• Overview

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Electrical Engineering (2024W)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (11)

384.193 Digital Systems (VO)
384.194 Digital Systems (UE)
363.014 Electrical Engineering 1 (VO)
363.015 Electrical Engineering 1 (UE)
101.998 Higher Mathematics 1 for Summer Semester Entrants (VO)
101.A02 Higher Mathematics 1 for Summer Semester Entrants (UE)
360.058 Introduction to Scientific Programming (VU)
101.679 Mathematics 1 for Electrical Engineering (VO)
101.680 Mathematics 1 for Electrical Engineering (UE) [1]
350.002 Orientation ETIT (VU)
360.049 Scientific programming (VU)

2. Semester (3)

101.682 Mathematics 2 for Electrical Engineering (VO) [6]
101.683 Mathematics 2 for Electrical Engineering (UE) [3]
360.050 Object-oriented programming (VU)

3. Semester (8)

366.110 Materials for electrical engineering (LU)
101.686 Mathematics 3 for Electrical Engineering (UE)
101.685 Mathematik 3 für ET (VO) [6]
376.045 Measurement and Instrumentation (VU) [20]
384.173 Microcomputer (VU)
362.129 Semiconductor Physics (VU)
351.018 Technology and Society (VO)
387.098 Zeitkontinuierliche Signale und Systeme (VU)

4. Semester (5)

360.051 Electrodynamics (VU)
362.072 Electronic Devices (VU) [56]
376.093 Mathematical Modelling (VU)
384.996 Microcomputer Laboratory (LU)
389.055 Signals and Systems 2 (VU) [57]

5. Semester (6)

376.092 Automation (VU)
370.015 Electrical Machines and Drives (VU) [5]
362.128 Labcourse on semiconductor electronics (LU)
376.091 Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory (LU)
387.096 Photonics (VO)
389.232 Wave Propagation (VU)

6. Semester (15)

354.995 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
360.054 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
360.220 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
362.133 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
363.001 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
366.072 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
370.005 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
376.038 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
384.167 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
384.997 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
387.064 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
389.139 Bachelor Thesis and Seminar (PR)
101.938 Bachelor Thesis with Seminar - Selected Topics in Mathematics (PR)
366.111 Communication and presentation (UE)
389.231 Telecommunications (VU)

7. Semester (18)

354.026 Analog Integrated Circuits (VU)
376.079 Control Systems (VO)
384.086 Digital Integrated Circuits (VU) [3]
370.027 Electrical Drives (VU)
373.010 Energy economics (VU) [4]
376.078 Foundations of Robotics (VU)
376.087 Industrial Automation (VU)
362.088 Integrated circuits (VU)
376.081 Machine Vision (VU)
362.143 Materialien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO)
376.050 Mechatronic Systems (VU) [11]
387.087 Photonics 2 (VU)
372.033 Power electronics (VU)
370.026 Power Plants (VO)
370.089 Power transmission and distribution (VO)
362.144 Prozesstechnologien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO)
360.227 Quantum Electronics (VO)
370.035 Renewable Power Systems (VU)

8. Semester (4)

360.033 Device Modeling (VU)
376.051 Mechatronic Systems Laboratory (LU)
350.004 Responsible Research Practice (VU)
362.084 Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE)

9. Semester (3)

376.080 Control Systems (LU)
376.058 Optimization (VU) [3]
370.035 Renewable Power Systems (VU)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (280)

360.060 Course not found ()
366.087 Actuators (VO)
372.750 Advanced course - Electrical drive engineering (VU)
354.064 Advanced Course Circuit Design (VU)
376.030 Advanced Methods in Control Theory for PhD-Students (SE)
376.064 Advanced Methods in Mathematical Modeling (VU)
376.066 Advanced Methods in Mechatronics and Instrumentation for PhD-Students (SE)
376.065 Advanced Methods in Nonlinear Control (VU)
354.060 Advanced RF Techniques (VU)
389.168 Advanced Wireless Communications 1 (VO)
389.172 Advanced Wireless Communications 2 (VO)
389.177 Advanced Wireless Communications 3 (VO)
383.024 Akustische Oberflächenwellenfilter und -Sensoren (VO)
186.814 Algorithmics (VU)
360.055 Analysis, Evaluation, and Optimization of Computer Programs (PR)
164.381 Anatomy and Histology (VO)
192.032 Applied Deep Learning (VU)
194.077 Applied Deep Learning (VU)
186.102 Approximation Algorithms (VU)
371.497 Ausgew. Syst.Techn.Meth. d. El.En.Versg. (VO)
360.010 Ausgewählte Kapitel der Halbleitertechnologie für Diss. (SE)
164.023 Bio-electrochemistry (VO)
166.221 Bioinformatics for Biomedical Engineers (VO)
166.142 Biology (VO) [2]
363.008 Biomedical Sensors and Signals (VO)
362.177 Biophysics (VO)
166.061 Bioprocess Engineering (VO)
164.268 Biosensors and bioprocess analytics (VO)
371.827 Blitzschutz (VO)
389.190 Centimeter and Millimeter Waves (PR)
354.065 Circuit Design (SE)
185.416 Code Generators (VO)
389.158 Communication Networks 1 (VO)
389.052 Computer Aided RF Circuit Design (PR)
384.086 Digital Integrated Circuits (VU) [3]
376.076 Doctoral Thesis Seminar (SE)
370.086 Doubly fed induction machine drives (VL)
389.083 DSP Seminar (SE)
370.083 Dynamics of Rotating Machines (VO)
370.077 Economics of Electricity Generation from Hydropower (VU)
370.027 Electrical Drives (VU)
372.027 Electrical vehicles and railways (VU)
164.288 Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Energy Storage (VO)
164.256 Electrochemical investigation methods (VO)
164.365 Electrochemical Materials and Devices (VO)
362.160 Electron Devices for Informatics (VO)
362.041 Electronic properties of nanostructures (SE)
370.030 EMC-optimized Circuit Design (VO)
360.230 Emerging Devices (SE)
362.172 Emerging Devices in Power Applications (VU)
360.231 Emerging memory and logic devices (VO)
370.055 Energy economics in transport (VO)
370.080 Energy Network Economics (VU)
360.238 Experimental Device Characterization in Microelectronics (SE)
354.007 for doctoral students (PV)
185.291 Formal Methods in Computer Science (VO) [26]
330.284 Fundamentals of assembly planning and design (VO)
362.124 Fundamentals of Chemistry for Micro- and Nanoengineers (VU)
354.092 Fundamentals of THz Techniques (VO)
194.154 Generative AI (VU)
362.028 Halbleiter-Nauostrukturen (SE)
362.145 Heterostructures for Nanoelectronics and Photonics (VU)
192.137 Heuristic Optimization Techniques (VU)
370.093 High dynamic control of induction machines (LU)
370.088 High voltage technology (VO)
193.085 Human Robot Interaction (VU)
182.700 HW/SW Codesign (VU)
182.701 HW/SW Codesign (LU)
389.243 Indoor and outdoor visible Light communication (VO)
384.188 Information Technology in Smart Grids (VU)
389.241 Information Theory and its Application for Communication Engineering (VO)
384.198 Intelligent Robotics Seminar for PhD students (SE)
389.033 Internationales Seminar Mobile Kommunikation (SE)
350.005 Internship (PR)
350.006 Internship (PR)
164.343 Introduction to Biostatistics (VO)
354.096 Introduction to THz Techniques (VO)
362.075 Labcourse on ion beam techniques (PR)
362.060 Labcourse on silicon technology (PR)
366.088 Lab Microsystems Technology (UE)
389.204 Machine Learning Algorithms (VU)
376.081 Machine Vision (VU)
376.082 Manipulation and Locomotion (VU)
362.154 Materialien, Prozesse und Technologien der Photonik (VU)
362.143 Materialien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO)
366.086 Materials, processes and technologies for MEMS (VU)
362.152 Materials, processes and technologies og microelectronics (VU)
101.555 Mathematical Methods of Modelling and Simulation (VO)
101.556 Mathematical Methods of Modelling and Simulation (UE)
202.647 Mathematical Systems Biology (VO)
376.067 Measurement Equipment - an introduction (LU)
376.099 Mechatronics and Robotics Project (VU)
376.050 Mechatronic Systems (VU) [11]
376.051 Mechatronic Systems Laboratory (LU)
360.229 Methods of Calculating in Quantum Electronics (LU)
366.090 Micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (VO)
366.093 Micro- and Nanofluidics (VO)
366.094 Micro- and Nanosensors (SE)
360.234 Microelectronic Reliability (SE)
360.233 Microelectronic Relibility: Devices (VU)
362.155 Mikro- & nanoelektronische & optische Bauelemente (SE)
389.206 Mobile Digital Communications (VO)
183.660 Mobile Robotics (VU)
166.619 Modeling and Methods in Bioprocess Development (VO)
387.043 Modern solid-state lasers: principles and applications (VO)
387.078 Nano-Photonics (VO)
354.069 Nanoelectronic Circuits (SE)
362.148 Nanoelectronics (VU)
376.052 Nanometrology (VU)
362.147 Nanostructuring of low domenional systems (VU)
389.160 Network Security - Advanced Topics (VU)
389.159 Network Security (VU)
354.091 New Development in THz Electronics and Photonics (SE)
362.046 New mechanismn for solid state THz source (VO)
376.084 Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Control (VO)
376.085 Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Control (LU)
370.078 Numerical analysis of electrical machines (UE)
372.028 Numerical analysis of electrical machines and devices (VU)
182.737 Operating Systems (for Electrical Engineering) (VO)
376.053 Optical Metrology (VU)
376.086 Optimization-Based Control Methods (VU)
376.058 Optimization (VU) [3]
354.066 Optoelectronic integrated circuits (VO)
184.727 Parallel Algorithms (VU)
389.119 Parameter Estimation Methods (VO)
354.078 PhD-student seminar (PV)
354.083 PhD-student seminar (PV)
362.050 PhD students (PV)
389.045 phd student seminar (PV)
387.077 Photonics-Vert. (VU)
387.096 Photonics (VO)
387.087 Photonics 2 (VU)
164.379 Physiology and Basics of Pathology (VO)
372.033 Power electronics (VU)
370.106 Power Electronics Systems Scientific Review (SE)
370.026 Power Plants (VO)
370.097 Power Systems Laboratory Phase-to-Ground-Failures in transmission networks, measurements on power protection devices, protection devices against dangerous body currents, power quality, high voltage testing of disconnector (UE)
370.089 Power transmission and distribution (VO)
360.024 Private course for PhD students (PV)
360.056 Private course for PhD students (PV)
360.235 Private course for PhD students (PV)
360.257 Private course for PhD students (PV)
384.150 Private Seminar for PhD students (PV)
362.158 Privatissimum for diploma students (PV)
366.058 Privatissimum for dissertants (PV)
384.151 Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV)
387.041 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
360.014 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
371.486 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
372.724 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
382.006 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
389.109 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
389.116 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV)
389.125 Privatissimum für Dissertanten (SE)
389.239 Probabilistic Machine Learning (VO)
362.178 Processing chemistry for Micro- and Nanoelectronics (VU)
360.232 Process Reliability in Microelectronics (VU)
184.703 Program Analysis (VU)
353.030 Project Work in Photonics for Physicists (PA)
362.092 Project Work Semiconductor Technology (PR)
362.144 Prozesstechnologien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO)
360.227 Quantum Electronics (VO)
360.228 Quantum Electronics Absorption (VU)
383.017 Recent developments in optics (SE)
353.259 Rechenübung zu Leistungselektronik-Teil B (RU)
371.728 Rechnermethoden i.d.elektr.En.Versorgung (VO)
355.674 Removal and recycling in electrical engineering (VO)
370.060 Renewable Energy Power Electronic Converters (VO)
370.035 Renewable Power Systems (VU)
382.012 Research Projects in Advanced Signal Processing (SE)
376.094 Research seminar for PhD students (PV)
354.058 RF Techniques (VU) [4]
384.195 Robot Learning (VU)
376.056 Robot Vision: Industry and Research (VU)
376.055 Robot Vision: Selected Topics (VU)
376.090 Robot Vision for Embedded System: Selected Topics (VU)
354.001 Schnelle Messsignalverarbeitung (VO)
362.153 Scientific Programming in Python (SE)
362.181 Scientific Programming in Python (VU)
376.042 Selected Topics - Automation and Control (VU)
362.138 Selected Topics - Biophysics (VU)
354.999 Selected Topics - Computer controlled measurement systems - Virtual Instrumentation (VU)
376.041 Selected Topics - Mechatronics and Instrumentation (VU)
360.061 Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices, Simulation (VU)
362.136 Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices Lab-course (VU)
366.074 Selected Topics - Microsensortechnology (VU)
362.135 Selected Topics - Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (VU)
360.222 Selected Topics - Numerical aspects for the simulation of micro-structures (VU)
376.040 Selected Topics - Robotics and Computer Vision (VU)
370.043 Selected Topics in Energy Economics and Environment (VU)
389.142 Selected Topics in Signals and Systems (VU)
366.112 Selected topics on MEMS/NEMS technology, characterization and lab safety (VO)
184.749 Semantics of Programming Languages (VU)
362.106 Semiconductor Physics for Materials Engineering (VO)
362.084 Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE)
181.221 Seminar Formal Methods (SE)
360.057 Seminar for Master students (SE)
376.008 Seminar for PhD-Students (SE)
376.037 Seminar for PhD-students (SE)
376.095 Seminar for PhD students (SE)
353.003 Seminar Gleich- und Wechselrichter (SE)
186.862 Seminar in Algorithms Graphs and Geometry (SE)
353.010 Seminar Leistungselektronik - Bauelemente und Beschaltung (SE)
370.037 Seminar on electrical machines (SE)
370.095 Seminar on three-phase drives (SE)
353.008 seminar power supplies and DC/DC converters (SE)
354.061 Seminar RF Techniques (SE)
370.034 Seminar Smart Grids (SE)
389.174 Seminar Wireless Communications (SE)
384.171 Sensor Networks (PR)
366.092 Sensors (VU) [1]
370.090 Servodrives (LU)
389.030 Shortwave Radio Communication (VO)
389.040 Signal Detection (VO)
389.166 Signal Processing 1 (VU) [19]
389.170 Signal Processing 2 (VU) [1]
389.176 Signal Processing Seminar (SE)
372.023 Simulation of electrical machines and drives (VU)
360.246 Simulation of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (VU)
384.180 SoC Advanced (PR)
384.178 SoC Design Lab (UE)
384.159 SoC Design Seminar (SE)
362.156 Software Programming (PR)
362.142 Solid State Electronics (VO)
389.162 Source Coding (VO)
101.440 Specialisation - Mathematics (Selected Topics) (VU)
354.070 Special Seminar f. Doctoral Students (PV)
389.179 Special Seminar f. Doctoral Students (PV)
389.141 Special Topic Telecommunications (VU)
389.240 Statistical Reinforcement Learning (VU)
183.425 Statistische Methoden der Mustererkennung (VO) [4]
353.095 Stromversorgungen und Schaltnetzteile (VO)
362.157 Supervision for PhD students (PV)
362.161 Supervision for PhD students (PV)
389.188 Supervision for PhD students (PV)
366.054 Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV)
372.036 Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV)
372.037 Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV)
372.045 Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV)
354.005 Supervision of Ph.D. students (PV)
362.099 Supervision of PhD student (PV)
353.016 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
357.013 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
362.048 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
362.086 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
363.007 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
366.009 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
366.101 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
366.108 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
370.019 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
370.056 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
370.072 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
370.102 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
376.009 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
376.026 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
376.035 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
376.071 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
376.097 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
376.098 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
387.084 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
389.189 Supervision of PhD Students (PV)
389.205 Supervision of PhD students (PV)
141.A88 Techniques of signal detection and analysis (VO)
141.A89 Techniques of signal detection and analysis (UE)
360.195 Technologie - CAD für Dissertanten (PV)
362.100 Testing of semiconductor devices and ICs (VO)
194.100 Theoretical Foundations and Research Topics in Machine Learning (VU)
366.103 Theory, modelling and simulation of MEMS and NEMS devices (VO)
354.089 THz electronics and systems (SE)
185.206 Type Systems (VO)
387.044 Ultrafast Lasers (VO)
188.329 Video Analysis (VO)
188.346 Video Analysis (LU)
188.369 Virtual Reality (VO)
389.234 Wave propagation (KO)
370.101 Winter/Summer School on Energy Transition (VU)
389.157 Wireless Communications 1 (VU) [12]
389.156 Wireless Communications 2 (VO)
389.242 Wireless optical communication technologies and channel models (VO)
357.863 Wirtsch.u.Ökol. Optimier.d.Heizens (VO)