical Engineering) (LU)
308.863 Materials Science of Steels (VO)
308.861 Material Testing 1 (LU)
158.076 Übungen I aus physikal. Chemie f. Verfahrenstechn. (LU)

5. Semester (7)

329.020 Basics of Pressure Vessel and Plant Technology (VU)
166.037 Chemical Process Engineering (VO)
325.038 Fundamentals of Automatic Control (VU)
322.082 Heat and Mass Transfer 1 (VU)
325.110 Process Measurement (VU)
319.032 Singlephase and Multiphase Flows (VU) [6]
159.731 Thermische Verfahrenstechnik (VO)

6. Semester (6)

166.600 Bachelorarbeit (PA)
302.088 Bachelor thesis (PA)
166.688 Chemical Engineering Calculations (UE)
163.132 Preparative Laboratory for Chemical Engineers (LU)
302.058 Thermohydraulic Systems (VO)
159.808 Verfahrenstechnik Labor (LU)

7. Semester (9)

164.183 Analytical Principles and Measurement Techniques (VO)
166.716 Basics of process development and life cycle assessment (VO)
164.181 Chemical Technology - Inorganic Industrial Chemistry (VO)
302.063 Design and calculation of thermal equipment (UE)
308.098 Fügetechnik (VO)
325.001 Prcess Control (VU)
329.024 Pressure Vessel Technology (VO)
325.062 Stochastics (VU)

8. Semester (13)

159.500 Chem.App.Wes.II (VO)
166.173 Chemical Engineering 2, Laboratory (LU)
164.180 Chemical Technology - Metallurgy (VO)
164.179 Chemical Technology II (VO)
302.682 Equipment for Thermal Energy 1 (VO)
322.063 Heat and Mass Transfer 2 (VU) [1]
166.728 Introduction to Technology Assessemnt and Sustainable Development Goals (SE)
308.860 Material Science of Non-metalic Materials (VO)
308.117 Plastics Processing (VO)
307.468 Pressure Vessel Technology - Design Work (UE)
307.470 Safety Engineering for Chemical Engineering (VO)
159.995 Therm. Verfahrenstechnik II (VO)
302.687 Thermal Equipment 1 (UE)

9. Semester (2)

330.229 Cost Accounting (VU) [5]
166.717 LCA in Process Systems Engineering (VU)

Without semester recommendation (168)

225.008 Abfallwirtschaft Exkursion (EX)
302.064 Advanced and alternative energy systems (SE)
302.699 Advanced and Alternative Energy Systems (LU)
153.024 Advanced Glassblowing (UE)
317.536 Advanced Material Models for Structural Analysis (VO)
302.720 Advanced Systems for Power Generation (VO)
166.184 air pollution control techniques (VO)
317.544 Application of Finite Element Methods (UE)
322.047 Applied Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (LU)
166.198 Applied modelling in process engineering and energy technology (VO)
141.399 Archaeometry: physical methods of dating (SV)
128.028 Astronomy - an Overview (VU)
120.048 Astronomy (UE)
322.074 Asymptotic Methods of Fluid Mechanics (VU)
311.092 Automation and Drives (VO)
302.719 Automation for Thermal Engineering (LU)
302.017 Basics of computational fluid- and thermodynamics (VO)
166.218 Basics of Stem Cell Technology (VO)
164.023 Bio-electrochemistry (VO)
166.157 Biochemical Engineering - Downstream processing (VO)
172.695 Biochemie I (VO)
166.681 Biochemistry (SE) [1]
226.037 Biology and Chemistry of Water Quality Management (VO)
166.061 Bioprocess Engineering (VO)
166.164 Bioprocess Engineering (LU)
166.158 Bioprocess Engineering Calculation Exercises (RU) [24]
166.641 Biotechnology for Process Engineers (LU)
322.029 Boundary layer theory (VO)
159.830 Brennstofftechnologie (VO)
307.514 bulk material simulation (VU)
322.057 Calculating Turbulent Flows with CFD-Codes (UE)
166.725 Case Studies in Process Design (UE)
164.366 Ceramic Materials Engineering (VO)
166.213 Chemical Engineering of Waste Treatment (EX)
166.065 Chemical Process Engineering Laboratory (LU)
163.156 Chemical technology of renewable resources (VO)
163.171 Chemistry and Society (VO)
164.301 Coating technologies (VO)
166.049 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of Separation Processes (VO)
166.690 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of Separation Processes Exercise (UE)
166.119 Consumer Products in Food Chemistry (VO)
307.434 Continuous Handling Equipments (VO)
164.035 Corrosion (VO)
015.100 Creativity Engineering (VO)
166.666 Crude oil processing and products (VO)
308.130 Damage analyses (VU)
302.731 Design- and Operational Optimization (VU)
166.643 Design and assessment of sustainable processes (VO)
325.017 Digital Control (UE)
328.011 Digital Control (VO)
322.062 Dimensional Analysis (VO)
166.170 Dust Separation (VO)
307.440 Ecodesign, Sustainable Product Development (SE)
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
164.288 Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Energy Storage (VO)
164.273 electronic - cafe 1 (VU) [24]
164.274 electronic - cafe 2 (VU) [12]
164.275 electronic - cafe 3 (VU)
164.203 Emission and Ambient Air Analytics (VO)
166.044 Energy and Fuel Technology (LU)
302.733 Energy Systems Modeling (VO)
302.734 Energy Systems Modeling (UE)
308.868 Engineering Materials (VO)
302.689 Equipment for Thermal Energy 2 (VO)
164.287 European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [6]
164.352 Excursion Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials (EX)
301.038 Exercises in Mechanics 3 (UE)
302.643 Exkursion zu Wärmetechnischen Anlagen (EX)
166.068 Facultative technological laboratory (LU)
159.068 Fiber Technology and Fiber Processing (VO)
203.061 Fieldtrip applied petrology (EX)
325.095 Finite Element for Multi-Physics I (VU)
166.676 Fluidization Technology (LU)
166.177 Food Chemistry and Food Technology (VO)
060.015 Foundations of scientific work (VU)
166.043 Fuel and Energy Technology (SE)
317.016 Fundamentals of Finite Element Methods and other Methods in Computational Structural Mechanics (VO) [6]
322.061 Fundamentals of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics (UE) [4]
322.075 Gas dynamics and Aerodynamics (VU)
153.164 Glasblasen UE (UE)
164.164 High Performance Ceramics (VO)
328.032 Identifikation - Experimentelle Modellbildung (VO)
159.073 Industrial seminar (SE)
166.212 Introduction to Biotechnology and Bioengineering (VO)
136.026 Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3]
302.732 Introduction to Industrial Energy Systems and Digital Methods (VO)
164.096 laboratory chemical technology (LU)
226.058 Laborübung Ressourcenmanagement und Abfallwirtschaft (LU)
188.383 Leadership Competency Coaching 1 (SE)
370.070 Lectures for Future - from different disciplines (VO)
308.869 Life cycle of materials (VU)
317.552 Lightweight Design with Fiber-Reinforced-Polymers (VU)
166.684 Material Biomass utilisation (VO)
138.053 Material Science (VO)
307.429 Materials Handling and Transport Technology (VO)
308.867 Materials Processing (SE)
164.161 Materials Science (VO)
308.118 Materials Selection (PA)
308.878 Materials Selection (VO)
308.128 Materials Testing (VU)
301.036 Mechanics 3 (VO)
166.654 Membrane Technology (VO)
166.653 Methods for the separation and concentration of chemicals (separation technology) (LU)
141.A41 Metrology (VU)
302.022 Modelling and Simulation of Thermodynamic Processes (VO)
317.545 Modelling with Finite Element Methods (VO)
317.535 Nonlinear Finite Element Methods (VO)
317.537 Nonlinear Finite Element Methods (UE)
302.042 Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics (VO)
317.556 Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 (VU)
322.083 Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 (VU)
302.044 Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics (UE)
302.074 Numerical Process Simulation of Thermal Power Plants (VU)
166.720 Optimisation in Process Systems Engineering (VU)
166.659 Particle Measurement Technology (VO)
166.605 Pharmaceutical Process technology (VO)
173.409 Phytochemie (VO)
206.272 Pipeline Engineering (VO)
302.061 Pollution control at thermal power systems (VU)
308.107 Polymers for Special Applications (VO)
164.163 Powder Metallurgy and Sintered Materials (VO)
164.170 Powder Metallurgy and Sintered Materials II (VO)
329.023 Pressure Equipment - Modell and Admissiblity Analysis (VU)
166.657 Primary Natural Products from Plants (VO)
164.316 Process Analytical Chemistry (VO)
166.721 Process Intesification (VO)
166.219 Process Simulation (RU) [6]
166.038 Process Simulation Basics (VO)
166.670 Progress in Wood Biotechnology (SE)
307.463 Project Work Eco-Design/Sustainable Product Development (PR)
302.701 Project Work Thermal Engineering Design (PR)
141.295 Radiochemie I (SV)
166.042 Reaction Engineering and Combustion (VO)
265.045 Rechtsfragen des Umweltschutzes (VO)
164.298 Recycling (VO)
166.154 Refinery Technology and Fluidized Bed Systems (VO)
302.723 Refrigeration (VO)
355.674 Removal and recycling in electrical engineering (VO)
166.679 Resource Management (VO)
226.054 Resource Management (VU)
352.490 Rhetoric, expression and argumentation (SE)
040.003 Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (SE)
040.004 Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (VU)
225.032 Seminar Resources and Waste Management (SE)
302.718 Smart Industrial Concept (VO)
325.019 State space control of MIMO systems (VU)
325.064 Strength of Materials (VU)
166.718 Systematic Methods in Process Design (VU)
166.685 Technical Microscopy (VL)
164.216 Technische Elektrochemie VO (VO)
166.070 Technological Practice (LU)
164.004 Technology of hard and superhard materials (VO)
166.220 Thermal Biomass Utilization (VO)
302.033 Thermal Engineering, laboratory exercise (LU)
302.688 Thermal Engineering (SE)
226.056 Thermische Abfallverwertung (VO)
302.034 Thermodynamics in power engineering (VO)
302.048 Thermodynamics in power engineering (UE)
302.691 Thermodynamics of Advanced and Alternative Energy Conversion Methods (VU)
322.071 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (VO)
322.072 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (UE)
322.058 Turbulent flows (VO)
317.017 Tutorial Introduction to Finite Elements (UE)
164.038 Umweltchemie und Analytik (LU)
164.052 Umweltchemie und Analytik (VO)
166.649 Urban Mining (VO)
161.017 Werkstoffkundliche Untersuchungsmethoden (VO)
159.220 Wirbelschichttechnik (VO)