360.060 | Course not found () |
366.087 | Actuators (VO) |
372.750 | Advanced course - Electrical drive engineering (VU) |
354.064 | Advanced Course Circuit Design (VU) |
376.030 | Advanced Methods in Control Theory for PhD-Students (SE) |
376.064 | Advanced Methods in Mathematical Modeling (VU) |
376.066 | Advanced Methods in Mechatronics and Instrumentation for PhD-Students (SE) |
376.065 | Advanced Methods in Nonlinear Control (VU) |
354.060 | Advanced RF Techniques (VU) |
389.168 | Advanced Wireless Communications 1 (VO) |
389.172 | Advanced Wireless Communications 2 (VO) |
389.177 | Advanced Wireless Communications 3 (VO) |
383.024 | Akustische Oberflächenwellenfilter und -Sensoren (VO) |
186.814 | Algorithmics (VU) |
360.055 | Analysis, Evaluation, and Optimization of Computer Programs (PR) |
164.381 | Anatomy and Histology (VO) |
192.032 | Applied Deep Learning (VU) |
194.077 | Applied Deep Learning (VU) |
186.102 | Approximation Algorithms (VU) |
371.497 | Ausgew. Syst.Techn.Meth. d. El.En.Versg. (VO) |
360.010 | Ausgewählte Kapitel der Halbleitertechnologie für Diss. (SE) |
164.023 | Bio-electrochemistry (VO) |
166.221 | Bioinformatics for Biomedical Engineers (VO) |
166.142 | Biology (VO) [2] |
363.008 | Biomedical Sensors and Signals (VO) |
362.177 | Biophysics (VO) |
166.061 | Bioprocess Engineering (VO) |
164.268 | Biosensors and bioprocess analytics (VO) |
371.827 | Blitzschutz (VO) |
389.190 | Centimeter and Millimeter Waves (PR) |
354.065 | Circuit Design (SE) |
185.416 | Code Generators (VO) |
389.158 | Communication Networks 1 (VO) |
389.052 | Computer Aided RF Circuit Design (PR) |
384.086 | Digital Integrated Circuits (VU) [3] |
376.076 | Doctoral Thesis Seminar (SE) |
370.086 | Doubly fed induction machine drives (VL) |
389.083 | DSP Seminar (SE) |
370.083 | Dynamics of Rotating Machines (VO) |
370.077 | Economics of Electricity Generation from Hydropower (VU) |
370.027 | Electrical Drives (VU) |
372.027 | Electrical vehicles and railways (VU) |
164.288 | Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Energy Storage (VO) |
164.256 | Electrochemical investigation methods (VO) |
164.365 | Electrochemical Materials and Devices (VO) |
362.160 | Electron Devices for Informatics (VO) |
362.041 | Electronic properties of nanostructures (SE) |
370.030 | EMC-optimized Circuit Design (VO) |
360.230 | Emerging Devices (SE) |
362.172 | Emerging Devices in Power Applications (VU) |
360.231 | Emerging memory and logic devices (VO) |
370.055 | Energy economics in transport (VO) |
370.080 | Energy Network Economics (VU) |
360.238 | Experimental Device Characterization in Microelectronics (SE) |
354.007 | for doctoral students (PV) |
185.291 | Formal Methods in Computer Science (VO) [26] |
330.284 | Fundamentals of assembly planning and design (VO) |
362.124 | Fundamentals of Chemistry for Micro- and Nanoengineers (VU) |
354.092 | Fundamentals of THz Techniques (VO) |
194.154 | Generative AI (VU) |
362.028 | Halbleiter-Nauostrukturen (SE) |
362.145 | Heterostructures for Nanoelectronics and Photonics (VU) |
192.137 | Heuristic Optimization Techniques (VU) |
370.093 | High dynamic control of induction machines (LU) |
370.088 | High voltage technology (VO) |
193.085 | Human Robot Interaction (VU) |
182.700 | HW/SW Codesign (VU) |
182.701 | HW/SW Codesign (LU) |
389.243 | Indoor and outdoor visible Light communication (VO) |
384.188 | Information Technology in Smart Grids (VU) |
389.241 | Information Theory and its Application for Communication Engineering (VO) |
384.198 | Intelligent Robotics Seminar for PhD students (SE) |
389.033 | Internationales Seminar Mobile Kommunikation (SE) |
350.005 | Internship (PR) |
350.006 | Internship (PR) |
164.343 | Introduction to Biostatistics (VO) |
354.096 | Introduction to THz Techniques (VO) |
362.075 | Labcourse on ion beam techniques (PR) |
362.060 | Labcourse on silicon technology (PR) |
366.088 | Lab Microsystems Technology (UE) |
389.204 | Machine Learning Algorithms (VU) |
376.081 | Machine Vision (VU) |
376.082 | Manipulation and Locomotion (VU) |
362.154 | Materialien, Prozesse und Technologien der Photonik (VU) |
362.143 | Materialien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO) |
366.086 | Materials, processes and technologies for MEMS (VU) |
362.152 | Materials, processes and technologies og microelectronics (VU) |
101.555 | Mathematical Methods of Modelling and Simulation (VO) |
101.556 | Mathematical Methods of Modelling and Simulation (UE) |
202.647 | Mathematical Systems Biology (VO) |
376.067 | Measurement Equipment - an introduction (LU) |
376.099 | Mechatronics and Robotics Project (VU) |
376.050 | Mechatronic Systems (VU) [11] |
376.051 | Mechatronic Systems Laboratory (LU) |
360.229 | Methods of Calculating in Quantum Electronics (LU) |
366.090 | Micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (VO) |
366.093 | Micro- and Nanofluidics (VO) |
366.094 | Micro- and Nanosensors (SE) |
360.234 | Microelectronic Reliability (SE) |
360.233 | Microelectronic Relibility: Devices (VU) |
362.155 | Mikro- & nanoelektronische & optische Bauelemente (SE) |
389.206 | Mobile Digital Communications (VO) |
183.660 | Mobile Robotics (VU) |
166.619 | Modeling and Methods in Bioprocess Development (VO) |
387.043 | Modern solid-state lasers: principles and applications (VO) |
387.078 | Nano-Photonics (VO) |
354.069 | Nanoelectronic Circuits (SE) |
362.148 | Nanoelectronics (VU) |
376.052 | Nanometrology (VU) |
362.147 | Nanostructuring of low domenional systems (VU) |
389.160 | Network Security - Advanced Topics (VU) |
389.159 | Network Security (VU) |
354.091 | New Development in THz Electronics and Photonics (SE) |
362.046 | New mechanismn for solid state THz source (VO) |
376.084 | Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Control (VO) |
376.085 | Nonlinear Dynamic Systems and Control (LU) |
370.078 | Numerical analysis of electrical machines (UE) |
372.028 | Numerical analysis of electrical machines and devices (VU) |
182.737 | Operating Systems (for Electrical Engineering) (VO) |
376.053 | Optical Metrology (VU) |
376.086 | Optimization-Based Control Methods (VU) |
376.058 | Optimization (VU) [3] |
354.066 | Optoelectronic integrated circuits (VO) |
184.727 | Parallel Algorithms (VU) |
389.119 | Parameter Estimation Methods (VO) |
354.078 | PhD-student seminar (PV) |
354.083 | PhD-student seminar (PV) |
362.050 | PhD students (PV) |
389.045 | phd student seminar (PV) |
387.077 | Photonics-Vert. (VU) |
387.096 | Photonics (VO) |
387.087 | Photonics 2 (VU) |
164.379 | Physiology and Basics of Pathology (VO) |
372.033 | Power electronics (VU) |
370.106 | Power Electronics Systems Scientific Review (SE) |
370.026 | Power Plants (VO) |
370.097 | Power Systems Laboratory Phase-to-Ground-Failures in transmission networks, measurements on power protection devices, protection devices against dangerous body currents, power quality, high voltage testing of disconnector (UE) |
370.089 | Power transmission and distribution (VO) |
360.024 | Private course for PhD students (PV) |
360.056 | Private course for PhD students (PV) |
360.235 | Private course for PhD students (PV) |
360.257 | Private course for PhD students (PV) |
384.150 | Private Seminar for PhD students (PV) |
362.158 | Privatissimum for diploma students (PV) |
366.058 | Privatissimum for dissertants (PV) |
384.151 | Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV) |
387.041 | Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
360.014 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
371.486 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
372.724 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
382.006 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
389.109 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
389.116 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
389.125 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (SE) |
389.239 | Probabilistic Machine Learning (VO) |
362.178 | Processing chemistry for Micro- and Nanoelectronics (VU) |
360.232 | Process Reliability in Microelectronics (VU) |
184.703 | Program Analysis (VU) |
353.030 | Project Work in Photonics for Physicists (PA) |
362.092 | Project Work Semiconductor Technology (PR) |
362.144 | Prozesstechnologien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO) |
360.227 | Quantum Electronics (VO) |
360.228 | Quantum Electronics Absorption (VU) |
383.017 | Recent developments in optics (SE) |
353.259 | Rechenübung zu Leistungselektronik-Teil B (RU) |
371.728 | Rechnermethoden i.d.elektr.En.Versorgung (VO) |
355.674 | Removal and recycling in electrical engineering (VO) |
370.060 | Renewable Energy Power Electronic Converters (VO) |
370.035 | Renewable Power Systems (VU) |
382.012 | Research Projects in Advanced Signal Processing (SE) |
376.094 | Research seminar for PhD students (PV) |
354.058 | RF Techniques (VU) [4] |
384.195 | Robot Learning (VU) |
376.056 | Robot Vision: Industry and Research (VU) |
376.055 | Robot Vision: Selected Topics (VU) |
376.090 | Robot Vision for Embedded System: Selected Topics (VU) |
354.001 | Schnelle Messsignalverarbeitung (VO) |
362.153 | Scientific Programming in Python (SE) |
362.181 | Scientific Programming in Python (VU) |
376.042 | Selected Topics - Automation and Control (VU) |
362.138 | Selected Topics - Biophysics (VU) |
354.999 | Selected Topics - Computer controlled measurement systems - Virtual Instrumentation (VU) |
376.041 | Selected Topics - Mechatronics and Instrumentation (VU) |
360.061 | Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices, Simulation (VU) |
362.136 | Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices Lab-course (VU) |
366.074 | Selected Topics - Microsensortechnology (VU) |
362.135 | Selected Topics - Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (VU) |
360.222 | Selected Topics - Numerical aspects for the simulation of micro-structures (VU) |
376.040 | Selected Topics - Robotics and Computer Vision (VU) |
370.043 | Selected Topics in Energy Economics and Environment (VU) |
389.142 | Selected Topics in Signals and Systems (VU) |
366.112 | Selected topics on MEMS/NEMS technology, characterization and lab safety (VO) |
184.749 | Semantics of Programming Languages (VU) |
362.106 | Semiconductor Physics for Materials Engineering (VO) |
362.084 | Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE) |
181.221 | Seminar Formal Methods (SE) |
360.057 | Seminar for Master students (SE) |
376.008 | Seminar for PhD-Students (SE) |
376.037 | Seminar for PhD-students (SE) |
376.095 | Seminar for PhD students (SE) |
353.003 | Seminar Gleich- und Wechselrichter (SE) |
186.862 | Seminar in Algorithms Graphs and Geometry (SE) |
353.010 | Seminar Leistungselektronik - Bauelemente und Beschaltung (SE) |
370.037 | Seminar on electrical machines (SE) |
370.095 | Seminar on three-phase drives (SE) |
353.008 | seminar power supplies and DC/DC converters (SE) |
354.061 | Seminar RF Techniques (SE) |
370.034 | Seminar Smart Grids (SE) |
389.174 | Seminar Wireless Communications (SE) |
384.171 | Sensor Networks (PR) |
366.092 | Sensors (VU) [1] |
370.090 | Servodrives (LU) |
389.030 | Shortwave Radio Communication (VO) |
389.040 | Signal Detection (VO) |
389.166 | Signal Processing 1 (VU) [19] |
389.170 | Signal Processing 2 (VU) [1] |
389.176 | Signal Processing Seminar (SE) |
372.023 | Simulation of electrical machines and drives (VU) |
360.246 | Simulation of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (VU) |
384.180 | SoC Advanced (PR) |
384.178 | SoC Design Lab (UE) |
384.159 | SoC Design Seminar (SE) |
362.156 | Software Programming (PR) |
362.142 | Solid State Electronics (VO) |
389.162 | Source Coding (VO) |
101.440 | Specialisation - Mathematics (Selected Topics) (VU) |
354.070 | Special Seminar f. Doctoral Students (PV) |
389.179 | Special Seminar f. Doctoral Students (PV) |
389.141 | Special Topic Telecommunications (VU) |
389.240 | Statistical Reinforcement Learning (VU) |
183.425 | Statistische Methoden der Mustererkennung (VO) [4] |
353.095 | Stromversorgungen und Schaltnetzteile (VO) |
362.157 | Supervision for PhD students (PV) |
362.161 | Supervision for PhD students (PV) |
389.188 | Supervision for PhD students (PV) |
366.054 | Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV) |
372.036 | Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV) |
372.037 | Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV) |
372.045 | Supervision of Dr.techn. students (PV) |
354.005 | Supervision of Ph.D. students (PV) |
362.099 | Supervision of PhD student (PV) |
353.016 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
357.013 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
362.048 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
362.086 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
363.007 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
366.009 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
366.101 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
366.108 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
370.019 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
370.056 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
370.072 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
370.102 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
376.009 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
376.026 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
376.035 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
376.071 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
376.097 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
376.098 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
387.084 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
389.189 | Supervision of PhD Students (PV) |
389.205 | Supervision of PhD students (PV) |
141.A88 | Techniques of signal detection and analysis (VO) |
141.A89 | Techniques of signal detection and analysis (UE) |
360.195 | Technologie - CAD für Dissertanten (PV) |
362.100 | Testing of semiconductor devices and ICs (VO) |
194.100 | Theoretical Foundations and Research Topics in Machine Learning (VU) |
366.103 | Theory, modelling and simulation of MEMS and NEMS devices (VO) |
354.089 | THz electronics and systems (SE) |
185.206 | Type Systems (VO) |
387.044 | Ultrafast Lasers (VO) |
188.329 | Video Analysis (VO) |
188.346 | Video Analysis (LU) |
188.369 | Virtual Reality (VO) |
389.234 | Wave propagation (KO) |
370.101 | Winter/Summer School on Energy Transition (VU) |
389.157 | Wireless Communications 1 (VU) [12] |
389.156 | Wireless Communications 2 (VO) |
389.242 | Wireless optical communication technologies and channel models (VO) |
357.863 | Wirtsch.u.Ökol. Optimier.d.Heizens (VO) |