034.026 | Course not found () |
034.027 | Course not found () |
064.031 | Course not found () |
064.032 | Course not found () |
064.035 | Course not found () |
064.036 | Course not found () |
064.038 | Course not found () |
064.039 | Course not found () |
064.040 | Course not found () |
064.041 | Course not found () |
302.097 | Course not found () |
317.049 | Course not found () |
317.051 | Course not found () |
064.008 | Accompanying lecture: Supporting deaf and hard of hearing students (UE) |
064.012 | Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program (SE) |
064.023 | Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program – short term (SE) |
325.025 | Adaptive and predictive control (UE) |
328.036 | Adaptive and predictive control (VO) |
308.865 | Additive Manufacturing Technologies (VU) |
302.064 | Advanced and alternative energy systems (SE) |
302.699 | Advanced and Alternative Energy Systems (LU) |
317.050 | Advanced Finite Element Methods (VU) |
317.014 | Advanced Space Propulsion Systems (VO) |
302.720 | Advanced Systems for Power Generation (VO) |
311.062 | Advanced Topics in History, Philosophy, and Trends of Technology (VO) |
307.100 | Aeronautical Seminar (SE) |
307.504 | Aircraft Design I (VU) |
307.511 | Aircraft Design II (VU) |
307.516 | Aircraft Systems Technology (VU) |
302.725 | Airing and Air Conditioning Technology (VO) |
315.725 | Alternative Powertrains (VO) |
308.109 | Analysis of Component Damage (PA) |
317.542 | Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (VU) |
317.543 | Analytical Methods in Lightweight Design (LU) |
311.178 | An introduction to the design, measurement and operation of large mechanical engineering plants using the example of CERN (VO) |
322.076 | Applied Fluid Mechanics (VO) |
322.047 | Applied Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (LU) |
317.004 | Applied Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics of Ships (VO) |
308.693 | Arbeitsmethoden zur Werkstoffbeurteilung (LU) |
330.265 | Assistance Systems for Production 1 (VU) |
330.273 | Assistance Systems in Manufacturing 2 (VU) |
322.074 | Asymptotic Methods of Fluid Mechanics (VU) |
308.882 | Atomistic Materials Modelling (VO) |
315.750 | Automated driving and alternative vehicle technology (VO) |
311.092 | Automation and Drives (VO) |
302.719 | Automation for Thermal Engineering (LU) |
315.761 | Automobile, Energy and Environment (SE) |
315.726 | Automotive Engineering (LU) |
315.759 | Automotive Exhaust Emissions (VO) |
315.760 | Automotive Powertrains - Emissions and Energy (LU) |
315.728 | Automotive Powertrains (VO) |
315.729 | Automotive Powertrains (LU) |
315.732 | Automotive Powertrains (UE) |
315.738 | Automotive Powertrains (SE) |
064.004 | Awareness and meditation I (VU) |
629.001 | Awareness and meditation I (VU) |
307.418 | Bachelor Thesis Design Engineering (long) (PR) |
302.704 | Bachelor Thesis Energysystems A (PR) |
322.055 | Bachelor Thesis Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (PR) |
317.513 | Bachelor Thesis Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics (PR) |
330.196 | Bachelor Thesis Management Science (PR) |
308.871 | Bachelor Thesis Materials Science &Technology (PR) |
325.059 | Bachelor Thesis Mechanics and Mechatronics (PR) |
315.740 | Bachelor Thesis Powertrains and Automotive Technology (PR) |
311.133 | Bachelor Thesis Production Engineering and Laser Technology (PR) |
311.119 | Basic Nanotechnology and Nanometrology (VO) |
311.023 | Basic Quality Management and Metrology (VO) |
260.142 | Basic Skills dealing with organizations (VU) |
311.136 | Basics of Laser Technology (VO) |
329.020 | Basics of Pressure Vessel and Plant Technology (VU) |
123.630 | Berufs-u.Standesprobleme d.Verm.Ing. (VO) |
308.106 | Biocompatible Materials (VO) |
308.119 | Biomaterials (VO) |
317.026 | Biomechanics (VO) |
317.028 | Biomechanics (SE) |
317.032 | Biomechanics (LU) |
101.028 | Biomedical Engineering: An Introduction (VO) |
322.029 | Boundary layer theory (VO) |
207.011 | Building for people (VO) |
251.843 | Building for people :: historic.smart (VO) |
251.852 | Building for people :: Mosques in transition (VO) |
307.514 | bulk material simulation (VU) |
322.057 | Calculating Turbulent Flows with CFD-Codes (UE) |
315.733 | Car Design (SE) |
315.762 | Catalytic pollutant reduction of internal combustion engines (VO) |
322.078 | CFD Applied Fluidmechanics (PR) |
302.683 | CFD for Thermal Turbomachines (VO) |
302.693 | CFD for Thermal Turbomachines (VU) |
302.726 | CFD for Turbomachinery (UE) |
163.171 | Chemistry and Society (VO) |
330.304 | Circular Economy Management (VU) |
311.063 | Co-ordinate Measuring Machine (LU) |
330.296 | Cobot Studio @Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 (VU) |
064.027 | Communicating Science (VU) |
181.200 | Communication and rhetoric (SE) |
184.004 | Communication techniques (SE) |
164.295 | Composites and compounds (VO) |
317.554 | Composites Engineering (VU) |
317.047 | Computational Bionics (VU) |
302.716 | Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering Applications (VO) |
302.096 | Computational Fluid Dynamics for Turbomachinery (SE) |
307.510 | Computational Materials Tribology (VU) |
325.115 | Computational methods for structural mechanics (VU) |
301.063 | Computer aided methods for dynamical systems (VO) |
301.064 | Computer aided methods for dynamical systems (UE) |
308.886 | Computer Use in Materials Technology (VU) |
325.118 | Continous Simulation (VU) |
307.434 | Continuous Handling Equipments (VO) |
265.076 | Contract and liability law (VU) |
308.880 | Corrosion (VU) |
015.100 | Creativity Engineering (VO) |
315.054 | Criteria of future automobiles I (VO) |
315.055 | Criteria of future automobiles II (VO) |
308.130 | Damage analyses (VU) |
064.005 | Das TU Talente - Programm für Studierende in Master- und Doktoratsstudien (VU) |
060.019 | Deep Dives: Management and leadership for technicians (VU) |
321.001 | Der Motor Muskel (VO) |
302.731 | Design- and Operational Optimization (VU) |
302.063 | Design and calculation of thermal equipment (UE) |
315.735 | Design of Automotive Suspension Systems (UE) |
317.553 | Design of Composite Structures using Finite Element Methods (UE) |
311.093 | Design of Machine Tools (VO) |
064.007 | Development of technical terms in ÖGS (VU) |
187.250 | Devepoling a career - coping with obstacles (VO) |
302.697 | Diagnostic and Maintenance of Hydr. Machines (VO) |
060.031 | Didactic Skills for tutors (VU) |
328.011 | Digital Control (VO) |
330.211 | Digital Factory Planning (VU) |
330.317 | Digital Simulation of Ergonomics and Robotics (DSER) (VU) |
064.009 | Digital skills for student support projects (UE) |
322.062 | Dimensional Analysis (VO) |
308.884 | Dissertation privatissimum (VO) |
259.084 | Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VU) |
064.030 | Diversity Skills (English) (UE) |
064.029 | Diversity Skills (German) (UE) |
330.072 | Doctoral and Diploma Seminar (SE) |
301.018 | Dynamics and Control of space vehicles (VO) |
330.255 | E&I Garage - Business Model Development (VU) |
307.440 | Ecodesign, Sustainable Product Development (SE) |
166.127 | Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO) |
164.225 | Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12] |
302.709 | Educational Seminar (SE) |
308.885 | Elasticity and Dislocations (VU) |
311.188 | Energy and Resource-Efficient Production – Basics (VO) |
311.160 | Energy Efficient Production (VU) |
302.733 | Energy Systems Modeling (VO) |
302.734 | Energy Systems Modeling (UE) |
315.753 | Engine and Vehicle Control Systems (VO) |
315.745 | Engine Cycle Simulation - Programming Exercise (RU) |
307.437 | Engineering Design and Development of New Products (VO) |
307.438 | Engineering Design and Development of New Products (UE) |
325.045 | Engineering dynamics - laboratory course (LU) |
308.868 | Engineering Materials (VO) |
302.682 | Equipment for Thermal Energy 1 (VO) |
302.689 | Equipment for Thermal Energy 2 (VO) |
302.095 | Erasmus+ Traineeship Master Thesis (PR) |
164.287 | European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [7] |
308.140 | Examination of material failures in production plants (VO) |
265.727 | Expert law (VO) |
330.305 | Factory Planning and Operating (VU) |
325.055 | Feedback Control (VU) |
034.016 | Feminist technology studies (VU) |
034.028 | femTUconnect – feminist networks (SE) |
325.095 | Finite Element for Multi-Physics I (VU) |
325.099 | Finite Element Methods for Multi-Physics II (VO) |
317.526 | Finite Element Methods in Biomechanics (VU) |
307.102 | Flight Lab (LU) |
322.090 | Fluid Mechanics 2 (VU) |
060.015 | Foundations of scientific work (VU) |
308.120 | Fracture Mechanics (LU) |
064.014 | French for engineers I (VU) |
308.146 | From BIG-data to HOT-properties of high-entropy carbides and carbo-nitrides (VO) |
315.754 | Fuel cell (LU) |
315.757 | Fuel Cell Programming (RU) |
330.284 | Fundamentals of assembly planning and design (VO) |
322.087 | Fundamentals of numerical thermo-fluid dynamics (VU) |
311.158 | Fundamentals of personnel certification in the process-oriented integrated management systems (VO) |
064.028 | Further Education and Lifelong Learning (VU) |
315.032 | Future development of gasoline engines (VO) |
315.059 | Future Drive Concepts (VO) |
308.098 | Fügetechnik (VO) |
322.075 | Gas dynamics and Aerodynamics (VU) |
034.009 | Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz (SE) |
259.018 | Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VO) |
311.117 | Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification (VO) |
352.031 | Getting agreement in negotiations (SE) |
317.555 | Graduate Seminar Biomedical Engineering - Doctoral College MatureTissue (SE) |
315.282 | Grundzüge Kraftfahrzeugbau (VO) |
314.018 | Gruppendynamisches Seminar (SE) |
322.046 | Heat Transfer (VU) [11] |
064.026 | How to Illustrate Engineering by Means of Audiovisual Media (VU) |
376.075 | How to Invent a Robot - Product Development from the User Perspective (VU) |
193.085 | Human Robot Interaction (VU) |
315.758 | Hybrid Drives (VO) |
302.673 | Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems I (VO) |
302.681 | Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems I (LU) |
302.707 | Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems I (UE) |
302.677 | Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems II (VO) |
302.679 | Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems II (UE) |
302.695 | Hydraulic Machinery and Hydraulic Systems II (SE) |
302.675 | Hydraulic Measuring and Testing (UE) |
302.724 | Hydraulic Measuring and Testing (VO) |
315.752 | Hydrogen and fuel cells (VO) |
302.727 | Hydropower Plants: from idea to electricity (VO) |
325.065 | Identification - Experimental Modeling (UE) |
328.032 | Identifikation - Experimentelle Modellbildung (VO) |
308.138 | Imaging metals by X-rays. electrons, and neutrons (SE) |
060.016 | Impact of technological development - Introduction to the theory and practice of technology assessment (TA) (VO) |
325.097 | Implementation of a Finite Element Program (VU) |
311.114 | Industrial Manufacturing Systems (VO) |
311.120 | Industrial Manufacturing Systems (UE) |
360.012 | Industrial property rights for technicians (VO) |
325.035 | Industrial Realtime Control Systems and Information Technology (VO) |
302.086 | Industrial seminar of energy technology (VO) |
311.172 | Industrie 4.0: Integrated Framework of Advanced Production and Metrology Technologies (VU) |
253.179 | INEX Sustainability Challenge (VO) |
330.250 | Innovation Lab (VU) |
330.258 | Innovation Theory (VU) |
302.715 | Innovative Building Services (VU) |
330.260 | Inspirational Leadership in the 21st century (VU) |
311.148 | Integrative Product Creation (PR) |
311.745 | Intelligent Mnanufacturing Systems (VO) |
193.106 | Intelligent User Interfaces (VU) |
330.131 | International Negotiations (VU) |
058.005 | Introduction into Research Data Management (VU) |
317.019 | Introduction to aircraft (VO) |
064.010 | Introduction to Austrian Sign Language and Deaf Culture (VU) |
034.015 | Introduction to diversity management (VU) |
302.732 | Introduction to Industrial Energy Systems and Digital Methods (VO) |
309.029 | Introduction to Multi-body-system dynamics (VO) |
325.056 | Introduction to Multi-Body-System Dynamics (UE) |
251.865 | Introduction to scientific work (SE) |
192.055 | IT Projects for Youth (PR) |
192.058 | IT Projects for Youth (UE) |
311.161 | Joining of selected materials with selcted processes - Part 1 (VO) |
311.164 | Joining of selected materials with selected processes Part 2 (VO) |
311.696 | Koordinatenmessmasch.-Grundl.u.Anwendg. (VO) |
328.034 | Laboratory Advanced Automatic Control (LU) |
306.024 | Laboratory course the engine 'muscle' (LU) |
311.127 | Laboratory tutorial (UE) |
311.126 | Laser Processing Technology (VO) |
311.128 | Laser systems (SE) |
311.132 | Laser technology (VO) |
330.313 | Leadership, Strategy & Change Management (VO) |
188.383 | Leadership Competency Coaching 1 (SE) |
188.472 | Leadership Competency Coaching 2 (SE) |
015.087 | Learning Support and e-Tutoring (SE) |
317.108 | Leichtbau (SE) |
308.869 | Life cycle of materials (VU) |
307.431 | Lifting and Handling Systems and Conveying Appliances (with Excursion) (SE) |
307.432 | Lifting and Handling Systems and Conveying Appliances Laboratory Exercise (LU) |
308.032 | Light Metals (VO) |
317.552 | Lightweight Design with Fiber-Reinforced-Polymers (VU) |
307.485 | Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions (VO) |
307.515 | Lubricated contacts - an introduction to lubricant and surface interactions Solid Lubricants (VO) |
307.496 | Machine Design (LU) |
307.493 | Machine Design 3 (UE) |
325.039 | Machine Dynamics (UE) |
307.492 | Machine Elements 3 (VO) |
317.547 | Machine Learning in Engineering Applications (SE) |
376.081 | Machine Vision (VU) |
311.106 | Machining and Forming (VO) |
311.999 | Machining laboratory (LU) |
330.169 | Maintenance and Reliability Management (VO) |
330.144 | Management and Leadership (VU) |
311.122 | Manufacturing Systems (SE) |
311.998 | Manufacturing Systems (SE) |
303.182 | Maschinendynamik (VO) |
034.011 | Masculinities and Technologies: Relations, Ambivalences, Implications (VO) |
308.129 | Materials Characterisation and Nondestructive Testing (VU) |
308.870 | Materials Diagnostics (VU) |
308.142 | Materials for hydrogen technologies (VO) |
308.094 | Materials for Mechanical Engineering (SE) |
307.429 | Materials Handling and Transport Technology (VO) |
307.430 | Materials Handling and Transport Technology Construction Exercise (UE) |
308.895 | Materials in Nuclear Applications – Fundamentals (VO) |
308.124 | Materials Processing (PA) |
308.866 | Materials Processing (EX) |
308.867 | Materials Processing (SE) |
308.863 | Materials Science of Steels (VO) |
308.118 | Materials Selection (PA) |
308.878 | Materials Selection (VO) |
308.128 | Materials Testing (VU) |
308.859 | Materials Testing 2 (LU) |
300.008 | MB Ambassador (VO) |
311.170 | Mechanical behaviour of 3D printed components: Opportunities and challenges in future design (VO) |
325.105 | Mechatronic Systems Lab (LU) |
242.027 | Mediativ competence in Civil Engineering Practice 2 (SE) |
251.178 | Mental resilience for students (UE) |
060.017 | Mentoring - Mathematics (FaMe) (SE) |
308.101 | Metallische Hochtemperaturstoffe (VO) |
307.520 | Mobile Robotics (VO) |
325.100 | Modal analysis (VU) |
311.137 | Modelling and Simulation in Production Technology (VU) |
302.022 | Modelling and Simulation of Thermodynamic Processes (VO) |
325.107 | Modelling and System Identification for Model Based Control (VO) |
302.053 | Modern trends in thermal turbomachinery design (VO) |
307.521 | Motion Analysis (LU) |
315.763 | Motor Vehicle Noise Emissions (VO) |
315.756 | New mobility, vehicle body and technology concepts (VO) |
309.518 | Nichtlineare Elastizitätstheorie (VO) |
322.085 | Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics (VU) |
317.546 | Numerical Methods in Lightweight Design (VU) |
317.548 | Numerical Methods in Lightweight Design (LU) |
322.088 | Numerical Modelling of Turbulent Flows (VU) |
302.074 | Numerical Process Simulation of Thermal Power Plants (VU) |
315.746 | Off-road vehicles technology (VO) |
302.666 | Oil hydraulics (VO) |
317.511 | Optimum Structural Design (VO) |
300.005 | Optional Internship (PA) |
300.006 | Optional Internship (PA) |
300.007 | Optional Internship (PA) |
330.136 | Organisational Lab (UE) |
384.107 | Planning of IT Projects and Public Procurement Law (VO) |
308.117 | Plastics Processing (VO) |
311.089 | PLC: Programming and Industrial Communication (VO) |
302.061 | Pollution control at thermal power systems (VU) |
308.107 | Polymers for Special Applications (VO) |
311.125 | Precision Maching with Lasers (VO) |
301.061 | Presentation of methods in mechanics (UE) |
301.062 | Presentation of methods in mechanics (SE) |
242.016 | Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (SE) |
242.017 | Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (SE) |
329.023 | Pressure Equipment - Modell and Admissiblity Analysis (VU) |
307.468 | Pressure Vessel Technology - Design Work (UE) |
329.024 | Pressure Vessel Technology (VO) |
265.003 | private law (VO) |
307.512 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (VO) |
317.541 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
307.439 | Product Development, Innovation and ECO-Design (VO) |
311.140 | Production Metrology - Seminar (SE) |
311.138 | Production Metrology / Geometrical Product Specifications and Verification - GPS (VO) |
311.139 | Production Metrology (LU) |
311.078 | Production Planning and Control Systems (VO) |
311.394 | Produktionsmesstechnik,Sensorik-Labor (LU) |
311.564 | Programmieren von NC Maschinen (UE) |
311.189 | Programming and Simulation of Machining Systems (CAD/CAM) (VU) |
330.320 | Programming and Simulation of Robotic Systems (VO) |
330.214 | Project and Enterprise Financing (VU) |
330.181 | Project and Process Management (VU) |
302.706 | Project Work (PR) |
315.744 | Project Work (PR) |
307.103 | Project Work Aeronautical Engineering (PR) |
311.144 | Project Work Automation in Production Facilities (PR) |
311.147 | Project Work Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PR) |
325.108 | Project Work Control (PR) |
317.512 | Project Work Design Project Light Weight Structures and Finite Element Methods (PR) |
307.463 | Project Work Eco-Design/Sustainable Product Development (PR) |
325.048 | Project Work Engineering dynamics (PR) |
330.246 | Project Work Financial Management and Controlling (PR) |
322.069 | Project Work Fluid Mechanics (PR) |
307.479 | Project Work Formula Student (PR) |
315.049 | Project Work in Environmental Impacts of Automotive Engines (PA) |
325.061 | Project Work in Vehicle System Dynamics or Biomechanics (PR) |
330.233 | Project Work Labor Science and Organization (PR) |
311.131 | Project Work Laser material processing (PR) |
330.324 | Project Work Leadership, Strategy & Change (PR) |
307.101 | Project Work Machine Design (PR) |
311.149 | Project Work Manufacturing Systems (PR) |
308.874 | Project Work Materials (PR) |
325.079 | Project Work Measurement and Actuator Technology (PR) |
325.119 | Project Work mechanics of structures (PR) |
307.486 | Project Work Pressure Vessel Design (PR) |
330.182 | Project Work Production and Logistics Management (PR) |
311.143 | Project Work Production Metrology (PR) |
307.467 | Project Work Rehabilitation Technology (PR) |
307.502 | Project Work Student Aerospace (PR) |
307.464 | Project Work Technical Logistics (PR) |
302.701 | Project Work Thermal Engineering Design (PR) |
317.525 | Project Work Tissue Biomechanics (PR) |
307.498 | Project Work Transmissions for Aviation (PR) |
307.497 | Project Work Triology (PR) |
307.420 | Project Work Virtual Product Development (PR) |
307.466 | Prosthesis (VO) |
311.159 | Quality Management - Seminar and Industrial Applications (SE) |
330.306 | Quality Management (VU) |
307.441 | Rail Vehicle Design (VO) |
307.442 | Rail Vehicle Design (SE) |
307.443 | Rail Vehicle Design (UE) |
307.444 | Rail Vehicle Design (LU) |
307.445 | Rail Vehicle Design (UE) |
259.646 | Recent Research in the field of Ecology (VO) |
302.723 | Refrigeration (VO) |
306.006 | Rehabilitationstechnik Seminar (SE) |
306.005 | rehabilitation technology laboratory course (LU) |
307.487 | Rehabiltation Technology Rehabilitation Engineering (VO) |
315.436 | Rennmotoren und Rennfahrzeuge (VO) |
060.009 | Resource management and resilience (VU) |
352.490 | Rhetoric, expression and argumentation (SE) |
300.004 | RoboFetz (PR) |
330.311 | Robot Challenge (VU) |
330.328 | Robot Challenge (VU) |
325.112 | Robot Control (VU) |
311.022 | Robotics (VO) |
311.186 | Robotics in Manufacturing (VO) |
376.055 | Robot Vision: Selected Topics (VU) |
307.436 | Ropeway Systems (VO) |
325.042 | Rotordynamics (VO) |
325.043 | Rotordynamics (UE) |
064.016 | Russian for engineers I (VU) |
317.029 | Sandwich Structures (VO) |
259.446 | Science and the quest for knowledge (SE) |
040.003 | Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (SE) |
040.004 | Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (VU) |
302.700 | Selected Aspects of Energy Systems Selected Aspects of Energy Systems (SE) |
328.284 | Seminar Automatic control (SE) |
325.046 | Seminar engineering dynamics (SE) |
317.007 | Seminar for Doctoral Students (SE) |
307.471 | Seminar for Master and PhD students (SE) |
311.181 | Seminar for Master and PhD students (SE) |
330.247 | Seminar for Master and PhD students (SE) |
311.153 | Seminar for PhD Students (SE) |
311.173 | Seminar for PHD students (SE) |
325.090 | Seminar Mechatronic Systems (SE) |
322.060 | Seminar of Biofluidmechanics Seminar on Fluid Mechanics (SE) |
307.513 | Seminar on Aircraft Design (SE) |
322.059 | Seminar on Turbulence (SE) |
308.114 | Service Strength (SE) |
308.889 | Short courses in materials technology (VO) |
325.120 | Simulation and Optimization (VU) |
307.446 | Simulation of Transport Systems (VO) |
307.447 | Simulation of Transport Systems (UE) |
181.208 | Softskills for technicians (VU) |
299.001 | Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU) |
064.015 | Spanish for engineers I (VU) |
325.057 | Special Problems of Vehicle Dynamics (VO) |
307.456 | Specific Machine Design (VO) |
307.457 | Specific Machine Design (UE) |
309.041 | Spezielle Probleme der Mehrkörpersystemdynamik (VO) |
317.551 | Stability problems of elastostatics (VU) |
309.023 | Stabilitätsprobleme bewegter Systeme (VO) |
325.019 | State space control of MIMO systems (VU) |
307.435 | Steel Structures (VO) |
330.130 | Strategic Management (VU) |
330.206 | Strategies in Automotive Industry (VO) |
325.064 | Strength of Materials (VU) |
317.534 | Structural Analyses of Railway Vehicles Constructions (VO) |
325.116 | Structural mechanics (LU) |
325.117 | Structural mechanics (SE) |
325.114 | Structural mechanics of plates and shells (VU) |
325.113 | Structural mechanics of rods (VU) |
302.089 | Study trip in thermal turbomachines and power plants (EX) |
308.875 | Surface Technology (VO) |
308.892 | Surface Technology (LU) |
034.021 | Sustainability & Diversity in Research and Development (SE) |
330.312 | Sustainable value systems (VO) |
060.028 | Swedish for Engineers 1 (VU) |
060.029 | Swedish for Engineers 2 (VU) |
057.028 | Syntax-based Japanese I (VO) |
057.030 | Syntax-based Japanese I (UE) |
315.751 | Systems and components of electromobility (VO) |
307.095 | Systems Engineering (VU) |
064.001 | Talente Programm der TU Wien (VU) |
330.271 | Teambuilding and Leadership (VU) |
064.018 | Technical Chinese III (VU) |
064.020 | Technical English Communication A (VU) |
064.022 | Technical English Communication B (VU) |
064.019 | Technical English Presentation A (VU) |
064.021 | Technical English Presentation B (VU) |
064.024 | Technical Italien I (VU) |
307.425 | Technical Logistics (VO) |
307.465 | Technical Restoration of Body Functions by Means of FES (VU) |
034.003 | Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO) |
064.017 | Technisches Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (VU) |
330.287 | Technology, Work and Organization (VU) |
034.012 | Technology and Ethics (VU) |
015.082 | Technology exploitation (VO) |
061.003 | Technology for People (VU) |
194.082 | Technology for People 2040 (VU) |
311.110 | Testing of Production Equipment (LU) |
311.121 | Testing of Production Equipment (VO) |
302.033 | Thermal Engineering, laboratory exercise (LU) |
302.688 | Thermal Engineering (SE) |
302.687 | Thermal Equipment 1 (UE) |
302.672 | Thermal Turbomachines (VO) |
302.684 | Thermal Turbomachines (UE) |
302.686 | Thermal Turbomachines (SE) |
302.694 | Thermal Turbomachines (LU) |
315.764 | Thermodynamic Principles of Automotive Propulsion Systems (VO) |
302.034 | Thermodynamics in power engineering (VO) |
302.048 | Thermodynamics in power engineering (UE) |
302.691 | Thermodynamics of Advanced and Alternative Energy Conversion Methods (VU) |
317.557 | Thin-walled structures in engineering: theory, computation and applications (VU) |
330.302 | Transferable Skill - Account Management (UE) |
330.301 | Transferable Skill - Multidisciplinary Communication in Engineering Projects (UE) |
307.473 | Transmissions - Selected Topics (VO) |
307.459 | Transmissions for Aviation (VO) |
307.460 | Transmissions for Aviation (LU) |
308.894 | Tribology and wear under harsh environments (VU) |
307.483 | Tribology of Machine Elements (VO) |
064.003 | TU.impact – the buddy program of the TU Wien (SE) |
322.058 | Turbulent flows (VO) |
315.734 | under construction (VO) |
309.005 | Unfallbiomechanik (VO) |
325.047 | Vehicle Dynamics Seminar (SE) |
325.058 | Vehicle System Dynamics (VO) |
307.414 | Virtual Product Development (VO) |
307.422 | Virtual Product Development (UE) |
064.002 | voice.of.diversity - fair job opportunities without prejudice (UE) |
034.025 | VO Who cares? Social responsibility in science and technology development (VO) |
034.004 | Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE) |
303.336 | Zustandsüberwachung von Maschinen (VO) |