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Courses (including empty):

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (231)

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057.008 Academic Advisory for Students of Japanese Partner Universities (SE)
064.008 Accompanying lecture: Supporting deaf and hard of hearing students (UE)
056.008 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the "Peer2Peer DOC – The Mentoring Program of the TU Wien Doctoral School" (SE)
064.012 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program (SE)
064.023 Accompanying seminar for mentors of the TUW mentoring program – short term (SE)
308.144 Advanced Cell Culture (VU)
307.504 Aircraft Design I (VU)
307.511 Aircraft Design II (VU)
307.516 Aircraft Systems Technology (VU)
104.128 Algebra, Repetitorium (RE)
317.004 Applied Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics of Ships (VO)
330.273 Assistance Systems in Manufacturing 2 (VU)
128.028 Astronomy - an Overview (VU)
120.048 Astronomy (UE)
064.004 Awareness and meditation I (VU)
629.001 Awareness and meditation I (VU)
260.142 Basic Skills dealing with organizations (VU)
123.630 Berufs-u.Standesprobleme d.Verm.Ing. (VO)
166.221 Bioinformatics for Biomedical Engineers (VO)
142.081 Biological and Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics I (VO)
308.119 Biomaterials (VO)
164.235 Biomedical Mass Spectrometry (VU)
207.011 Building for people (VO)
251.843 Building for people :: historic.smart (VO)
251.852 Building for people :: Mosques in transition (VO)
166.719 Carbon Capture & Utilization - Innovations and Trends (SE)
322.084 Cardiovascular fluid mechanics (VU)
330.310 Change Management (VU)
163.171 Chemistry and Society (VO)
330.304 Circular Economy Management (VU)
330.296 Cobot Studio @Pilotfabrik Industrie 4.0 (VU)
064.027 Communicating Science (VU)
181.200 Communication and rhetoric (SE)
184.004 Communication techniques (SE)
202.064 Computational Biomaterials and Biomechanics (VU)
325.115 Computational methods for structural mechanics (VU)
363.002 Computational Methods in Neural Engineering (VU)
141.A37 Computerassisted Imaging Concepts (VO)
105.670 Consultations for PhD students (PV)
265.076 Contract and liability law (VU)
015.100 Creativity Engineering (VO)
315.054 Criteria of future automobiles I (VO)
315.055 Criteria of future automobiles II (VO)
064.005 Das TU Talente - Programm für Studierende in Master- und Doktoratsstudien (VU)
060.019 Deep Dives: Management and leadership for technicians (VU)
064.007 Development of technical terms in ÖGS (VU)
187.250 Devepoling a career - coping with obstacles (VO)
060.031 Didactic Skills for tutors (VU)
330.317 Digital Simulation of Ergonomics and Robotics (DSER) (VU)
064.009 Digital skills for student support projects (UE)
259.084 Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VU)
064.030 Diversity Skills (English) (UE)
064.029 Diversity Skills (German) (UE)
136.068 DK-lecture BIOINTERFACE (VO)
301.018 Dynamics and Control of space vehicles (VO)
330.255 E&I Garage - Business Model Development (VU)
166.127 Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO)
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
164.324 Electrical Engineering Revision Course for Computer Engineers (RE) [17]
315.753 Engine and Vehicle Control Systems (VO)
056.004 Ethics and Responsibility; Introduction to responsible research practice (SE)
164.287 European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [7]
330.309 Experience Leadership (Off-Site) (VU)
265.727 Expert law (VO)
330.305 Factory Planning and Operating (VU)
034.016 Feminist technology studies (VU)
034.028 femTUconnect – feminist networks (SE)
060.015 Foundations of scientific work (VU)
206.192 Fracture Mechanics in Civil Engineering (VO)
064.014 French for engineers I (VU)
315.754 Fuel cell (LU)
311.066 Fundamentals of approppriate technology (VO)
311.067 Fundamentals of approppriate technology (UE)
064.028 Further Education and Lifelong Learning (VU)
315.032 Future development of gasoline engines (VO)
322.081 Gasdynamics and Aerodynamics II (VU)
206.072 Gas metal arc welding (LU)
034.009 Gender- und Diversitätskompetenz (SE)
259.018 Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment (VO)
352.031 Getting agreement in negotiations (SE)
330.300 Graduate Seminar Leadership & Strategy (SE)
314.018 Gruppendynamisches Seminar (SE)
101.A26 Harmonisation Course Mathematics (VU)
101.A27 Harmonisation Course Mathematics for INF and WINF (VU)
101.A28 Harmonisation Course Mathematics for RP (VU)
101.998 Higher Mathematics 1 for Summer Semester Entrants (VO)
101.A02 Higher Mathematics 1 for Summer Semester Entrants (UE)
101.A03 Higher Mathematics 1 for Summer Semester Entrants (RE)
064.026 How to Illustrate Engineering by Means of Audiovisual Media (VU)
376.075 How to Invent a Robot - Product Development from the User Perspective (VU)
315.752 Hydrogen and fuel cells (VO)
060.016 Impact of technological development - Introduction to the theory and practice of technology assessment (TA) (VO)
330.307 Industrial Engineering (VU)
360.012 Industrial property rights for technicians (VO)
325.035 Industrial Realtime Control Systems and Information Technology (VO)
253.179 INEX Sustainability Challenge (VO)
330.250 Innovation Lab (VU)
330.260 Inspirational Leadership in the 21st century (VU)
057.009 International Student Seminar (SE)
058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management (VU)
064.010 Introduction to Austrian Sign Language and Deaf Culture (VU)
034.015 Introduction to diversity management (VU)
194.174 Introduction to Quanten Computing (VU)
251.865 Introduction to scientific work (SE)
192.055 IT Projects for Youth (PR)
192.058 IT Projects for Youth (UE)
311.718 Koordinatenmessmasch.-Grundl.u.Anwendg. (LU)
134.154 Laser in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine (VO)
330.313 Leadership, Strategy & Change Management (VO)
188.383 Leadership Competency Coaching 1 (SE)
188.472 Leadership Competency Coaching 2 (SE)
015.087 Learning Support and e-Tutoring (SE)
134.234 Lecture Series Advanced Materials Modeling (RV)
330.144 Management and Leadership (VU)
034.011 Masculinities and Technologies: Relations, Ambivalences, Implications (VO)
330.299 Master Thesis Seminar (SE)
101.639 Mathematics 1 for Electrical Engineers (RE)
101.922 Mathematics 2 for ET (RE)
101.818 Mathematics 3 for Electrical Engineers (RE)
101.835 Mathematik I für Geodäten (RE)
101.945 Mathematik I für Geodäten (RE)
242.027 Mediativ competence in Civil Engineering Practice 2 (SE)
141.225 Medical Physics of diagnostic imaging (VO)
251.178 Mental resilience for students (UE)
060.017 Mentoring - Mathematics (FaMe) (SE)
206.174 Metallic materials 1 (VO)
206.175 Metallic materials 1 (LU)
206.318 Metallic Materials 2 (VO)
206.091 Metallic Materials With Excursion (SE)
362.118 Microelectronic Concepts for Biomedical Interfacing (VU)
134.996 Microscopy on Biomolecules (VO)
134.997 Microscopy on Biomolecules (PR)
057.019 Modern diffraction methods for residual stress and structure analysis (VU)
134.210 Molecular Biophysics (UE)
101.186 Nervenmodelle (VO)
315.756 New mobility, vehicle body and technology concepts (VO)
330.136 Organisational Lab (UE)
206.272 Pipeline Engineering (VO)
384.107 Planning of IT Projects and Public Procurement Law (VO)
104.218 preparatory course for the Ergaenzungspruefung/DG exam (VU)
112.026 preparatory course for the Ergaenzungspruefung/DG exam (VO)
242.016 Presentations I (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
242.017 Presentations II (for Civil Engineers) (SE)
265.003 private law (VO)
134.199 Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV)
325.094 Privatissimum for PhD-Students (PV)
330.308 Production Information Management Systems (VU)
307.096 Project Erasmus (PR)
120.088 Projects in Development Aid (VO)
134.998 Project Work on Biophysics (PA)
134.226 Prvattissimum for Dortor's Thesis (PV)
362.166 Prvattissimum for Dortor's Thesis Privatissimum for Ph.D. students (doctoral students) (PV)
311.026 Quality Management - Seminar and Industrial applications (SE)
330.306 Quality Management (VU)
206.265 Quality Management 1 (SE)
259.646 Recent Research in the field of Ecology (VO)
101.689 Regelungsmath.Modelle in der Medizin (SV)
102.437 Repetitorium Math.i.f. MB, BI, GEOD. (RE)
102.448 Repetitorium Math.II f. MB, BI, GEOD. (RE)
056.006 Research Skills for ENROL PhD Fellows (AE)
060.009 Resource management and resilience (VU)
352.490 Rhetoric, expression and argumentation (SE)
330.311 Robot Challenge (VU)
064.016 Russian for engineers I (VU)
259.446 Science and the quest for knowledge (SE)
040.003 Scientific Work: Literature Research, Citations, and Academic Writing (SE)
040.004 Scientific work: Publishing and Dissemination (VU)
180.005 Seminar for doctoral students in STEM and related fields (SE)
206.073 Shielded metal arc welding (LU)
302.718 Smart Industrial Concept (VO)
181.208 Softskills for technicians (VU)
299.001 Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU)
064.015 Spanish for engineers I (VU)
330.327 Spirituality meets Science: Der Mensch im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung (VU)
330.297 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (VU)
325.116 Structural mechanics (LU)
325.117 Structural mechanics (SE)
325.114 Structural mechanics of plates and shells (VU)
325.113 Structural mechanics of rods (VU)
325.104 Structural Plasticity (VO)
064.006 Studieren mit Behinderung - Eine Einführung (UE)
034.021 Sustainability & Diversity in Research and Development (SE)
330.312 Sustainable value systems (VO)
060.028 Swedish for Engineers 1 (VU)
060.029 Swedish for Engineers 2 (VU)
057.028 Syntax-based Japanese I (VO)
057.030 Syntax-based Japanese I (UE)
315.751 Systems and components of electromobility (VO)
064.001 Talente Programm der TU Wien (VU)
064.018 Technical Chinese III (VU)
064.020 Technical English Communication A (VU)
064.022 Technical English Communication B (VU)
064.019 Technical English Presentation A (VU)
064.021 Technical English Presentation B (VU)
064.024 Technical Italien I (VU)
034.003 Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO)
064.017 Technisches Deutsch für Internationale Studierende (VU)
330.287 Technology, Work and Organization (VU)
034.012 Technology and Ethics (VU)
015.082 Technology exploitation (VO)
061.003 Technology for People (VU)
194.082 Technology for People 2040 (VU)
330.302 Transferable Skill - Account Management (UE)
330.301 Transferable Skill - Multidisciplinary Communication in Engineering Projects (UE)
056.005 Transferable Skills for ENROL PhD Fellows (AG)
322.072 Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems (UE)
064.003 TU.impact – the buddy program of the TU Wien (SE)
134.157 Ultrasound in Nature, Engineering and Medicine (VU)
064.002 voice.of.diversity - fair job opportunities without prejudice (UE)
034.025 VO Who cares? Social responsibility in science and technology development (VO)
057.020 VSC-School I Courses in High Performance Computing (VU)
057.021 VSC-School II Courses in High Performace Computing (VU)
034.004 Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE)
206.178 Welding and joining technology (KU)
206.273 Welding and Joining Technology 1 (VO)
206.274 Welding and Joining Technology 2 (VO)
206.317 Welding Applications (SE)
206.177 Welding technology (LU)
206.092 Welding Technology With Excursion (SE)
303.336 Zustandsüberwachung von Maschinen (VO)