• Overview

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Mechanical Engineering (2024W)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (10)

153.494 Chemie f.Maschinenbau (VO)
317.530 Fundamentals in Programming for MB, WIMB and VT (VU)
311.620 Grundlagen der Fertigungstechnik (VO)
330.001 Grundzüge der Experimentellen Ökonomie (VO)
300.000 Introduction to mechanical and industrial engineering (VU)
104.297 Mathematics 1 for MB, WIMB and VT (VO)
104.604 Mathematics 1 for MB, WIMB and VT (UE) [1]
311.123 Physics for MB (VO) [6]
330.159 Production- and Quality Management 1 (VO)
307.426 Technical Drawing/CAD (VU)

2. Semester (7)

307.428 Fundamentals of Engineering Design (VO)
104.606 Mathematics 2 for MB, WIMB and VT (UE)
309.021 Mechanics of solid bodies, exercises 1 (UE)
309.019 Mechanics of solid bodies 1 (VO)
325.062 Stochastics (VU)
307.427 Technical Drawing/CAD Engineering Training (UE)
311.108 Workshop on Production Technology (PR)

3. Semester (9)

330.212 Business Costing (VU) [23]
372.748 Fundamentals in Electrical Engineering for MB and WIMB (VO)
302.671 Fundamentals in Thermodynamics (VU)
372.747 Fundamentals of Electronics for MB and WIMB (VO)
307.494 Machine Design 1 (VO)
308.862 Materials Science of Metallic Materials (VO)
104.618 Mathematics 3 for MB, WIMB and VT (VU)
309.022 Mechanics of solid bodies, exercises 2 (UE)
309.020 Mechanics of solid bodies 2 (VO)

4. Semester (10)

302.696 Applied Thermodynamics (VU)
301.038 Exercises in Mechanics 3 (UE)
322.048 Fundamentals in Fluid Mechanics (VU)
307.495 Machine Design 2 (VO)
307.452 Maschinenelemente Engineering Design Training (UE)
308.860 Material Science of Non-metalic Materials (VO)
308.861 Material Testing 1 (LU)
301.036 Mechanics 3 (VO)
317.556 Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 (VU)
322.083 Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 (VU)

5. Semester (5)

325.038 Fundamentals of Automatic Control (VU)
372.749 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics for MB and WIMB (LU)
317.016 Fundamentals of Finite Element Methods and other Methods in Computational Structural Mechanics (VO) [6]
303.009 Measuring and vibration technology (VO)
317.017 Tutorial Introduction to Finite Elements (UE)

6. Semester (1)

303.010 Measuring and vibration technology (LU)

7. Semester (1)

308.892 Surface Technology (LU)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (502)

034.026 Course not found ()
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064.039 Course not found ()
064.040 Course not found ()
064.041 Course not found ()
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317.051 Course not found ()
064.008 Accompanying lecture: Supporting deaf and hard of hearing students (UE)
064.012 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program (SE)
064.023 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program – short term (SE)
325.025 Adaptive and predictive control (UE)
328.036 Adaptive and predictive control (VO)
308.865 Additive Manufacturing Technologies (VU)
302.064 Advanced and alternative energy systems (SE)
302.699 Advanced and Alternative Energy Systems (LU)
317.050 Advanced Finite Element Methods (VU)
317.014 Advanced Space Propulsion Systems (VO)
302.720 Advanced Systems for Power Generation (VO)
311.062 Advanced Topics in History, Philosophy, and Trends of Technology (VO)
307.100 Aeronautical Seminar (SE)
307.504 Aircraft Design I (VU)
307.511 Aircraft Design II (VU)
307.516 Aircraft Systems Technology (VU)
302.725 Airing and Air Conditioning Technology (VO)
315.725 Alternative Powertrains (VO)
308.109 Analysis of Component Damage (PA)
317.542 Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (VU)
317.543 Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (LU)
311.178 An introduction to the design, measurement and operation of large mechanical engineering plants using the example of CERN (VO)
322.076 Applied Fluid Mechanics (VO)
322.047 Applied Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (LU)
317.004 Applied Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics of Ships (VO)
308.693 Arbeitsmethoden zur Werkstoffbeurteilung (LU)
330.265 Assistance Systems for Production 1 (VU)
330.273 Assistance Systems in Manufacturing 2 (VU)
322.074 Asymptotic Methods of Fluid Mechanics (VU)
308.882 Atomistic Materials Modelling (VO)
315.750 Automated driving and alternative vehicle technology (VO)
311.092 Automation and Drives (VO)
302.719 Automation for Thermal Engineering (LU)
315.761 Automobile, Energy and Environment (SE)
315.726 Automotive Engineering (LU)
315.759 Automotive Exhaust Emissions (VO)
315.760 Automotive Powertrains - Emissions and Energy (LU)
315.728 Automotive Powertrains (VO)
315.729 Automotive Powertrains (LU)
315.732 Automotive Powertrains (UE)
315.738 Automotive Powertrains (SE)
064.004 Awareness and meditation I (VU)
629.001 Awareness and meditation I (VU)
307.418 Bachelor Thesis Design Engineering (long) (PR)
302.704 Bachelor Thesis Energysystems A (PR)
322.055 Bachelor Thesis Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (PR)
317.513 Bachelor Thesis Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics (PR)
330.196 Bachelor Thesis Management Science (PR)
308.871 Bachelor Thesis Materials Science &Technology (PR)
325.059 Bachelor Thesis Mechanics and Mechatronics (PR)
315.740 Bachelor Thesis Powertrains and Automotive Technology (PR)
311.133 Bachelor Thesis Production Engineering and Laser Technology (PR)
311.119 Basic Nanotechnology and Nanometrology (VO)
311.023 Basic Quality Management and Metrology (VO)
260.142 Basic Skills dealing with organizations (VU)
311.136 Basics of Laser Technology (VO)
329.020 Basics of Pressure Vessel and Plant Technology (VU)
123.630 Berufs-u.Standesprobleme d.Verm.Ing. (VO)
308.106 Biocompatible Materials (VO)
308.119 Biomaterials (VO)
317.026 Biomechanics (VO)
317.028 Biomechanics (SE)
317.032 Biomechanics (LU)
101.028 Biomedical Engineering: An Introduction (VO)
322.029 Boundary layer theory (VO)
207.011 Building for people (VO)
251.843 Building for people :: historic.smart (VO)
251.852 Building for people :: Mosques in transition (VO)
307.514 bulk material simulation (VU)
322.057 Calculating Turbulent Flows with CFD-Codes (UE)
315.733 Car Design (SE)
315.762 Catalytic pollutant reduction of internal combustion engines (VO)
322.078 CFD Applied Fluidmechanics (PR)
302.683 CFD for Thermal Turbomachines (VO)
302.693 CFD for Thermal Turbomachines (VU)
302.726 CFD for Turbomachinery (UE)
163.171 Chemistry and Society (VO)
330.304 Circular Economy Management (VU)
311.063 Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (LU)
330.296 Cobot Studio @Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 (VU)
064.027 Communicating Science (VU)
181.200 Communication and rhetoric (SE)
184.004 Communication techniques (SE)
164.295 Composites and compounds (VO)
317.554 Composites Engineering (VU)
317.047 Computational Bionics (VU)
302.716 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering Applications (VO)
302.096 Computational Fluid Dynamics for Turbomachinery (SE)
307.510 Computational Materials Tribology (VU)
325.115 Computational methods for structural mechanics (VU)
301.063 Computer aided methods for dynamical systems (VO)
301.064 Computer aided methods for dynamical systems (UE)
308.886 Computer Use in Materials Technology (VU)
325.118 Continous Simulation (VU)
307.434 Continuous Handling Equipments (VO)
265.076 Contract and liability law (VU)
308.880 Corrosion (VU)
015.100 Creativity Engineering (VO)
315.054 Criteria of future automobiles I (VO)
315.055 Criteria of future automobiles II (VO)
308.130 Damage analyses (VU)
064.005 Das TU Talente - Programm für Studierende in Master- und Doktoratsstudien (VU)
060.019 Deep Dives: Management and leadership for technicians (VU)
321.001 Der Motor Muskel (VO)
302.731 Design- and Operational Optimization (VU)
302.063 Design and calculation of thermal equipment (UE)
315.735 Design of Automotive Suspension Systems (UE)
317.553 Design of Composite Structures using Finite Element Methods (UE)
311.093 Design of Machine Tools (VO)
064.007 Development of technical terms in ÖGS (VU)
187.250 Devepoling a career - coping with obstacles (VO)
302.697 Diagnostic and Maintenance of Hydr. Machines (VO)
060.031 Didactic Skills for tutors (VU)
328.011 Digital Control (VO)
330.211 Digital Factory Planning (VU)
330.317 Digital Simulation of Ergonomics and Robotics (DSER) (VU)
064.009 Digital skills for student support projects (UE)
322.062 Dimensional Analysis (VO)
308.884 Dissertation privatissimum (VO)
259.084 Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VU)
064.030 Diversity Skills (English) (UE)
064.029 Diversity Skills (German) (UE)
330.072 Doctoral and Diploma Seminar (SE)
301.018 Dynamics and Control of space vehicles (VO)
330.255 E&I Garage - Business Model Development (VU)
307.440 Ecodesign, Sustainable Product Development (SE)
166.127 Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO)
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
302.709 Educational Seminar (SE)
308.885 Elasticity and Dislocations (VU)
311.188 Energy and Resource-Efficient Production – Basics (VO)
311.160 Energy Efficient Production (VU)
302.733 Energy Systems Modeling (VO)
302.734 Energy Systems Modeling (UE)
315.753 Engine and Vehicle Control Systems (VO)
315.745 Engine Cycle Simulation - Programming Exercise (RU)
307.437 Engineering Design and Development of New Products (VO)
307.438 Engineering Design and Development of New Products (UE)
325.045 Engineering dynamics - laboratory course (LU)
308.868 Engineering Materials (VO)
302.682 Equipment for Thermal Energy 1 (VO)
302.689 Equipment for Thermal Energy 2 (VO)
302.095 Erasmus+ Traineeship Master Thesis (PR)
164.287 European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [7]
308.140 Examination of material failures in production plants (VO)
265.727 Expert law (VO)
330.305 Factory Planning and Operating (VU)
325.055 Feedback Control (VU)
034.016 Feminist technology studies (VU)
034.028 femTUconnect – feminist networks (SE)
325.095 Finite Element for Multi-Physics I (VU)
325.099 Finite Element Methods for Multi-Physics II (VO)
317.526 Finite Element Methods in Biomechanics (VU)
307.102 Flight Lab (LU)
322.090 Fluid Mechanics 2 (VU)
060.015 Foundations of scientific work (VU)
308.120 Fracture Mechanics (LU)
064.014 French for engineers I (VU)
308.146 From BIG-data to HOT-properties of high-entropy carbides and carbo-nitrides (VO)
315.754 Fuel cell (LU)
315.757 Fuel Cell Programming (RU)
330.284 Fundamentals of assembly planning and design (VO)
322.087 Fundamentals of numerical thermo-fluid dynamics (VU)
311.158 Fundamentals of personnel certification in the process-oriented integrated management systems (VO)
064.028 Further Education and Lifelong Learning (VU)
315.032 Future development of gasoline engines (VO)
315.059 Future Drive Concepts (VO)
308.098 Fügetechnik (VO)
322.075 Gas dynamics and Aerodynamics (VU)
034.009 Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz (SE)
259.018 Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VO)
311.117 Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification (VO)
352.031 Getting agreement in negotiations (SE)
317.555 Graduate Seminar Biomedical Engineering - Doctoral College MatureTissue (SE)
315.282 Grundzüge Kraftfahrzeugbau (VO)
314.018 Gruppendynamisches Seminar (SE)
322.046 Heat Transfer (VU) [11]
064.026 How to Illustrate Engineering by Means of Audiovisual Media (VU)
376.075 How to Invent a Robot - Product Development from the User Perspective (VU)
193.085 Human Robot Interaction (VU)
315.758 Hybrid Drives (VO)
302.673 Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems I (VO)
302.681 Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems I (LU)
302.707 Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems I (UE)
302.677 Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems II (VO)
302.679 Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems II (UE)
302.695 Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems II (SE)
302.675 Hydraulic Measuring and Testing (UE)
302.724 Hydraulic Measuring and Testing (VO)
315.752 Hydrogen and fuel cells (VO)
302.727 Hydropower Plants: from idea to electricity (VO)
325.065 Identification - Experimental Modeling (UE)
328.032 Identifikation - Experimentelle Modellbildung (VO)
308.138 Imaging metals by X-rays. electrons, and neutrons (SE)
060.016 Impact of technological development - Introduction to the theory and practice of technology assessment (TA) (VO)
325.097 Implementation of a Finite Element Program (VU)
311.114 Industrial Manufacturing Systems (VO)
311.120 Industrial Manufacturing Systems (UE)
360.012 Industrial property rights for technicians (VO)
325.035 Industrial Realtime Control Systems and Information Technology (VO)
302.086 Industrial seminar of energy technology (VO)
311.172 Industrie 4.0: Integrated Framework of Advanced Production and Metrology Technologies (VU)
253.179 INEX Sustainability Challenge (VO)
330.250 Innovation Lab (VU)
330.258 Innovation Theory (VU)
302.715 Innovative Building Services (VU)
330.260 Inspirational Leadership in the 21st century (VU)
311.148 Integrative Product Creation (PR)
311.745 Intelligent Mnanufacturing Systems (VO)
193.106 Intelligent User Interfaces (VU)
330.131 International Negotiations (VU)
058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management (VU)
317.019 Introduction to aircraft (VO)
064.010 Introduction to Austrian Sign Language and Deaf Culture (VU)
034.015 Introduction to diversity management (VU)
302.732 Introduction to Industrial Energy Systems and Digital Methods (VO)
309.029 Introduction to Multi-body-system dynamics (VO)
325.056 Introduction to Multi-Body-System Dynamics (UE)
251.865 Introduction to scientific work (SE)
192.055 IT Projects for Youth (PR)
192.058 IT Projects for Youth (UE)
311.161 Joining of selected materials with selcted processes - Part 1 (VO)
311.164 Joining of selected materials with selected processes Part 2 (VO)
311.696 Koordinatenmessmasch.-Grundl.u.Anwendg. (VO)
328.034 Laboratory Advanced Automatic Control (LU)
306.024 Laboratory course the engine 'muscle' (LU)
311.127 Laboratory tutorial (UE)
311.126 Laser Processing Technology (VO)
311.128 Laser systems (SE)
311.132 Laser technology (VO)
330.313 Leadership, Strategy & Change Management (VO)
188.383 Leadership Competency Coaching 1 (SE)
188.472 Leadership Competency Coaching 2 (SE)
015.087 Learning Support and e-Tutoring (SE)
317.108 Leichtbau (SE)
308.869 Life cycle of materials (VU)
307.431 Lifting and Handling Systems and Conveying Appliances (with Excursion) (SE)
307.432 Lifting and Handling Systems and Conveying Appliances Laboratory Exercise (LU)
308.032 Light Metals (VO)
317.552 Lightweight Design with Fiber-Reinforced-Polymers (VU)
307.485 Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions (VO)
307.515 Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions Solid Lubricants (VO)
307.496 Machine Design (LU)
307.493 Machine Design 3 (UE)
325.039 Machine Dynamics (UE)
307.492 Machine Elements 3 (VO)
317.547 Machine Learning in Engineering Applications (SE)
376.081 Machine Vision (VU)
311.106 Machining and Forming (VO)
311.999 Machining laboratory (LU)
330.169 Maintenance and Reliability Management (VO)
330.144 Management and Leadership (VU)
311.122 Manufacturing Systems (SE)
311.998 Manufacturing Systems (SE)
303.182 Maschinendynamik (VO)
034.011 Masculinities and Technologies: Relations, Ambivalences, Implications (VO)
308.129 Materials Characterisation and Nondestructive Testing (VU)
308.870 Materials Diagnostics (VU)
308.142 Materials for hydrogen technologies (VO)
308.094 Materials for Mechanical Engineering (SE)
307.429 Materials Handling and Transport Technology (VO)
307.430 Materials Handling and Transport Technology Construction Exercise (UE)
308.895 Materials in Nuclear Applications – Fundamentals (VO)
308.124 Materials Processing (PA)
308.866 Materials Processing (EX)
308.867 Materials Processing (SE)
308.863 Materials Science of Steels (VO)
308.118 Materials Selection (PA)
308.878 Materials Selection (VO)
308.128 Materials Testing (VU)
308.859 Materials Testing 2 (LU)
300.008 MB Ambassador (VO)
311.170 Mechanical behaviour of 3D printed components: Opportunities and challenges in future design (VO)
325.105 Mechatronic Systems Lab (LU)
242.027 Mediativ competence in Civil Engineering Practice 2 (SE)
251.178 Mental resilience for students (UE)
060.017 Mentoring - Mathematics (FaMe) (SE)
308.101 Metallische Hochtemperaturstoffe (VO)
307.520 Mobile Robotics (VO)
325.100 Modal analysis (VU)
311.137 Modelling and Simulation in Production Technology (VU)
302.022 Modelling and Simulation of Thermodynamic Processes (VO)
325.107 Modelling and System Identification for Model Based Control (VO)
302.053 Modern trends in thermal turbomachinery design (VO)
307.521 Motion Analysis (LU)
315.763 Motor Vehicle Noise Emissions (VO)
315.756 New mobility, vehicle body and technology concepts (VO)
309.518 Nichtlineare Elastizitätstheorie (VO)
322.085 Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics (VU)
317.546 Numerical Methods in Lightweight Design (VU)
317.548 Numerical Methods in Lightweight Design (LU)
322.088 Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flows (VU)
302.074 Numerical Process Simulation of Thermal Power Plants (VU)
315.746 Off-road vehicles technology (VO)
302.666 Oil hydraulics (VO)
317.511 Optimum Structural Design (VO)
300.005 Optional Internship (PA)
300.006 Optional Internship (PA)
300.007 Optional Internship (PA)
330.136 Organisational Lab (UE)
384.107 Planning of IT Projects and Public Procurement Law (VO)
308.117 Plastics Processing (VO)
311.089 PLC: Programming and Industrial Communication (VO)
302.061 Pollution control at thermal power systems (VU)
308.107 Polymers for Special Applications (VO)
311.125 Precision Maching with Lasers (VO)
301.061 Presentation of methods in mechanics (UE)
301.062 Presentation of methods in mechanics (SE)
242.016 Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
242.017 Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
329.023 Pressure Equipment - Modell and Admissiblity Analysis (VU)
307.468 Pressure Vessel Technology - Design Work (UE)
329.024 Pressure Vessel Technology (VO)
265.003 private law (VO)
307.512 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (VO)
317.541 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
307.439 Product Development, Innovation and ECO-Design (VO)
311.140 Production Metrology - Seminar (SE)
311.138 Production Metrology / Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification - GPS (VO)
311.139 Production Metrology (LU)
311.078 Production Planning and Control Systems (VO)
311.394 Produktionsmesstechnik,Sensorik-Labor (LU)
311.564 Programmieren von NC Maschinen (UE)
311.189 Programming and Simulation of Machining Systems (CAD/CAM) (VU)
330.320 Programming and Simulation of Robotic Systems (VO)
330.214 Project and Enterprise Financing (VU)
330.181 Project and Process Management (VU)
302.706 Project Work (PR)
315.744 Project Work (PR)
307.103 Project Work Aeronautical Engineering (PR)
311.144 Project Work Automation in Production Facilities (PR)
311.147 Project Work Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PR)
325.108 Project Work Control (PR)
317.512 Project Work Design Project Light Weight Structures and Finite Element Methods (PR)
307.463 Project Work Eco-Design/Sustainable Product Development (PR)
325.048 Project Work Engineering dynamics (PR)
330.246 Project Work Financial Management and Controlling (PR)
322.069 Project Work Fluid Mechanics (PR)
307.479 Project Work Formula Student (PR)
315.049 Project Work in Environmental Impacts of Automotive Engines (PA)
325.061 Project Work in Vehicle System Dynamics or Biomechanics (PR)
330.233 Project Work Labor Science and Organization (PR)
311.131 Project Work Laser material processing (PR)
330.324 Project Work Leadership, Strategy & Change (PR)
307.101 Project Work Machine Design (PR)
311.149 Project Work Manufacturing Systems (PR)
308.874 Project Work Materials (PR)
325.079 Project Work Measurement and Actuator Technology (PR)
325.119 Project Work mechanics of structures (PR)
307.486 Project Work Pressure Vessel Design (PR)
330.182 Project Work Production and Logistics Management (PR)
311.143 Project Work Production Metrology (PR)
307.467 Project Work Rehabilitation Technology (PR)
307.502 Project Work Student Aerospace (PR)
307.464 Project Work Technical Logistics (PR)
302.701 Project Work Thermal Engineering Design (PR)
317.525 Project Work Tissue Biomechanics (PR)
307.498 Project Work Transmissions for Aviation (PR)
307.497 Project Work Triology (PR)
307.420 Project Work Virtual Product Development (PR)
307.466 Prosthesis (VO)
311.159 Quality Management - Seminar and Industrial Applications (SE)
330.306 Quality Management (VU)
307.441 Rail Vehicle Design (VO)
307.442 Rail Vehicle Design (SE)
307.443 Rail Vehicle Design (UE)
307.444 Rail Vehicle Design (LU)
307.445 Rail Vehicle Design (UE)
259.646 Recent Research in the field of Ecology (VO)
302.723 Refrigeration (VO)
306.006 Rehabilitationstechnik Seminar (SE)
306.005 rehabilitation technology laboratory course (LU)
307.487 Rehabiltation Technology Rehabilitation Engineering (VO)
315.436 Rennmotoren und Rennfahrzeuge (VO)
060.009 Resource management and resilience (VU)
352.490 Rhetoric, expression and argumentation (SE)
300.004 RoboFetz (PR)
330.311 Robot Challenge (VU)
330.328 Robot Challenge (VU)
325.112 Robot Control (VU)
311.022 Robotics (VO)
311.186 Robotics in Manufacturing (VO)
376.055 Robot Vision: Selected Topics (VU)
307.436 Ropeway Systems (VO)
325.042 Rotordynamics (VO)
325.043 Rotordynamics (UE)
064.016 Russian for engineers I (VU)
317.029 Sandwich Structures (VO)
259.446 Science and the quest for knowledge (SE)
040.003 Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (SE)
040.004 Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (VU)
302.700 Selected Aspects of Energy Systems Selected Aspects of Energy Systems (SE)
328.284 Seminar Automatic control (SE)
325.046 Seminar engineering dynamics (SE)
317.007 Seminar for Doctoral Students (SE)
307.471 Seminar for Master and PhD students (SE)
311.181 Seminar for Master and PhD students (SE)
330.247 Seminar for Master and PhD students (SE)
311.153 Seminar for PhD Students (SE)
311.173 Seminar for PHD students (SE)
325.090 Seminar Mechatronic Systems (SE)
322.060 Seminar of Biofluidmechanics Seminar on Fluid Mechanics (SE)
307.513 Seminar on Aircraft Design (SE)
322.059 Seminar on Turbulence (SE)
308.114 Service Strength (SE)
308.889 Short courses in materials technology (VO)
325.120 Simulation and Optimization (VU)
307.446 Simulation of Transport Systems (VO)
307.447 Simulation of Transport Systems (UE)
181.208 Softskills for technicians (VU)
299.001 Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU)
064.015 Spanish for engineers I (VU)
325.057 Special Problems of Vehicle Dynamics (VO)
307.456 Specific Machine Design (VO)
307.457 Specific Machine Design (UE)
309.041 Spezielle Probleme der Mehrkörpersystemdynamik (VO)
317.551 Stability problems of elastostatics (VU)
309.023 Stabilitätsprobleme bewegter Systeme (VO)
325.019 State space control of MIMO systems (VU)
307.435 Steel Structures (VO)
330.130 Strategic Management (VU)
330.206 Strategies in Automotive Industry (VO)
325.064 Strength of Materials (VU)
317.534 Structural Analyses of Railway Vehicles Constructions (VO)
325.116 Structural mechanics (LU)
325.117 Structural mechanics (SE)
325.114 Structural mechanics of plates and shells (VU)
325.113 Structural mechanics of rods (VU)
302.089 Study trip in thermal turbomachines and power plants (EX)
308.875 Surface Technology (VO)
308.892 Surface Technology (LU)
034.021 Sustainability & Diversity in Research and Development (SE)
330.312 Sustainable value systems (VO)
060.028 Swedish for Engineers 1 (VU)
060.029 Swedish for Engineers 2 (VU)
057.028 Syntax-based Japanese I (VO)
057.030 Syntax-based Japanese I (UE)
315.751 Systems and components of electromobility (VO)
307.095 Systems Engineering (VU)
064.001 Talente Programm der TU Wien (VU)
330.271 Teambuilding and Leadership (VU)
064.018 Technical Chinese III (VU)
064.020 Technical English Communication A (VU)
064.022 Technical English Communication B (VU)
064.019 Technical English Presentation A (VU)
064.021 Technical English Presentation B (VU)
064.024 Technical Italien I (VU)
307.425 Technical Logistics (VO)
307.465 Technical Restoration of Body Functions by Means of FES (VU)
034.003 Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO)
064.017 Technisches Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (VU)
330.287 Technology, Work and Organization (VU)
034.012 Technology and Ethics (VU)
015.082 Technology exploitation (VO)
061.003 Technology for People (VU)
194.082 Technology for People 2040 (VU)
311.110 Testing of Production Equipment (LU)
311.121 Testing of Production Equipment (VO)
302.033 Thermal Engineering, laboratory exercise (LU)
302.688 Thermal Engineering (SE)
302.687 Thermal Equipment 1 (UE)
302.672 Thermal Turbomachines (VO)
302.684 Thermal Turbomachines (UE)
302.686 Thermal Turbomachines (SE)
302.694 Thermal Turbomachines (LU)
315.764 Thermodynamic Principles of Automotive Propulsion Systems (VO)
302.034 Thermodynamics in power engineering (VO)
302.048 Thermodynamics in power engineering (UE)
302.691 Thermodynamics of Advanced and Alternative Energy Conversion Methods (VU)
317.557 Thin-walled structures in engineering: theory, computation and applications (VU)
330.302 Transferable Skill - Account Management (UE)
330.301 Transferable Skill - Multidisciplinary Communication in Engineering Projects (UE)
307.473 Transmissions - Selected Topics (VO)
307.459 Transmissions for Aviation (VO)
307.460 Transmissions for Aviation (LU)
308.894 Tribology and wear under harsh environments (VU)
307.483 Tribology of Machine Elements (VO)
064.003 TU.impact – the buddy program of the TU Wien (SE)
322.058 Turbulent flows (VO)
315.734 under construction (VO)
309.005 Unfallbiomechanik (VO)
325.047 Vehicle Dynamics Seminar (SE)
325.058 Vehicle System Dynamics (VO)
307.414 Virtual Product Development (VO)
307.422 Virtual Product Development (UE)
064.002 voice.of.diversity - fair job opportunities without prejudice (UE)
034.025 VO Who cares? Social responsibility in science and technology development (VO)
034.004 Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE)
303.336 Zustandsüberwachung von Maschinen (VO)