• Overview

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Interfaculty studies (2024W)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (9)

206.329 building mechanics (VO)
163.190 Chemical Calculations (UE)
222.585 Environmental Science and Society (VO)
163.189 Fundamentals of Chemistry for Environmental Engineering (VO)
120.055 Geology and Geomorphology (VO)
226.071 Introductory course to Environmental Engineering (VU)
104.289 Mathematics (UE) [10]
102.074 Mathematics 1 (VO)
280.640 Settlement development and spatial planning (VO)

2. Semester (6)

222.564 Hydraulic (VO) [18]
104.409 Mathematics 2 for CE (UE) [5]
206.330 mechanics 1 (VO)
206.331 mechanics 1 (UE)
165.162 Physical Chemistry for Environmental Engineering (VO)
138.083 Physics for Surveying and Geoinformation (VO)

3. Semester (12)

164.183 Analytical Principles and Measurement Techniques (VO)
120.098 Applied Geodesy and Geo-Coordinate Systems (VO)
166.142 Biology (VO) [2]
122.431 Calculation Exercises in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (UE)
226.048 Ecology (SE)
122.036 Fundamentals of Photogrammetry (VO)
122.037 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (VO)
120.116 Introduction to Programming I for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Environmental Engineering (VU)
222.586 Mixing and Transport Processes (VO)
138.084 Physics for Surveying and Geoinformation (VO)
226.026 Water Quality Management (VO)
226.062 Water Quality Management (UE) [2]

4. Semester (9)

166.223 biochemistry for computer scientists (VO)
166.708 Environmental Microbiology (VO)
226.052 Freshwater quality and ecology (VO)
166.695 Introduction to biochemistry (VO)
120.100 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology (VO)
164.317 Measurement Techniques, Instrumentation and Physical Sensors (VO)
166.709 Process engineering for environmental engineers (VO)
222.587 Statistics for Environmental Engineering (VU)
225.023 Urban Metabolism (VU) [18]

5. Semester (10)

164.363 Air quality and greenhouse gases (VO)
122.426 Applied Remote Sensing (VU)
373.010 Energy economics (VU) [4]
222.538 Engineering Hydrology (VO)
222.539 Engineering Hydrology (UE) [2]
280.080 Introduction to politicale economy (VO)
200.273 Seminar Environmental Engineering (SE)
120.109 Topographic Models (VU)
226.073 Toxicology for environmental engineering (VO)
222.075 Water resources management (VO)

6. Semester (3)

200.274 Bachelor Thesis for Environmental Engineering (PR)
040.002 Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (for Environmental Engineering) (SE)
265.980 Übung Verfassungs-und Verwaltungsrecht (UE) [6]

7. Semester (11)

101.880 Applied Mathematics Foundations (VU)
360.239 Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering (VO)
192.042 Introduction to Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, and Algorithmics (VU)
194.171 Introduction to Quantum Physics: Basic Concepts and Foundations (VU)
362.184 Introduction to Quantum Technology and Devices: Experimental Techniques and Platforms (VU)
101.973 Numerical Computation (VU)
360.242 Numerical Simulation and Scientific Computing I (VU)
192.043 Quantum Computing, Complexity Theory, and Algorithmics (VU)
194.169 Quantum Physics: Basic Concepts and Foundations (VU)
362.185 Quantum Technology and Devices: Experimental Techniques and Platforms (VU)
191.125 Scientific Programming with Python (VU)

8. Semester (4)

101.773 Numerical methods for PDEs (VO)
101.775 Numerical methods for PDEs (UE)
360.243 Numerical Simulation and Scientific Computing II (VU)
165.157 Theoretical molecular chemistry (VO)

9. Semester (3)

184.726 Advanced Multiprocessor Programming (VU)
360.251 Advanced Programming with C++ (VU)
360.252 Computational Science on Many-Core Architectures (VU)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (521)

101.500 .. (VO) [17]
101.502 .. (UE)
034.026 Course not found ()
034.027 Course not found ()
064.031 Course not found ()
064.032 Course not found ()
064.035 Course not found ()
064.036 Course not found ()
064.038 Course not found ()
064.039 Course not found ()
064.040 Course not found ()
064.041 Course not found ()
225.008 Abfallwirtschaft Exkursion (EX)
226.055 Abfallwirtschaft und Entsorgungstechnik (VU)
064.008 Accompanying lecture: Supporting deaf and hard of hearing students (UE)
064.012 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program (SE)
064.023 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program – short term (SE)
366.087 Actuators (VO)
308.865 Additive Manufacturing Technologies (VU)
164.289 Advanced ceramics and electrochemistry (LU)
120.094 Advanced GIS (VU)
202.051 Advanced Macro- & Micromechanics of Materials (VO)
105.707 Advanced Methods for Regression and Classification (VU)
207.017 Advanced Numerical Methods in Building Science 2 (VU)
166.184 air pollution control techniques (VO)
101.726 AKFVM-AKNUM Computational Finance (VO)
101.727 AKFVM-AKNUM Computational Finance (UE) [8]
101.A29 AKNUM Scientific Computing for Finite Element Methods (VU)
110.043 AKOR Mathematical Models of Drug Use and Drug Control (VO)
186.814 Algorithmics (VU)
120.130 Alignment course Python programming (UE)
234.166 Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre (VO)
226.049 Anaerobic Wastewater and Sludge Treatment (VO)
164.293 Analysis of solid materials (VO)
317.542 Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (VU)
317.543 Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (LU)
164.381 Anatomy and Histology (VO)
141.A40 Application of ionizing radiation in medicine (VO)
141.905 Application of radiation physics in engeneering and medicine (SE)
192.032 Applied Deep Learning (VU)
194.077 Applied Deep Learning (VU)
120.036 Applied Earth Observation (VU)
132.070 Applied Quantum Mechanics (VO)
186.102 Approximation Algorithms (VU)
308.693 Arbeitsmethoden zur Werkstoffbeurteilung (LU)
187.A59 Assistive Technologien 1 (VO)
141.A35 Atomic and Molecular Physics, Spectroscopy Quantum Metrology (VO) [3]
308.882 Atomistic Materials Modelling (VO)
064.004 Awareness and meditation I (VU)
629.001 Awareness and meditation I (VU)
260.142 Basic Skills dealing with organizations (VU)
322.019 Basics of lung physiology and vertilation technique in the intensive care medicine (VO)
164.364 Basics of solid state electrochemistry and solid state kinetics (VO)
123.630 Berufs-u.Standesprobleme d.Verm.Ing. (VO)
222.589 Bio-geomorphological processes (VO)
308.106 Biocompatible Materials (VO)
120.104 Biogeophysics Biogeophysics and Environmental Geophysics (VO)
166.221 Bioinformatics for Biomedical Engineers (VO)
142.440 Biol.u.Med.Anw.der Kernphysik II (SV)
142.081 Biological and Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics I (VO)
166.142 Biology (VO) [2]
308.119 Biomaterials (VO)
317.550 Biomechanical Testing of Bone and Orthopedic Implants (VU)
317.026 Biomechanics (VO)
317.028 Biomechanics (SE)
317.032 Biomechanics (LU)
164.235 Biomedical Mass Spectrometry (VU)
363.006 Biomedical Sensors and Signals (PR)
363.008 Biomedical Sensors and Signals (VO)
134.202 Biomembranes (VO)
362.177 Biophysics (VO)
363.011 Biosignal Analysis using Matlab (VU)
101.152 Brain Modeling (VO)
159.830 Brennstofftechnologie (VO)
207.011 Building for people (VO)
251.843 Building for people :: historic.smart (VO)
251.852 Building for people :: Mosques in transition (VO)
322.057 Calculating Turbulent Flows with CFD-Codes (UE)
141.075 calculational exercises in radiation protection I (UE)
322.084 Cardiovascular fluid mechanics (VU)
322.018 Cardiovascular System Dynamics (VO)
126.097 Cartographic Interfaces (VU)
164.366 Ceramic Materials Engineering (VO)
166.213 Chemical Engineering of Waste Treatment (EX)
164.171 Chemical Nanoscopy (VO)
163.198 Chemistry and Biology of Polymeric Biomaterials (VO)
165.102 Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces (VO)
163.171 Chemistry and Society (VO)
165.088 Chemistry of nanomaterials (VO)
120.081 Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing (VU)
122.031 Climate Change Monitoring (VO)
134.230 Colloid and Interface Physics (VO)
064.027 Communicating Science (VU)
181.200 Communication and rhetoric (SE)
184.004 Communication techniques (SE)
164.295 Composites and compounds (VO)
317.554 Composites Engineering (VU)
322.079 Computational Aerodynamics (VU)
202.064 Computational Biomaterials and Biomechanics (VU)
317.047 Computational Bionics (VU)
202.054 Computational Material Modelling (VU)
138.058 Computational Materials Science (VU) [26]
307.510 Computational Materials Tribology (VU)
363.002 Computational Methods in Neural Engineering (VU)
360.048 Computational Science and Engineering Seminar (SE)
141.A37 Computerassisted Imaging Concepts (VO)
308.886 Computer Use in Materials Technology (VU)
265.076 Contract and liability law (VU)
308.880 Corrosion (VU)
015.100 Creativity Engineering (VO)
308.130 Damage analyses (VU)
064.005 Das TU Talente - Programm für Studierende in Master- und Doktoratsstudien (VU)
188.995 Data-oriented Programming Paradigms (VU)
060.019 Deep Dives: Management and leadership for technicians (VU)
226.057 Deponietechnik und Altlastensanierung (VO)
321.001 Der Motor Muskel (VO)
166.643 Design and assessment of sustainable processes (VO)
317.553 Design of Composite Structures using Finite Element Methods (UE)
064.007 Development of technical terms in ÖGS (VU)
187.250 Devepoling a career - coping with obstacles (VO)
360.033 Device Modeling (VU)
184.228 Didactics in computer science education (SE)
060.031 Didactic Skills for tutors (VU)
064.009 Digital skills for student support projects (UE)
259.084 Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VU)
064.030 Diversity Skills (English) (UE)
064.029 Diversity Skills (German) (UE)
226.047 Drinking Water Treatment (VO)
166.170 Dust Separation (VO)
330.255 E&I Garage - Business Model Development (VU)
307.440 Ecodesign, Sustainable Product Development (SE)
166.127 Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO)
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
280.822 Economic and Environmental Law in Planning (VU)
185.190 Efficient Programs (VU)
164.288 Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Energy Storage (VO)
164.365 Electrochemical Materials and Devices (VO)
164.332 Electrochemical Processes and Technologies (VO)
362.072 Electronic Devices (VU) [56]
362.041 Electronic properties of nanostructures (SE)
134.089 Electronic Structure of Solids and Surfaces (VO)
138.049 Electron microscopy (PR)
360.231 Emerging memory and logic devices (VO)
166.044 Energy and Fuel Technology (LU)
202.019 Engineering Biochemoporomechanics (VO)
202.024 Engineering Biochemoporomechanics (UE)
222.570 Engineering Hydrology 2 (VU)
308.868 Engineering Materials (VO)
280.865 Environmental and Spatial Impact (VO)
226.059 Environmental Assessment (VU)
164.287 European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [7]
308.140 Examination of material failures in production plants (VO)
225.010 excursion 2 - waste management (EX)
222.541 Excursion water resources management (EX)
134.326 Exp.Methoden der Oberflächenphysik (VO)
202.058 Experimental determination of the mechanical properties of biological tissues (LU)
317.532 Experimental Mechanics and Characterization of the Hierarchical Structure of Biological Tissues (VO)
202.044 Experimental Methods for Analysis of Deformations (VU)
206.299 Experimental Methods in Structural Dynamics (VU)
188.992 Experiment Design for Data Science (VU)
265.727 Expert law (VO)
120.105 Exploration with Electric and Electromagnetic Methods (VO)
034.016 Feminist technology studies (VU)
034.028 femTUconnect – feminist networks (SE)
363.003 Field trip Healing Gallery - Hyperthermia and radon therapy (EX)
231.043 Field trip transport planning (SE)
325.095 Finite Element for Multi-Physics I (VU)
325.099 Finite Element Methods for Multi-Physics II (VO)
317.526 Finite Element Methods in Biomechanics (VU)
207.012 Foundations of Building Science (VU)
060.015 Foundations of scientific work (VU)
308.120 Fracture Mechanics (LU)
206.192 Fracture Mechanics in Civil Engineering (VO)
064.014 French for engineers I (VU)
166.043 Fuel and Energy Technology (SE)
363.012 Functional Electrostimulation: theory and praxis 1 (VU)
134.204 Functional Imaging Technology and Devices - Physical Principles (VO)
138.056 Functional Materials (VO)
322.048 Fundamentals in Fluid Mechanics (VU)
120.126 Fundamentals of kinematic data acquisition (VU)
064.028 Further Education and Lifelong Learning (VU)
308.098 Fügetechnik (VO)
206.072 Gas metal arc welding (LU)
034.009 Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz (SE)
259.018 Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VO)
362.180 Genomics technologies, processes and instrumentation (VO)
362.182 Genomic technologies and processes (UE)
120.127 Geodata Excursion (EX)
120.060 Geophysical data processing (UE)
220.043 Geothermal Energy (VU)
120.118 GeoVisualization (VU)
352.031 Getting agreement in negotiations (SE)
163.149 Green Chemistry (VO)
222.579 Groundwater resources and modelling (VU)
133.293 Grundlagen der Elektronenmikroskopie/I (VO)
314.018 Gruppendynamisches Seminar (SE)
362.028 Halbleiter-Nauostrukturen (SE)
166.224 Health related water quality targets and urban water management (VO)
362.145 Heterostructures for Nanoelectronics and Photonics (VU)
192.137 Heuristic Optimization Techniques (VU)
131.047 Highly correlated electron systems (VO)
164.164 High Performance Ceramics (VO)
064.026 How to Illustrate Engineering by Means of Audiovisual Media (VU)
376.075 How to Invent a Robot - Product Development from the User Perspective (VU)
222.581 Hydrometry (VU)
328.032 Identifikation - Experimentelle Modellbildung (VO)
060.016 Impact of technological development - Introduction to the theory and practice of technology assessment (TA) (VO)
325.097 Implementation of a Finite Element Program (VU)
360.012 Industrial property rights for technicians (VO)
253.179 INEX Sustainability Challenge (VO)
330.250 Innovation Lab (VU)
330.260 Inspirational Leadership in the 21st century (VU)
164.234 Instrumental Analytical Biochemistry (VO)
362.088 Integrated circuits (VU)
058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management (VU)
064.010 Introduction to Austrian Sign Language and Deaf Culture (VU)
163.137 Introduction to Biological Chemistry (VO) [11]
317.043 Introduction to Biomechanics (VU)
164.343 Introduction to Biostatistics (VO)
207.013 Introduction to Digital Twins for Buildings and Cities (VU)
034.015 Introduction to diversity management (VU)
120.129 Introduction to Earth Observation (VU)
317.039 Introduction to Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics (VU)
141.B07 Introduction to medical physics aspects of ion beam therapy (VO)
166.692 Introduction to Microscopy in Biology (VU)
251.865 Introduction to scientific work (SE)
360.241 Introduction to Semiconductor Physics and Devices (VU)
165.166 Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry (VU)
192.055 IT Projects for Youth (PR)
192.058 IT Projects for Youth (UE)
311.161 Joining of selected materials with selcted processes - Part 1 (VO)
311.164 Joining of selected materials with selected processes Part 2 (VO)
163.178 Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies (VO)
362.060 Labcourse on silicon technology (PR)
366.088 Lab Microsystems Technology (UE)
306.024 Laboratory course the engine 'muscle' (LU)
311.127 Laboratory tutorial (UE)
226.044 Laboratory Tutorial Wastewater Treatment (LU) [3]
226.058 Laborübung Ressourcenmanagement und Abfallwirtschaft (LU)
134.154 Laser in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine (VO)
311.126 Laser Processing Technology (VO)
311.128 Laser systems (SE)
188.383 Leadership Competency Coaching 1 (SE)
188.472 Leadership Competency Coaching 2 (SE)
015.087 Learning Support and e-Tutoring (SE)
317.108 Leichtbau (SE)
308.869 Life cycle of materials (VU)
308.032 Light Metals (VO)
317.552 Lightweight Design with Fiber-Reinforced-Polymers (VU)
138.034 Low Temperture Physics (VO)
307.485 Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions (VO)
307.515 Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions Solid Lubricants (VO)
184.702 Machine Learning (VU)
183.605 Machine Learning for Visual Computing (VU)
138.128 Machine Learning in Physics (VU)
311.106 Machining and Forming (VO)
311.999 Machining laboratory (LU)
163.199 Macromolecular Chemistry for BME Makromolekulare Chemie für BME (VO)
138.033 Magnetism (VO)
134.231 Mammalian Cell Culture (VO)
134.232 Mammalian Cell Culture (LU)
134.241 Mammalian Cell Culture (LU)
330.144 Management and Leadership (VU)
311.998 Manufacturing Systems (SE)
034.011 Masculinities and Technologies: Relations, Ambivalences, Implications (VO)
308.075 Master thesis colloquium (SE)
164.162 Matallurgy and Materials Processing (VO)
226.066 Material Flow Analysis (VU)
362.154 Materialien, Prozesse und Technologien der Photonik (VU)
362.143 Materialien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO)
366.086 Materials, processes and technologies for MEMS (VU)
362.152 Materials, processes and technologies og microelectronics (VU)
207.025 materials and algorithms (SE)
308.129 Materials Characterisation and Nondestructive Testing (VU)
138.053 Material Science (VO)
308.860 Material Science of Non-metalic Materials (VO)
230.062 Material Science of viscoelastic, organic construction materials (LU)
308.870 Materials Diagnostics (VU)
164.160 Materials failing, corrosion and fatigue (VO)
308.094 Materials for Mechanical Engineering (SE)
308.124 Materials Processing (PA)
308.866 Materials Processing (EX)
308.867 Materials Processing (SE)
164.161 Materials Science (VO)
308.862 Materials Science of Metallic Materials (VO)
308.863 Materials Science of Steels (VO)
308.118 Materials Selection (PA)
308.878 Materials Selection (VO)
138.065 Materials Synthesis (VO) [9]
308.128 Materials Testing (VU)
308.859 Materials Testing 2 (LU)
101.647 Math.Seminar Hörtheorie (SE)
202.647 Mathematical Systems Biology (VO)
164.317 Measurement Techniques, Instrumentation and Physical Sensors (VO)
166.237 Mechanical process engineering for a circular economy Treatment, Sorting, and Recycling of Wastes (VO)
202.057 Mechanical properties of biological tissue (VO)
202.674 Mechanobiology - Fundamentals and Modeling Concepts (VU)
242.027 Mediativ competence in Civil Engineering Practice 2 (SE)
141.225 Medical Physics of diagnostic imaging (VO)
166.654 Membrane Technology (VO)
251.178 Mental resilience for students (UE)
060.017 Mentoring - Mathematics (FaMe) (SE)
206.174 Metallic materials 1 (VO)
206.175 Metallic materials 1 (LU)
206.318 Metallic Materials 2 (VO)
206.091 Metallic Materials With Excursion (SE)
308.101 Metallische Hochtemperaturstoffe (VO)
164.305 Metals and material processing (LU)
193.026 Methods for Data Generation and Analytics in Medicine and Life Sciences (VU)
360.229 Methods of Calculating in Quantum Electronics (LU)
366.090 Micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (VO)
362.163 Microelectrodes & Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications (PR)
362.118 Microelectronic Concepts for Biomedical Interfacing (VU)
360.233 Microelectronic Relibility: Devices (VU)
134.996 Microscopy on Biomolecules (VO)
134.997 Microscopy on Biomolecules (PR)
362.155 Mikro- & nanoelektronische & optische Bauelemente (SE)
194.076 Modeling and Simulation (VU)
212.010 Modelling and Analysis of Structural Concrete (VO)
101.852 Modelling and analysis of the cardiovascular system (VU)
194.094 Modelling and Simulation in Health Technology Assessment (VU)
222.580 Modelling and simulation methods in water resource systems (VU)
387.043 Modern solid-state lasers: principles and applications (VO)
165.093 Molecular and self-organized materials (VO)
134.201 Molecular Biology of the Cell (VO)
134.209 Molecular Biophysics (VO)
134.210 Molecular Biophysics (UE)
202.649 Multiscale Material Modeling (VO)
202.650 Multiscale Material Modeling (UE)
387.078 Nano-Photonics (VO)
362.147 Nanostructuring of low domenional systems (VU)
101.186 Nervenmodelle (VO)
141.242 Neutron and X-ray Diffraction (VO)
138.094 Numerical methods and simulation (VU) [23]
322.085 Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics (VU)
322.088 Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flows (VU)
101.509 Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (VO)
101.532 Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (UE) [10]
101.506 Numerics of partial differential equations: stationary problems (VO)
376.058 Optimization (VU) [3]
164.306 Organic Mass Spectrometry (VO)
330.136 Organisational Lab (UE)
132.968 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (SV)
387.087 Photonics 2 (VU)
164.172 Physical and Analytical Chemistry (VO)
165.089 Physical and Theoretical Solid State Chemistry (VU)
165.141 Physical and theoretical solid state chemistry (VO)
164.196 Physical Chemistry of Materials (VO)
165.140 Physicochemical Methods of Materials Characterization (VO)
133.019 Physics of Magnetic Materials (VO)
138.032 Physics of thin films (VO)
138.035 Physics of thin films (UE)
134.048 Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27]
164.379 Physiology and Basics of Pathology (VO)
206.272 Pipeline Engineering (VO)
384.107 Planning of IT Projects and Public Procurement Law (VO)
134.169 Plasma Technology and -Chemistry (VO)
308.117 Plastics Processing (VO)
163.110 Polymer characterization (VO)
163.109 Polymer Materials (VO)
308.107 Polymers for Special Applications (VO)
164.163 Powder Metallurgy and Sintered Materials (VO)
138.051 Practical course: Solid state physics (PR)
141.823 Prakt.aus Tieftemperaturphysik (PR)
311.125 Precision Maching with Lasers (VO)
242.016 Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
242.017 Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
265.003 private law (VO)
164.316 Process Analytical Chemistry (VO)
166.219 Process Simulation (RU) [6]
166.038 Process Simulation Basics (VO)
317.045 Project: Biomaterials and Biomechanics (PA)
363.010 Project: Biomedical Instrumentation & Signals (PA)
101.388 Project: Mathematical and Computational Biology (PA)
134.191 Project: Medical Physics & Imaging (PA)
120.088 Projects in Development Aid (VO)
322.021 Project study in fluid mechanics (PA)
317.512 Project Work Design Project Light Weight Structures and Finite Element Methods (PR)
307.463 Project Work Eco-Design/Sustainable Product Development (PR)
311.131 Project Work Laser material processing (PR)
317.525 Project Work Tissue Biomechanics (PR)
307.466 Prosthesis (VO)
362.144 Prozesstechnologien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO)
120.113 Python programming for geoscience (VU)
164.169 Quality Assurance and GLP/GMP (VO)
360.227 Quantum Electronics (VO)
360.228 Quantum Electronics Absorption (VU)
141.A16 Quantum Technology I (VO)
166.042 Reaction Engineering and Combustion (VO)
120.138 Real property law (VO)
360.244 Recent Advances in Computational Electronics (SE)
259.646 Recent Research in the field of Ecology (VO)
164.298 Recycling (VO)
101.689 Regelungsmath.Modelle in der Medizin (SV)
306.005 rehabilitation technology laboratory course (LU)
307.039 Rehabilitation Technology Seminar (SE)
307.487 Rehabiltation Technology Rehabilitation Engineering (VO)
355.674 Removal and recycling in electrical engineering (VO)
185.A34 Research Methods (VU)
207.029 Research Methods and Scientific Writing in Building and City Science (SE)
166.679 Resource Management (VO)
226.054 Resource Management (VU)
060.009 Resource management and resilience (VU)
352.490 Rhetoric, expression and argumentation (SE)
222.588 Risk and Climate Impact (VU)
064.016 Russian for engineers I (VU)
164.303 Sample preparation and basic concepts in bioanalysis (VO)
317.029 Sandwich Structures (VO)
259.446 Science and the quest for knowledge (SE)
040.003 Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (SE)
040.004 Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (VU)
186.105 Selected Chapters from Medical Visualization (VU)
362.138 Selected Topics - Biophysics (VU)
360.245 Selected Topics - Computational Electronics (PR)
366.107 Selected Topics - MEMS and NEMS (PR)
362.162 Selected Topics - Microelectronic Concepts for Biomedical Interfaces Practical Project to the corresponding lecture (PR)
362.136 Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices Lab-course (VU)
366.074 Selected Topics - Microsensortechnology (VU)
362.135 Selected Topics - Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (VU)
165.164 Selected Topics in Theoretical Chemistry (PR)
362.082 Semiconductor electronics and devices (SE)
362.106 Semiconductor Physics for Materials Engineering (VO)
360.248 Semiconductor Sensors (VU)
362.084 Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE)
186.175 Seminar aus graphischer Datenverarb. (SE)
325.090 Seminar Mechatronic Systems (SE)
225.032 Seminar Resources and Waste Management (SE)
226.039 Seminar series water quality management (SE)
308.114 Service Strength (SE)
206.073 Shielded metal arc welding (LU)
360.246 Simulation of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (VU)
165.144 Simulations of solids (VU)
164.313 single crystal structure analysis (VU)
134.203 Single Molecule Microscopy (SE)
134.235 Soft matter analysis techniques and applications (VO)
181.208 Softskills for technicians (VU)
299.001 Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU)
164.185 Solid State Chemistry (VO)
362.142 Solid State Electronics (VO)
362.083 Solid state electronics and solid state devices (VU)
138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
138.024 Solid state physics ll (VO)
064.015 Spanish for engineers I (VU)
164.357 Spatial Omics (VO)
200.267 Specialised relevant practice (SE)
163.067 Special Synthetic Polymer Chemistry (VO)
138.057 Spectroscopy of Solids (VO)
105.645 stationary processes and time series analysis, UE (UE)
105.143 Stationary processes and time series analysis (VO)
183.584 Statistical Pattern Recognition (UE)
107.330 Statistical Simulation and Computerintensive Methods (VU)
183.425 Statistische Methoden der Mustererkennung (VO) [4]
141.405 Strahlenphysik (SV)
325.064 Strength of Materials (VU)
206.301 Structural Dynamics (VO)
141.685 Supraleitung (SV)
164.182 Surface and Interface Analysis (VO)
134.165 Surface Physics (VO)
134.192 Surface Physics and -Analytics (VO)
308.875 Surface Technology (VO)
308.892 Surface Technology (LU)
034.021 Sustainability & Diversity in Research and Development (SE)
060.028 Swedish for Engineers 1 (VU)
060.029 Swedish for Engineers 2 (VU)
057.028 Syntax-based Japanese I (VO)
057.030 Syntax-based Japanese I (UE)
165.146 Synthesis of Inorganic Materials (VO)
230.053 System analysis, strategic planning and policy modelling with system dynamics (VU)
064.001 Talente Programm der TU Wien (VU)
141.010 Techn.Strahlenschutz I (SV)
064.018 Technical Chinese III (VU)
064.020 Technical English Communication A (VU)
064.022 Technical English Communication B (VU)
064.019 Technical English Presentation A (VU)
064.021 Technical English Presentation B (VU)
064.024 Technical Italien I (VU)
307.465 Technical Restoration of Body Functions by Means of FES (VU)
034.003 Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO)
064.017 Technisches Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (VU)
034.012 Technology and Ethics (VU)
362.089 Technology and Materials, Seminar (SE)
015.082 Technology exploitation (VO)
061.003 Technology for People (VU)
194.082 Technology for People 2040 (VU)
164.167 Technology of Nanostructured Materials (VO)
138.030 Technology of thin films (VO)
141.944 Teilchenbeschleuniger (SV)
165.009 Theoretical Chemistry (VO)
132.034 Theoretische Festkörperphysik I (SV)
366.103 Theory, modelling and simulation of MEMS and NEMS devices (VO)
105.746 Theory of stochastic processes (VO)
166.220 Thermal Biomass Utilization (VO)
226.056 Thermische Abfallverwertung (VO)
330.302 Transferable Skill - Account Management (UE)
330.301 Transferable Skill - Multidisciplinary Communication in Engineering Projects (UE)
322.071 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (VO)
322.072 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (UE)
307.483 Tribology of Machine Elements (VO)
064.003 TU.impact – the buddy program of the TU Wien (SE)
134.157 Ultrasound in Nature, Engineering and Medicine (VU)
164.038 Umweltchemie und Analytik (LU)
164.052 Umweltchemie und Analytik (VO)
309.005 Unfallbiomechanik (VO)
166.649 Urban Mining (VO)
230.038 Verkehrsträger- und Mobilitätsmanagement (VO)
064.002 voice.of.diversity - fair job opportunities without prejudice (UE)
034.025 VO Who cares? Social responsibility in science and technology development (VO)
200.277 Wahlpraktikum 1 (PR)
200.278 Wahlpraktikum 2 (PR)
034.004 Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE)
222.578 Wasserbauliches Versuchswesen (VU)
222.571 Wasserwirtschaft und Flussgebietsmanagement (VO)
226.043 Wastewater Treatment (VO)
226.045 Water and River Basin Management (UE) [1]
206.178 Welding and joining technology (KU)
206.273 Welding and Joining Technology 1 (VO)
206.274 Welding and Joining Technology 2 (VO)
206.317 Welding Applications (SE)
206.177 Welding technology (LU)
206.092 Welding Technology With Excursion (SE)
164.319 X-ray crystallography (VO)