101.500 | .. (VO) [17] |
101.502 | .. (UE) |
034.026 | Course not found () |
034.027 | Course not found () |
064.031 | Course not found () |
064.032 | Course not found () |
064.035 | Course not found () |
064.036 | Course not found () |
064.038 | Course not found () |
064.039 | Course not found () |
064.040 | Course not found () |
064.041 | Course not found () |
225.008 | Abfallwirtschaft Exkursion (EX) |
226.055 | Abfallwirtschaft und Entsorgungstechnik (VU) |
064.008 | Accompanying lecture: Supporting deaf and hard of hearing students (UE) |
064.012 | Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program (SE) |
064.023 | Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program – short term (SE) |
366.087 | Actuators (VO) |
308.865 | Additive Manufacturing Technologies (VU) |
164.289 | Advanced ceramics and electrochemistry (LU) |
120.094 | Advanced GIS (VU) |
202.051 | Advanced Macro- & Micromechanics of Materials (VO) |
105.707 | Advanced Methods for Regression and Classification (VU) |
207.017 | Advanced Numerical Methods in Building Science 2 (VU) |
166.184 | air pollution control techniques (VO) |
101.726 | AKFVM-AKNUM Computational Finance (VO) |
101.727 | AKFVM-AKNUM Computational Finance (UE) [8] |
101.A29 | AKNUM Scientific Computing for Finite Element Methods (VU) |
110.043 | AKOR Mathematical Models of Drug Use and Drug Control (VO) |
186.814 | Algorithmics (VU) |
120.130 | Alignment course Python programming (UE) |
234.166 | Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre (VO) |
226.049 | Anaerobic Wastewater and Sludge Treatment (VO) |
164.293 | Analysis of solid materials (VO) |
317.542 | Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (VU) |
317.543 | Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (LU) |
164.381 | Anatomy and Histology (VO) |
141.A40 | Application of ionizing radiation in medicine (VO) |
141.905 | Application of radiation physics in engeneering and medicine (SE) |
192.032 | Applied Deep Learning (VU) |
194.077 | Applied Deep Learning (VU) |
120.036 | Applied Earth Observation (VU) |
132.070 | Applied Quantum Mechanics (VO) |
186.102 | Approximation Algorithms (VU) |
308.693 | Arbeitsmethoden zur Werkstoffbeurteilung (LU) |
187.A59 | Assistive Technologien 1 (VO) |
141.A35 | Atomic and Molecular Physics, Spectroscopy Quantum Metrology (VO) [3] |
308.882 | Atomistic Materials Modelling (VO) |
064.004 | Awareness and meditation I (VU) |
629.001 | Awareness and meditation I (VU) |
260.142 | Basic Skills dealing with organizations (VU) |
322.019 | Basics of lung physiology and vertilation technique in the intensive care medicine (VO) |
164.364 | Basics of solid state electrochemistry and solid state kinetics (VO) |
123.630 | Berufs-u.Standesprobleme d.Verm.Ing. (VO) |
222.589 | Bio-geomorphological processes (VO) |
308.106 | Biocompatible Materials (VO) |
120.104 | Biogeophysics Biogeophysics and Environmental Geophysics (VO) |
166.221 | Bioinformatics for Biomedical Engineers (VO) |
142.440 | Biol.u.Med.Anw.der Kernphysik II (SV) |
142.081 | Biological and Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics I (VO) |
166.142 | Biology (VO) [2] |
308.119 | Biomaterials (VO) |
317.550 | Biomechanical Testing of Bone and Orthopedic Implants (VU) |
317.026 | Biomechanics (VO) |
317.028 | Biomechanics (SE) |
317.032 | Biomechanics (LU) |
164.235 | Biomedical Mass Spectrometry (VU) |
363.006 | Biomedical Sensors and Signals (PR) |
363.008 | Biomedical Sensors and Signals (VO) |
134.202 | Biomembranes (VO) |
362.177 | Biophysics (VO) |
363.011 | Biosignal Analysis using Matlab (VU) |
101.152 | Brain Modeling (VO) |
159.830 | Brennstofftechnologie (VO) |
207.011 | Building for people (VO) |
251.843 | Building for people :: historic.smart (VO) |
251.852 | Building for people :: Mosques in transition (VO) |
322.057 | Calculating Turbulent Flows with CFD-Codes (UE) |
141.075 | calculational exercises in radiation protection I (UE) |
322.084 | Cardiovascular fluid mechanics (VU) |
322.018 | Cardiovascular System Dynamics (VO) |
126.097 | Cartographic Interfaces (VU) |
164.366 | Ceramic Materials Engineering (VO) |
166.213 | Chemical Engineering of Waste Treatment (EX) |
164.171 | Chemical Nanoscopy (VO) |
163.198 | Chemistry and Biology of Polymeric Biomaterials (VO) |
165.102 | Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces (VO) |
163.171 | Chemistry and Society (VO) |
165.088 | Chemistry of nanomaterials (VO) |
120.081 | Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing (VU) |
122.031 | Climate Change Monitoring (VO) |
134.230 | Colloid and Interface Physics (VO) |
064.027 | Communicating Science (VU) |
181.200 | Communication and rhetoric (SE) |
184.004 | Communication techniques (SE) |
164.295 | Composites and compounds (VO) |
317.554 | Composites Engineering (VU) |
322.079 | Computational Aerodynamics (VU) |
202.064 | Computational Biomaterials and Biomechanics (VU) |
317.047 | Computational Bionics (VU) |
202.054 | Computational Material Modelling (VU) |
138.058 | Computational Materials Science (VU) [26] |
307.510 | Computational Materials Tribology (VU) |
363.002 | Computational Methods in Neural Engineering (VU) |
360.048 | Computational Science and Engineering Seminar (SE) |
141.A37 | Computerassisted Imaging Concepts (VO) |
308.886 | Computer Use in Materials Technology (VU) |
265.076 | Contract and liability law (VU) |
308.880 | Corrosion (VU) |
015.100 | Creativity Engineering (VO) |
308.130 | Damage analyses (VU) |
064.005 | Das TU Talente - Programm für Studierende in Master- und Doktoratsstudien (VU) |
188.995 | Data-oriented Programming Paradigms (VU) |
060.019 | Deep Dives: Management and leadership for technicians (VU) |
226.057 | Deponietechnik und Altlastensanierung (VO) |
321.001 | Der Motor Muskel (VO) |
166.643 | Design and assessment of sustainable processes (VO) |
317.553 | Design of Composite Structures using Finite Element Methods (UE) |
064.007 | Development of technical terms in ÖGS (VU) |
187.250 | Devepoling a career - coping with obstacles (VO) |
360.033 | Device Modeling (VU) |
184.228 | Didactics in computer science education (SE) |
060.031 | Didactic Skills for tutors (VU) |
064.009 | Digital skills for student support projects (UE) |
259.084 | Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VU) |
064.030 | Diversity Skills (English) (UE) |
064.029 | Diversity Skills (German) (UE) |
226.047 | Drinking Water Treatment (VO) |
166.170 | Dust Separation (VO) |
330.255 | E&I Garage - Business Model Development (VU) |
307.440 | Ecodesign, Sustainable Product Development (SE) |
166.127 | Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO) |
164.225 | Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12] |
280.822 | Economic and Environmental Law in Planning (VU) |
185.190 | Efficient Programs (VU) |
164.288 | Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Energy Storage (VO) |
164.365 | Electrochemical Materials and Devices (VO) |
164.332 | Electrochemical Processes and Technologies (VO) |
362.072 | Electronic Devices (VU) [56] |
362.041 | Electronic properties of nanostructures (SE) |
134.089 | Electronic Structure of Solids and Surfaces (VO) |
138.049 | Electron microscopy (PR) |
360.231 | Emerging memory and logic devices (VO) |
166.044 | Energy and Fuel Technology (LU) |
202.019 | Engineering Biochemoporomechanics (VO) |
202.024 | Engineering Biochemoporomechanics (UE) |
222.570 | Engineering Hydrology 2 (VU) |
308.868 | Engineering Materials (VO) |
280.865 | Environmental and Spatial Impact (VO) |
226.059 | Environmental Assessment (VU) |
164.287 | European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [7] |
308.140 | Examination of material failures in production plants (VO) |
225.010 | excursion 2 - waste management (EX) |
222.541 | Excursion water resources management (EX) |
134.326 | Exp.Methoden der Oberflächenphysik (VO) |
202.058 | Experimental determination of the mechanical properties of biological tissues (LU) |
317.532 | Experimental Mechanics and Characterization of the Hierarchical Structure of Biological Tissues (VO) |
202.044 | Experimental Methods for Analysis of Deformations (VU) |
206.299 | Experimental Methods in Structural Dynamics (VU) |
188.992 | Experiment Design for Data Science (VU) |
265.727 | Expert law (VO) |
120.105 | Exploration with Electric and Electromagnetic Methods (VO) |
034.016 | Feminist technology studies (VU) |
034.028 | femTUconnect – feminist networks (SE) |
363.003 | Field trip Healing Gallery - Hyperthermia and radon therapy (EX) |
231.043 | Field trip transport planning (SE) |
325.095 | Finite Element for Multi-Physics I (VU) |
325.099 | Finite Element Methods for Multi-Physics II (VO) |
317.526 | Finite Element Methods in Biomechanics (VU) |
207.012 | Foundations of Building Science (VU) |
060.015 | Foundations of scientific work (VU) |
308.120 | Fracture Mechanics (LU) |
206.192 | Fracture Mechanics in Civil Engineering (VO) |
064.014 | French for engineers I (VU) |
166.043 | Fuel and Energy Technology (SE) |
363.012 | Functional Electrostimulation: theory and praxis 1 (VU) |
134.204 | Functional Imaging Technology and Devices - Physical Principles (VO) |
138.056 | Functional Materials (VO) |
322.048 | Fundamentals in Fluid Mechanics (VU) |
120.126 | Fundamentals of kinematic data acquisition (VU) |
064.028 | Further Education and Lifelong Learning (VU) |
308.098 | Fügetechnik (VO) |
206.072 | Gas metal arc welding (LU) |
034.009 | Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz (SE) |
259.018 | Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VO) |
362.180 | Genomics technologies, processes and instrumentation (VO) |
362.182 | Genomic technologies and processes (UE) |
120.127 | Geodata Excursion (EX) |
120.060 | Geophysical data processing (UE) |
220.043 | Geothermal Energy (VU) |
120.118 | GeoVisualization (VU) |
352.031 | Getting agreement in negotiations (SE) |
163.149 | Green Chemistry (VO) |
222.579 | Groundwater resources and modelling (VU) |
133.293 | Grundlagen der Elektronenmikroskopie/I (VO) |
314.018 | Gruppendynamisches Seminar (SE) |
362.028 | Halbleiter-Nauostrukturen (SE) |
166.224 | Health related water quality targets and urban water management (VO) |
362.145 | Heterostructures for Nanoelectronics and Photonics (VU) |
192.137 | Heuristic Optimization Techniques (VU) |
131.047 | Highly correlated electron systems (VO) |
164.164 | High Performance Ceramics (VO) |
064.026 | How to Illustrate Engineering by Means of Audiovisual Media (VU) |
376.075 | How to Invent a Robot - Product Development from the User Perspective (VU) |
222.581 | Hydrometry (VU) |
328.032 | Identifikation - Experimentelle Modellbildung (VO) |
060.016 | Impact of technological development - Introduction to the theory and practice of technology assessment (TA) (VO) |
325.097 | Implementation of a Finite Element Program (VU) |
360.012 | Industrial property rights for technicians (VO) |
253.179 | INEX Sustainability Challenge (VO) |
330.250 | Innovation Lab (VU) |
330.260 | Inspirational Leadership in the 21st century (VU) |
164.234 | Instrumental Analytical Biochemistry (VO) |
362.088 | Integrated circuits (VU) |
058.005 | Introduction into Research Data Management (VU) |
064.010 | Introduction to Austrian Sign Language and Deaf Culture (VU) |
163.137 | Introduction to Biological Chemistry (VO) [11] |
317.043 | Introduction to Biomechanics (VU) |
164.343 | Introduction to Biostatistics (VO) |
207.013 | Introduction to Digital Twins for Buildings and Cities (VU) |
034.015 | Introduction to diversity management (VU) |
120.129 | Introduction to Earth Observation (VU) |
317.039 | Introduction to Finite Element Methods in Solid Mechanics (VU) |
141.B07 | Introduction to medical physics aspects of ion beam therapy (VO) |
166.692 | Introduction to Microscopy in Biology (VU) |
251.865 | Introduction to scientific work (SE) |
360.241 | Introduction to Semiconductor Physics and Devices (VU) |
165.166 | Introduction to Theoretical Chemistry (VU) |
192.055 | IT Projects for Youth (PR) |
192.058 | IT Projects for Youth (UE) |
311.161 | Joining of selected materials with selcted processes - Part 1 (VO) |
311.164 | Joining of selected materials with selected processes Part 2 (VO) |
163.178 | Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies (VO) |
362.060 | Labcourse on silicon technology (PR) |
366.088 | Lab Microsystems Technology (UE) |
306.024 | Laboratory course the engine 'muscle' (LU) |
311.127 | Laboratory tutorial (UE) |
226.044 | Laboratory Tutorial Wastewater Treatment (LU) [3] |
226.058 | Laborübung Ressourcenmanagement und Abfallwirtschaft (LU) |
134.154 | Laser in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine (VO) |
311.126 | Laser Processing Technology (VO) |
311.128 | Laser systems (SE) |
188.383 | Leadership Competency Coaching 1 (SE) |
188.472 | Leadership Competency Coaching 2 (SE) |
015.087 | Learning Support and e-Tutoring (SE) |
317.108 | Leichtbau (SE) |
308.869 | Life cycle of materials (VU) |
308.032 | Light Metals (VO) |
317.552 | Lightweight Design with Fiber-Reinforced-Polymers (VU) |
138.034 | Low Temperture Physics (VO) |
307.485 | Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions (VO) |
307.515 | Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions Solid Lubricants (VO) |
184.702 | Machine Learning (VU) |
183.605 | Machine Learning for Visual Computing (VU) |
138.128 | Machine Learning in Physics (VU) |
311.106 | Machining and Forming (VO) |
311.999 | Machining laboratory (LU) |
163.199 | Macromolecular Chemistry for BME Makromolekulare Chemie für BME (VO) |
138.033 | Magnetism (VO) |
134.231 | Mammalian Cell Culture (VO) |
134.232 | Mammalian Cell Culture (LU) |
134.241 | Mammalian Cell Culture (LU) |
330.144 | Management and Leadership (VU) |
311.998 | Manufacturing Systems (SE) |
034.011 | Masculinities and Technologies: Relations, Ambivalences, Implications (VO) |
308.075 | Master thesis colloquium (SE) |
164.162 | Matallurgy and Materials Processing (VO) |
226.066 | Material Flow Analysis (VU) |
362.154 | Materialien, Prozesse und Technologien der Photonik (VU) |
362.143 | Materialien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO) |
366.086 | Materials, processes and technologies for MEMS (VU) |
362.152 | Materials, processes and technologies og microelectronics (VU) |
207.025 | materials and algorithms (SE) |
308.129 | Materials Characterisation and Nondestructive Testing (VU) |
138.053 | Material Science (VO) |
308.860 | Material Science of Non-metalic Materials (VO) |
230.062 | Material Science of viscoelastic, organic construction materials (LU) |
308.870 | Materials Diagnostics (VU) |
164.160 | Materials failing, corrosion and fatigue (VO) |
308.094 | Materials for Mechanical Engineering (SE) |
308.124 | Materials Processing (PA) |
308.866 | Materials Processing (EX) |
308.867 | Materials Processing (SE) |
164.161 | Materials Science (VO) |
308.862 | Materials Science of Metallic Materials (VO) |
308.863 | Materials Science of Steels (VO) |
308.118 | Materials Selection (PA) |
308.878 | Materials Selection (VO) |
138.065 | Materials Synthesis (VO) [9] |
308.128 | Materials Testing (VU) |
308.859 | Materials Testing 2 (LU) |
101.647 | Math.Seminar Hörtheorie (SE) |
202.647 | Mathematical Systems Biology (VO) |
164.317 | Measurement Techniques, Instrumentation and Physical Sensors (VO) |
166.237 | Mechanical process engineering for a circular economy Treatment, Sorting, and Recycling of Wastes (VO) |
202.057 | Mechanical properties of biological tissue (VO) |
202.674 | Mechanobiology - Fundamentals and Modeling Concepts (VU) |
242.027 | Mediativ competence in Civil Engineering Practice 2 (SE) |
141.225 | Medical Physics of diagnostic imaging (VO) |
166.654 | Membrane Technology (VO) |
251.178 | Mental resilience for students (UE) |
060.017 | Mentoring - Mathematics (FaMe) (SE) |
206.174 | Metallic materials 1 (VO) |
206.175 | Metallic materials 1 (LU) |
206.318 | Metallic Materials 2 (VO) |
206.091 | Metallic Materials With Excursion (SE) |
308.101 | Metallische Hochtemperaturstoffe (VO) |
164.305 | Metals and material processing (LU) |
193.026 | Methods for Data Generation and Analytics in Medicine and Life Sciences (VU) |
360.229 | Methods of Calculating in Quantum Electronics (LU) |
366.090 | Micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (VO) |
362.163 | Microelectrodes & Microfluidics for Biomedical Applications (PR) |
362.118 | Microelectronic Concepts for Biomedical Interfacing (VU) |
360.233 | Microelectronic Relibility: Devices (VU) |
134.996 | Microscopy on Biomolecules (VO) |
134.997 | Microscopy on Biomolecules (PR) |
362.155 | Mikro- & nanoelektronische & optische Bauelemente (SE) |
194.076 | Modeling and Simulation (VU) |
212.010 | Modelling and Analysis of Structural Concrete (VO) |
101.852 | Modelling and analysis of the cardiovascular system (VU) |
194.094 | Modelling and Simulation in Health Technology Assessment (VU) |
222.580 | Modelling and simulation methods in water resource systems (VU) |
387.043 | Modern solid-state lasers: principles and applications (VO) |
165.093 | Molecular and self-organized materials (VO) |
134.201 | Molecular Biology of the Cell (VO) |
134.209 | Molecular Biophysics (VO) |
134.210 | Molecular Biophysics (UE) |
202.649 | Multiscale Material Modeling (VO) |
202.650 | Multiscale Material Modeling (UE) |
387.078 | Nano-Photonics (VO) |
362.147 | Nanostructuring of low domenional systems (VU) |
101.186 | Nervenmodelle (VO) |
141.242 | Neutron and X-ray Diffraction (VO) |
138.094 | Numerical methods and simulation (VU) [23] |
322.085 | Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics (VU) |
322.088 | Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flows (VU) |
101.509 | Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (VO) |
101.532 | Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (UE) [10] |
101.506 | Numerics of partial differential equations: stationary problems (VO) |
376.058 | Optimization (VU) [3] |
164.306 | Organic Mass Spectrometry (VO) |
330.136 | Organisational Lab (UE) |
132.968 | Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (SV) |
387.087 | Photonics 2 (VU) |
164.172 | Physical and Analytical Chemistry (VO) |
165.089 | Physical and Theoretical Solid State Chemistry (VU) |
165.141 | Physical and theoretical solid state chemistry (VO) |
164.196 | Physical Chemistry of Materials (VO) |
165.140 | Physicochemical Methods of Materials Characterization (VO) |
133.019 | Physics of Magnetic Materials (VO) |
138.032 | Physics of thin films (VO) |
138.035 | Physics of thin films (UE) |
134.048 | Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27] |
164.379 | Physiology and Basics of Pathology (VO) |
206.272 | Pipeline Engineering (VO) |
384.107 | Planning of IT Projects and Public Procurement Law (VO) |
134.169 | Plasma Technology and -Chemistry (VO) |
308.117 | Plastics Processing (VO) |
163.110 | Polymer characterization (VO) |
163.109 | Polymer Materials (VO) |
308.107 | Polymers for Special Applications (VO) |
164.163 | Powder Metallurgy and Sintered Materials (VO) |
138.051 | Practical course: Solid state physics (PR) |
141.823 | Prakt.aus Tieftemperaturphysik (PR) |
311.125 | Precision Maching with Lasers (VO) |
242.016 | Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (SE) |
242.017 | Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (SE) |
265.003 | private law (VO) |
164.316 | Process Analytical Chemistry (VO) |
166.219 | Process Simulation (RU) [6] |
166.038 | Process Simulation Basics (VO) |
317.045 | Project: Biomaterials and Biomechanics (PA) |
363.010 | Project: Biomedical Instrumentation & Signals (PA) |
101.388 | Project: Mathematical and Computational Biology (PA) |
134.191 | Project: Medical Physics & Imaging (PA) |
120.088 | Projects in Development Aid (VO) |
322.021 | Project study in fluid mechanics (PA) |
317.512 | Project Work Design Project Light Weight Structures and Finite Element Methods (PR) |
307.463 | Project Work Eco-Design/Sustainable Product Development (PR) |
311.131 | Project Work Laser material processing (PR) |
317.525 | Project Work Tissue Biomechanics (PR) |
307.466 | Prosthesis (VO) |
362.144 | Prozesstechnologien der Mikroelektronik, Photonik und der Mikrosystemtechnik (VO) |
120.113 | Python programming for geoscience (VU) |
164.169 | Quality Assurance and GLP/GMP (VO) |
360.227 | Quantum Electronics (VO) |
360.228 | Quantum Electronics Absorption (VU) |
141.A16 | Quantum Technology I (VO) |
166.042 | Reaction Engineering and Combustion (VO) |
120.138 | Real property law (VO) |
360.244 | Recent Advances in Computational Electronics (SE) |
259.646 | Recent Research in the field of Ecology (VO) |
164.298 | Recycling (VO) |
101.689 | Regelungsmath.Modelle in der Medizin (SV) |
306.005 | rehabilitation technology laboratory course (LU) |
307.039 | Rehabilitation Technology Seminar (SE) |
307.487 | Rehabiltation Technology Rehabilitation Engineering (VO) |
355.674 | Removal and recycling in electrical engineering (VO) |
185.A34 | Research Methods (VU) |
207.029 | Research Methods and Scientific Writing in Building and City Science (SE) |
166.679 | Resource Management (VO) |
226.054 | Resource Management (VU) |
060.009 | Resource management and resilience (VU) |
352.490 | Rhetoric, expression and argumentation (SE) |
222.588 | Risk and Climate Impact (VU) |
064.016 | Russian for engineers I (VU) |
164.303 | Sample preparation and basic concepts in bioanalysis (VO) |
317.029 | Sandwich Structures (VO) |
259.446 | Science and the quest for knowledge (SE) |
040.003 | Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (SE) |
040.004 | Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (VU) |
186.105 | Selected Chapters from Medical Visualization (VU) |
362.138 | Selected Topics - Biophysics (VU) |
360.245 | Selected Topics - Computational Electronics (PR) |
366.107 | Selected Topics - MEMS and NEMS (PR) |
362.162 | Selected Topics - Microelectronic Concepts for Biomedical Interfaces Practical Project to the corresponding lecture (PR) |
362.136 | Selected Topics - Microelectronic Devices Lab-course (VU) |
366.074 | Selected Topics - Microsensortechnology (VU) |
362.135 | Selected Topics - Nanoelectronics and Information Technology (VU) |
165.164 | Selected Topics in Theoretical Chemistry (PR) |
362.082 | Semiconductor electronics and devices (SE) |
362.106 | Semiconductor Physics for Materials Engineering (VO) |
360.248 | Semiconductor Sensors (VU) |
362.084 | Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE) |
186.175 | Seminar aus graphischer Datenverarb. (SE) |
325.090 | Seminar Mechatronic Systems (SE) |
225.032 | Seminar Resources and Waste Management (SE) |
226.039 | Seminar series water quality management (SE) |
308.114 | Service Strength (SE) |
206.073 | Shielded metal arc welding (LU) |
360.246 | Simulation of Semiconductor Device Fabrication (VU) |
165.144 | Simulations of solids (VU) |
164.313 | single crystal structure analysis (VU) |
134.203 | Single Molecule Microscopy (SE) |
134.235 | Soft matter analysis techniques and applications (VO) |
181.208 | Softskills for technicians (VU) |
299.001 | Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU) |
164.185 | Solid State Chemistry (VO) |
362.142 | Solid State Electronics (VO) |
362.083 | Solid state electronics and solid state devices (VU) |
138.017 | solid state physics I (VO) [5] |
138.024 | Solid state physics ll (VO) |
064.015 | Spanish for engineers I (VU) |
164.357 | Spatial Omics (VO) |
200.267 | Specialised relevant practice (SE) |
163.067 | Special Synthetic Polymer Chemistry (VO) |
138.057 | Spectroscopy of Solids (VO) |
105.645 | stationary processes and time series analysis, UE (UE) |
105.143 | Stationary processes and time series analysis (VO) |
183.584 | Statistical Pattern Recognition (UE) |
107.330 | Statistical Simulation and Computerintensive Methods (VU) |
183.425 | Statistische Methoden der Mustererkennung (VO) [4] |
141.405 | Strahlenphysik (SV) |
325.064 | Strength of Materials (VU) |
206.301 | Structural Dynamics (VO) |
141.685 | Supraleitung (SV) |
164.182 | Surface and Interface Analysis (VO) |
134.165 | Surface Physics (VO) |
134.192 | Surface Physics and -Analytics (VO) |
308.875 | Surface Technology (VO) |
308.892 | Surface Technology (LU) |
034.021 | Sustainability & Diversity in Research and Development (SE) |
060.028 | Swedish for Engineers 1 (VU) |
060.029 | Swedish for Engineers 2 (VU) |
057.028 | Syntax-based Japanese I (VO) |
057.030 | Syntax-based Japanese I (UE) |
165.146 | Synthesis of Inorganic Materials (VO) |
230.053 | System analysis, strategic planning and policy modelling with system dynamics (VU) |
064.001 | Talente Programm der TU Wien (VU) |
141.010 | Techn.Strahlenschutz I (SV) |
064.018 | Technical Chinese III (VU) |
064.020 | Technical English Communication A (VU) |
064.022 | Technical English Communication B (VU) |
064.019 | Technical English Presentation A (VU) |
064.021 | Technical English Presentation B (VU) |
064.024 | Technical Italien I (VU) |
307.465 | Technical Restoration of Body Functions by Means of FES (VU) |
034.003 | Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO) |
064.017 | Technisches Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (VU) |
034.012 | Technology and Ethics (VU) |
362.089 | Technology and Materials, Seminar (SE) |
015.082 | Technology exploitation (VO) |
061.003 | Technology for People (VU) |
194.082 | Technology for People 2040 (VU) |
164.167 | Technology of Nanostructured Materials (VO) |
138.030 | Technology of thin films (VO) |
141.944 | Teilchenbeschleuniger (SV) |
165.009 | Theoretical Chemistry (VO) |
132.034 | Theoretische Festkörperphysik I (SV) |
366.103 | Theory, modelling and simulation of MEMS and NEMS devices (VO) |
105.746 | Theory of stochastic processes (VO) |
166.220 | Thermal Biomass Utilization (VO) |
226.056 | Thermische Abfallverwertung (VO) |
330.302 | Transferable Skill - Account Management (UE) |
330.301 | Transferable Skill - Multidisciplinary Communication in Engineering Projects (UE) |
322.071 | Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (VO) |
322.072 | Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (UE) |
307.483 | Tribology of Machine Elements (VO) |
064.003 | TU.impact – the buddy program of the TU Wien (SE) |
134.157 | Ultrasound in Nature, Engineering and Medicine (VU) |
164.038 | Umweltchemie und Analytik (LU) |
164.052 | Umweltchemie und Analytik (VO) |
309.005 | Unfallbiomechanik (VO) |
166.649 | Urban Mining (VO) |
230.038 | Verkehrsträger- und Mobilitätsmanagement (VO) |
064.002 | voice.of.diversity - fair job opportunities without prejudice (UE) |
034.025 | VO Who cares? Social responsibility in science and technology development (VO) |
200.277 | Wahlpraktikum 1 (PR) |
200.278 | Wahlpraktikum 2 (PR) |
034.004 | Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE) |
222.578 | Wasserbauliches Versuchswesen (VU) |
222.571 | Wasserwirtschaft und Flussgebietsmanagement (VO) |
226.043 | Wastewater Treatment (VO) |
226.045 | Water and River Basin Management (UE) [1] |
206.178 | Welding and joining technology (KU) |
206.273 | Welding and Joining Technology 1 (VO) |
206.274 | Welding and Joining Technology 2 (VO) |
206.317 | Welding Applications (SE) |
206.177 | Welding technology (LU) |
206.092 | Welding Technology With Excursion (SE) |
164.319 | X-ray crystallography (VO) |