• Overview

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Civil Engineering (2024W)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (8)

207.015 Building Materials (VU)
206.329 building mechanics (VO)
226.024 Chemistry for Civil Engineers (VO) [43]
234.994 Construction Economy and Construction Project Management 1 (VO)
220.001 Geology (VU) [40]
200.271 Introductory to Civil Engineering Study (SE)
104.289 Mathematics (UE) [10]
102.074 Mathematics 1 (VO)

2. Semester (6)

242.022 EDP in Civil Engineering (SE)
222.564 Hydraulic (VO) [18]
104.409 Mathematics 2 for CE (UE) [5]
206.330 mechanics 1 (VO)
206.331 mechanics 1 (UE)
225.023 Urban Metabolism (VU) [18]

3. Semester (11)

242.023 CAD in Civil Engineering (SE)
222.538 Engineering Hydrology (VO)
222.539 Engineering Hydrology (UE) [2]
120.070 Geodesy for Civil Engineering (VU)
222.540 Hydraulic Engineering and Hydraulic Structures (VO)
222.565 Hydraulic Engineering and Hydraulic Structures (UE)
206.332 mechanics 2 (VO)
202.664 Strength of Materials (VO)
202.665 Strength of Materials (UE)
226.026 Water Quality Management (VO)
226.062 Water Quality Management (UE) [2]

4. Semester (4)

232.518 Railway engineering (UE) [11]
202.065 Structural analysis - statics 1 (VO)
202.066 Structural analysis - statics 1 (UE)
231.029 Traffic planning (VU)

5. Semester (6)

212.022 Concrete Structures - Practical Applications (UE) [27]
234.012 Cost Planning and Scheduling (VO) [45]
213.009 Steel constructions (VO)
212.021 Structural Concrete (VO)
206.334 Structural Systems (VO)
202.652 Timber Engineering (VU)

6. Semester (3)

200.272 bachelor thesis (SE)
206.099 Building Construction CE (UE)
213.010 Steel constructions (UE)

9. Semester (4)

231.028 Methods and Models in Settlement and Transport Planning (VU) [1]
232.032 Public transport (VO)
232.029 Railway-simulation (SE)
231.440 Raumplanung und Raumordnung (VO)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (237)

225.008 Abfallwirtschaft Exkursion (EX)
226.055 Abfallwirtschaft und Entsorgungstechnik (VU)
230.030 Active Mobility - Cycling and Walking in the City (RV)
230.023 Airfields (VO)
234.166 Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre (VO)
226.049 Anaerobic Wastewater and Sludge Treatment (VO)
203.687 Angewandte Felsmechanik (EX)
230.021 Application of computers in design and construction of traffic routes (SE)
208.004 Applications of structural dynamics in building and bridge construction (VO)
203.098 Applied rock mechanics (VO)
230.056 Applied system dynamics modelling in transport (VU)
230.001 Barrier-free transportation planning in the public space (VU)
201.089 Basics in Mathematics (SE)
201.088 Basics of Physics 1 (SE)
234.167 Behördenverfahren - öffentliches Recht für Bauingenieure (SE)
226.037 Biology and Chemistry of Water Quality Management (VO)
220.024 Blasting practice (UE)
220.029 Bodendynamik (VO)
212.461 Bridge Construction (VU)
206.101 Building Construction 2 (VU)
206.289 Building Physics 2 - Lecture and Lab Practice (VU)
210.013 Built Examples (SE)
210.015 Business Administration Basics for Real Estate Development for Civil Engineers (VO)
242.024 CAD in Building Construction (SE)
242.025 CAD in Structural Engineering (SE)
212.467 Concrete Bridges (VU)
234.153 Construction methods in building construction and TGA Basics (VU)
234.150 Construction Process I (SE)
234.151 Construction Process II (SE)
210.019 Demand planning in the AEC industry (SE)
226.057 Deponietechnik und Altlastensanierung (VO)
230.051 Diplomandensemianr (SE)
210.016 Diplomandenseminar (SE)
232.035 Diploma thesis seminar for railway engineering and economics of transport (SE)
234.100 Dissertantenseminar (SE)
221.015 Doctorand's Seminar (SE)
226.047 Drinking Water Treatment (VO)
207.031 Ecological Building Technologies 2 (VU)
226.048 Ecology (SE)
222.087 Embankment Dam Engineering (VO)
311.188 Energy and Resource-Efficient Production – Basics (VO)
206.193 Energy Efficient Buildings (VO)
311.160 Energy Efficient Production (VU)
202.019 Engineering Biochemoporomechanics (VO)
202.024 Engineering Biochemoporomechanics (UE)
222.570 Engineering Hydrology 2 (VU)
202.666 Engineering Mechanics (VU)
226.059 Environmental Assessment (VU)
230.060 Ethics and technology (series of lectures) (RV)
222.118 Exclusive tutorial for master candidates (SE)
222.125 Exclusive tutorial for master candidates (SE)
222.119 Exclusive tutorial for PhD candidates (SE)
225.010 excursion 2 - waste management (EX)
210.022 Excursion building construction (EX)
207.002 Excursion Ecological Building Technologies (EX)
202.071 Excursion Timber Engineering (EX)
222.541 Excursion water resources management (EX)
202.058 Experimental determination of the mechanical properties of biological tissues (LU)
202.044 Experimental Methods for Analysis of Deformations (VU)
206.299 Experimental Methods in Structural Dynamics (VU)
231.043 Field trip transport planning (SE)
220.015 Finite Difference Modelling in Geoengineering (VU)
202.660 Finite Element Methods 2 (VU)
202.653 Finite Elements Methods (VU)
207.020 Fire risk management 1 (SE)
207.024 Fire risk management 2 (SE)
207.012 Foundations of Building Science (VU)
206.192 Fracture Mechanics in Civil Engineering (VO)
222.563 Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Dams Fracture Mechanics of Concrete Dams (VO)
226.052 Freshwater quality and ecology (VO)
206.072 Gas metal arc welding (LU)
220.043 Geothermal Energy (VU)
222.579 Groundwater resources and modelling (VU)
210.021 Heat Reductive Structural Systems (UE)
207.021 Hybrid Structures and Joining Technology (SE)
222.581 Hydrometry (VU)
210.007 Industrial Building (VU)
330.285 Industrial Information Systems (VO)
330.286 Industrial Information Systems (UE)
210.009 Integrated BIM Design Lab (SE)
210.008 Integrated Planning (SE)
230.057 Interdisciplinary seminar sustainable mobility (SE)
210.020 Interoperability in digital planning (SE)
058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management (VU)
206.320 Introduction to formal basics of civil engineering (VO)
234.159 Kalkulation und Kostenrechnung im Baubetrieb (VU)
222.573 Konstruktiver Wasserbau 2 (VU)
222.574 Konstruktiver Wasserbau 3 (VO)
226.044 Laboratory Tutorial Wastewater Treatment (LU) [3]
226.058 Laborübung Ressourcenmanagement und Abfallwirtschaft (LU)
210.023 Machine Learning for the Built Environment (VU)
206.287 Maintenance and restoration of buildings (VU) [4]
206.319 Masonry Engineering in New Buildings (SE)
207.025 materials and algorithms (SE)
230.062 Material Science of viscoelastic, organic construction materials (LU)
104.391 Mathematics 3 BI (VU) [8]
202.057 Mechanical properties of biological tissue (VO)
242.027 Mediativ competence in Civil Engineering Practice 2 (SE)
206.174 Metallic materials 1 (VO)
206.318 Metallic Materials 2 (VO)
206.091 Metallic Materials With Excursion (SE)
231.028 Methods and Models in Settlement and Transport Planning (VU) [1]
212.010 Modelling and Analysis of Structural Concrete (VO)
222.580 Modelling and simulation methods in water resource systems (VU)
212.027 Modelling of steel structures (VU)
222.569 Modelling of water in soil (VU)
210.001 Multidisciplinary Planning (UE)
202.649 Multiscale Material Modeling (VO)
202.650 Multiscale Material Modeling (UE)
230.042 National and European Transport Policies (VO)
210.011 Parametric Tools for Structural BIM Design (SE)
206.272 Pipeline Engineering (VO)
210.002 Planning processes with BIM (VU)
210.014 Practice report Innovative Construction (SE)
242.016 Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
242.017 Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
207.030 Privatissimum Building Materials (PV)
230.059 Privatissimum Pavement Engineering (PV)
242.031 Programming in Civil Engineering (SE)
232.038 Projectseminar Public Transport (SE)
207.001 Project Theory and Simulation - Ecological Building Technologies (PR)
235.731 Project Work Building Process Management Digital Building Process (PR)
210.010 Project work in Building- and Industrial Construction (PR)
202.667 Project Work Structures - Simulation of Materials and Structures (PA)
202.668 Project Work Structures - Strength of Materials and Computational Mechanics (PA)
202.670 Project Work Theory and Simulation - Simulation of Materials and Structures (PA)
202.669 Project Work Theory and Simulation - Strength of Materials and Computational Mechanics (PA)
226.040 Project Work Water and Resources - Water Quality Management (PA)
234.147 Projektarbeit Bauprozessmanagement - Baubetrieb und Bauverfahrenstechnik (PR)
234.148 Projektarbeit Bauprozessmanagement - Bauwirtschaft und Baumanagement (PA)
220.032 Projektarbeit Geotechnik - Grundbau, Boden- und Felsmechanik (PR)
220.031 Projektarbeit Geotechnik - Ingenieurgeologie (PR)
206.337 Projektarbeit Theorie und Simulation - Baumechanik (PR)
206.336 Projektarbeit Theorie und Simulation - Bauphysik und Schallschutz (PA)
206.339 Projektarbeit Theorie und Simulation - Baustofflehre, Werkstofftechnologie und Brandsicherheit (PA)
212.470 Projektarbeit Theorie und Simulation - Stahlbeton- und Massivbau (PA)
206.335 Projektarbeit Tragwerke - Baustofflehre, Werkstofftechnologie und Brandsicherheit (PA)
259.476 Projektarbeit Tragwerke - Resource Efficient Structural Design and Timber Engineering (PR)
212.469 Projektarbeit Tragwerke - Stahlbau (PR)
212.468 Projektarbeit Tragwerke - Stahlbeton- und Massivbau (PA)
206.338 Projektarbeit Tragwerke Hochbaukonstruktionen und Gebäudeerhaltung (PR)
230.035 Projektarbeit Verkehr und Mobilität - Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrswirtschaft (PR)
230.036 Projektarbeit Verkehr und Mobilität - Straßenwesen (PA)
230.034 Projektarbeit Verkehr und Mobilität - Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik (PA)
226.041 Projektarbeit Wasser und Ressourcen - Abfallwirtschaft und Ressourcenmanagement (PR)
222.567 Projektarbeit Wasser und Ressourcen - Wasserbau (PA)
230.026 Public Transport (SE)
230.031 Public Transport (RV)
232.010 Public transport (SE)
232.032 Public transport (VO)
206.265 Quality Management 1 (SE)
232.029 Railway-simulation (SE)
230.039 Railway Engineering 2 (VO)
231.440 Raumplanung und Raumordnung (VO)
206.324 Refurbishment of buildings (VO)
231.041 Research seminar for diploma thesis (SE)
226.054 Resource Management (VU)
222.566 Risikobewertung im Bauingenieurwesen (VU) [6]
230.018 Road construction excursion (EX)
230.016 Road operations (VO)
230.044 Road Pavement Materials (VO)
220.000 Rock Engineering and Tunneling (VO)
234.089 Safety and environment protection at building sites (SE)
222.050 Selected Topics in Hydraulic Structures (VO)
221.016 Seminar for Diplomands in Ground Engineering (SE)
222.151 Seminar for diploma students (SE)
206.298 Seminar for Diploma Thesis Students (SE)
207.003 seminar for diploma thesis students (SE)
207.009 Seminar for Master students (SE)
230.019 seminar for master students (SE)
202.040 Seminar for PhD or Diploma Thesis Students (SE)
212.039 Seminar for PhD or Diploma Thesis Students (SE)
202.056 Seminar for PhD Students (SE)
206.163 Seminar for PhD students (SE)
207.004 Seminar for PhD students (SE)
207.010 Seminar for PhD students (SE)
212.037 Seminar for PhD students (SE)
230.022 seminar for PhD students (SE)
230.052 seminar for PhD students (SE)
234.130 seminar for PhD students (SE)
259.492 Seminar for PhD Students (SE)
232.005 Seminar Hochleistungsbahnen (SE)
210.017 Seminar on dissertation (SE)
230.029 Seminar on dissertation (SE)
230.048 Seminar on dissertation (SE)
231.040 Seminar on dissertation (SE)
230.047 Seminar on master thesis (SE)
230.061 Seminar on master thesis (SE)
231.039 Seminar on master thesis (SE)
231.013 Seminar on Transport Planning (SE)
206.131 Seminar PhD students (SE)
225.039 Seminar Resources Management (Master Students) (SE)
225.041 Seminar Resources Management (PhD Students) (SE)
226.039 Seminar series water quality management (SE)
234.986 Seminar with field trips to construction sites (SE)
231.001 Seminar zur Verkehrsplanung (SE)
206.307 SE Researsch seminar (SE)
206.073 Shielded metal arc welding (LU)
221.005 Soil mechanics and ground engineering 2 (LU)
206.290 Sound Insulation and Room Acoustics (VU)
200.267 Specialised relevant practice (SE)
220.033 Spezialtiefbau (inkl. Injektionstechnik) (VO)
220.019 Stability Problems in Rock Engineering (SE)
230.046 Straßenbautechnisches Laborpraktikum (LU)
230.041 Straßenplanung und Umweltschutz (VO)
202.068 Structural analysis - static 2 (VU)
206.301 Structural Dynamics (VO)
206.051 Structural Fire Protection (VO)
212.472 Structures and Form (VU)
230.053 System analysis, strategic planning and policy modelling with system dynamics (VU)
222.575 Talsperren (VO)
220.038 Technical visit (EX)
200.275 Teilnahme an fachspezifischen Summer Schools, Konferenzen und internationalen Workshops (SE)
200.276 Teilnahme an fachspezifischen Summer Schools, Konferenzen und internationalen Workshops 2 (SE)
234.992 the developer in the real estate industry (SE)
226.056 Thermische Abfallverwertung (VO)
202.658 Thin-Walled Structures Theory (VU)
202.657 Timber Engineering 2 (VU)
230.037 Transport- und Siedlungswesen (VO)
230.043 Transport- und Siedlungswesen (UE)
232.016 Transport Economics (SE)
234.074 tunnelling methods (VU) [13]
226.017 Tutorial for diploma thesis (SE)
226.018 Tutorial for PhD Candidates (SE)
231.137 Umwelthygiene (VO)
230.038 Verkehrsträger- und Mobilitätsmanagement (VO)
222.577 Verkehrswasserbau (VO)
222.047 Wasserbau-Exkursionen (EX)
222.578 Wasserbauliches Versuchswesen (VU)
222.571 Wasserwirtschaft und Flussgebietsmanagement (VO)
226.043 Wastewater Treatment (VO)
226.045 Water and River Basin Management (UE) [1]
206.273 Welding and Joining Technology 1 (VO)
206.274 Welding and Joining Technology 2 (VO)
206.317 Welding Applications (SE)
206.092 Welding Technology With Excursion (SE)
220.036 Übungen zu Ingenieurgeologie (UE) [3]