• Overview

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Technical Chemistry (2024S)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (12)

164.053 Analytical Chemistry I (VO) [2]
164.345 Chemical Calculations (VU)
163.185 Exercise in fire fighting (UE)
163.112 Fundamentals of Chemistry (VO)
163.177 Fundamentals of Chemistry (SE)
163.006 Genearl Chemistry Introductory Laboratory for Teachers (LU)
165.087 Inorganic Chemistry I (VO)
104.084 Mathematics for Chemists I (VO)
104.937 Mathematik für Chemiker Übung I (UE) [2]
163.173 Orientation course for beginners in chemistry I (LU)
138.122 Physics exercise I (UE)
138.041 Physics I (for Technical Chemistry) (VO)

2. Semester (11)

164.178 Analytical Chemistry II (VO)
138.081 Introductory seminar in physics (PS)
164.339 Lab Course in Qualitative Inorganic Analysis (LU)
104.947 Mathematics for Chemists II (VO)
104.958 Mathematik für Chemiker Übung II (UE) [1]
163.119 Organic Chemistry I (VO)
165.098 Physical Chemistry I (VO)
138.042 Physics II (for Chemistry) (VO)
165.153 Physikalische Chemie I (SE)
165.156 Physikalische Chemie I (UE)
164.185 Solid State Chemistry (VO)

3. Semester (10)

164.253 Analytical Chemistry III (VO)
164.249 Basic lab course in quantitative analytical chemistry (LU)
172.695 Biochemie I (VO)
165.112 Inorganic Chemistry II (VO)
163.130 Organic Chemistry 2 (VO)
165.115 Physical Chemistry II (VO)
165.154 Physikalische Chemie II (SE)
165.155 Physikalische Chemie II (UE)
163.204 Seminar Organic Chemistry II (SE)
163.176 Structure elucidation (SE)

4. Semester (6)

166.681 Biochemistry (SE) [1]
159.478 Chem.Appwes.I (VO)
164.221 Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials (VO)
164.254 Instrumental and Bioanalytical Laboratory (LU)
166.212 Introduction to Biotechnology and Bioengineering (VO)
163.145 Synthesis Laboratory Course (LU)

5. Semester (8)

166.222 Biochemistry and Biotechnology (LU)
163.138 Chemical Technology and organic Materials (VO) [8]
161.006 Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials - Laboratory (LU)
159.786 Chemische Verfahrenstechnik (VO)
165.008 Physical Chemistry, Laboratory Course (LU)
164.240 Solid State Chemistry (laboratory exercise) (LU)
164.216 Technische Elektrochemie VO (VO)
159.731 Thermische Verfahrenstechnik (VO)

6. Semester (9)

166.206 Bachelor thesis (biochemistry, biotechnology and bioengineering) (UE)
166.204 Bachelor thesis (Chemical Engineering) (UE)
163.140 Bachelor Thesis (LU)
164.230 Bachelor thesis (LU)
165.120 Bachelor thesis (LU)
166.636 Bachelor thesis (LU)
166.209 Chemical Engineering - Laboratory for Chemists (LU)
163.056 Chemical Technology of Organic Materials (LU)
164.251 Seminar for bachelor thesis (SE)

7. Semester (3)

163.149 Green Chemistry (VO)
164.292 Industrial Chemistry (VO)
165.009 Theoretical Chemistry (VO)

10. Semester (1)

166.698 Master thesis (LU)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (245)

163.172 ... (LU)
163.038 Accompanying seminar on the diploma thesis (SE)
308.865 Additive Manufacturing Technologies (VU)
166.238 Advanced Bionanoengineering I (SE)
164.344 Advanced Biostatistics (VU)
164.289 Advanced ceramics and electrochemistry (LU)
153.024 Advanced Glassblowing (UE)
163.009 advanced laboratory course in general and inorganic chemistry (LU)
163.116 Advanced Laboratory Course in Synthetic Chemistry (LU)
166.184 air pollution control techniques (VO)
164.293 Analysis of solid materials (VO)
164.322 Analytical Methods and Separation Techniques (LU)
164.309 Analytical Separation Techniques and Hyphenated Techniques (VO)
166.229 Applied Bioinformatics (VO)
166.231 Applied Bioinformatics (UE)
163.075 Applied Macromolecular Chemistry (LU)
166.198 Applied modelling in process engineering and energy technology (VO)
164.364 Basics of solid state electrochemistry and solid state kinetics (VO)
166.218 Basics of Stem Cell Technology (VO)
164.023 Bio-electrochemistry (VO)
166.157 Biochemical Engineering - Downstream processing (VO)
166.603 Biochemical Engineering (LU)
166.691 Biochemistry, molecular biology and biotechnology (LU) [55]
166.704 Biochemistry II (VO)
164.220 Biochip Technologies in (Bio)Analytical Chemistry (VO)
308.106 Biocompatible Materials (VO)
164.315 Biological Mass Spectrometry (VO)
166.648 Biology and genetics of industrial microorganisms (VO)
308.119 Biomaterials (VO)
163.048 Bioorganic Chemistry (VO)
166.061 Bioprocess Engineering (VO)
166.158 Bioprocess Engineering Calculation Exercises (RU) [24]
166.604 Bioprocess Technology and Bioanalytics (LU)
164.268 Biosensors and bioprocess analytics (VO)
166.210 Biotechnology 2 (VO)
159.830 Brennstofftechnologie (VO)
166.644 Brennstoff und Energietechnologie (LU)
164.368 Ceramic Materials (VO)
164.366 Ceramic Materials Engineering (VO)
164.300 Chemical Analysis of Materials (VO)
163.188 Chemical Biology (VO)
166.153 Chemical Process Engineering (VO)
164.180 Chemical Technology - Metallurgy (VO)
164.211 Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials for Chemical Engineers (VO)
163.133 Chemical Technology of organic materials for process engineers (VO) [10]
163.156 Chemical technology of renewable resources (VO)
165.102 Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces (VO)
163.171 Chemistry and Society (VO)
165.088 Chemistry of nanomaterials (VO)
164.301 Coating technologies (VO)
164.295 Composites and compounds (VO)
202.064 Computational Biomaterials and Biomechanics (VU)
166.049 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) of Separation Processes (VO)
166.051 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (UE)
166.119 Consumer Products in Food Chemistry (VO)
164.307 Crystallography and structure analysis using diffraction methods (VO)
308.130 Damage analyses (VU)
166.643 Design and assessment of sustainable processes (VO)
166.239 DNA-based data storage (PV)
166.652 Ecology and Biochemistry of Plants (VO)
164.225 Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12]
164.288 Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Energy Storage (VO)
164.256 Electrochemical investigation methods (VO)
164.365 Electrochemical Materials and Devices (VO)
164.332 Electrochemical Processes and Technologies (VO)
164.273 electronic - cafe 1 (VU) [24]
164.274 electronic - cafe 2 (VU) [12]
138.049 Electron microscopy (PR)
164.203 Emission and Ambient Air Analytics (VO)
166.044 Energy and Fuel Technology (LU)
164.367 Entrepreneurship in the new Century: Fundamentals, terminology and theoretical approach (VO)
164.311 Environmental and Process Analysis (LU)
163.203 European Chemicals Law (VO)
164.287 European Union - Institutions, Policies and Future Challenges (VO) [6]
164.352 Excursion Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials (EX)
165.036 Exercises (theoretical chemistry) (LU)
166.177 Food Chemistry and Food Technology (VO)
308.120 Fracture Mechanics (LU)
164.212 Fuel Cells (VO)
166.635 Gene regulation in eukaryots (VO)
153.164 Glasblasen UE (UE)
163.149 Green Chemistry (VO)
163.207 Green Chemistry: Recent Trends and Innovations (TUW, BOKU, UniW) (VO)
163.206 Green Chemistry I (TUW, BOKU, UniW) (LU)
133.293 Grundlagen der Elektronenmikroskopie/I (VO)
166.715 Heterogeneous catalysis in multiphase systems (VO)
164.164 High Performance Ceramics (VO)
166.713 Immunology for Chemists (SE)
166.663 Industrial Biotechnology and Biorefineries (VO)
159.073 Industrial seminar (SE)
163.108 Industrial Synthesis (VO)
163.211 Infotag Master TCH (SE)
164.318 Inorganic Mass Spectrometry (VO)
163.144 Inorganic Molecular Chemistry (VO)
164.314 Instrumental Bioanalytics (VO)
166.655 Integrated biopharmaceutical production in pilot scale (LU)
166.201 Introduction to Biology (VO)
317.043 Introduction to Biomechanics (VU)
184.791 Introduction to the Fundamentals of Programming for Students and Refugees (UE)
163.150 Journal Club - Recent Trends in (Bio)Organic Chemistry (SE)
163.152 Journal Club - Recent Trends in (Bio)Organic Chemistry (SE)
163.169 Journal Club - Recent Trends in Macromolecular Chemistry (SE)
163.175 Journal Club - Recent Trends in Macromolecular Chemistry II (SE)
164.360 Journal Club of the Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Association 2 (SE)
164.353 Journal Club of the Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Association Recent developments in Proteomics, Metabolomics and Bioinformatics (SE)
166.682 Journal Club Recent Developments in Molecular Biology, Biotechnology & Synthetic Biology (SE)
165.103 Kinetics and Catalysis (VO)
163.178 Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies (VO)
164.348 Laboratory high-performance materials (LU)
164.350 Laboratory high-performance materials (LU)
164.351 Laboratory high-performance materials (LU)
163.184 Literature search for chemists (VU)
164.162 Matallurgy and Materials Processing (VO)
166.684 Material Biomass utilisation (VO)
230.062 Material Science of viscoelastic, organic construction materials (LU)
164.160 Materials failing, corrosion and fatigue (VO)
308.094 Materials for Mechanical Engineering (SE)
308.866 Materials Processing (EX)
164.161 Materials Science (VO)
308.878 Materials Selection (VO)
308.128 Materials Testing (VU)
104.155 Mathematics for Chemists I (KO)
104.161 Mathematics for Chemists II (KO)
164.317 Measurement Techniques, Instrumentation and Physical Sensors (VO)
163.114 Medicinal Chemistry (VO)
166.654 Membrane Technology (VO)
164.356 Metabolomics (VO)
164.305 Metals and material processing (LU)
166.653 Methods for the separation and concentration of chemicals (separation technology) (LU)
163.160 Methods in organic synthesis (VO)
166.703 Methods of gene technology and molecular biology (VO)
166.159 Microbiology (VO)
166.193 microbiology laboratory course (LU)
163.182 Mitmachlabor (VU)
166.606 Modeling, Simulation and Control of Bioprocesses (VO)
166.619 Modeling and Methods in Bioprocess Development (VO)
163.158 Modern 1D and 2D NMR Methods (VU)
164.308 Molecular Analysis (VO)
165.093 Molecular and self-organized materials (VO)
166.706 Molecular Biology (VO)
163.210 Molecular Chemistry & Chemical Biology (SE)
202.650 Multiscale Material Modeling (UE)
163.157 Nomenclature in Organic Chemistry (VU) [56]
163.209 Nuclear Forensics (VO)
165.033 optional laboratory course (LU)
163.021 Optional Organic Chemistry Lab (LU)
163.179 Organ-on-a-chip Technologies (VO)
163.066 Organic Coatings and Composites (VO)
164.306 Organic Mass Spectrometry (VO)
163.043 Organic Molecular Chemistry (VO)
163.113 Organometallic Chemistry (VO)
166.605 Pharmaceutical Process technology (VO)
163.187 PhD Privatissimum (PV)
165.141 Physical and theoretical solid state chemistry (VO)
165.139 Physical Chemistry and Analytics of Surfaces and Nanomaterials (LU)
164.196 Physical Chemistry of Materials (VO)
165.140 Physicochemical Methods of Materials Characterization (VO)
173.409 Phytochemie (VO)
308.117 Plastics Processing (VO)
163.110 Polymer characterization (VO)
163.109 Polymer Materials (VO)
163.166 Polymer Technology (LU)
164.323 Powder diffractomertry I (VU)
164.163 Powder Metallurgy and Sintered Materials (VO)
164.170 Powder Metallurgy and Sintered Materials II (VO)
141.115 Practical Coursw in X-ray Analytical Methods (PR)
166.657 Primary Natural Products from Plants (VO)
163.196 Private seminar fpr PhD students (PV)
164.341 Privatissimum for diploma students (SE)
164.375 Privatissimum for doctoral students (PV)
165.161 Privatissimum for Master Students (SE)
164.374 Privatissimum for Master thesis students (SE)
163.212 Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV)
164.334 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.342 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.359 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.370 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.371 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.378 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
165.158 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
166.640 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
166.660 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
166.661 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
166.727 Privatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.316 Process Analytical Chemistry (VO)
166.219 Process Simulation (RU) [6]
166.038 Process Simulation Basics (VO)
164.373 Programming for Chemists (VU)
166.226 Progress in Biochemical Engineering (SE)
166.601 Progress in Biochemical Engineering (SE)
166.602 Progress in Biochemical Engineering (SE)
166.623 Progress in bio process engineering (SE)
166.624 Progress in bio process engineering (SE)
166.625 Progress in bio process engineering (SE)
166.670 Progress in Wood Biotechnology (SE)
141.167 project in radiochemistry (LU)
164.355 Proteomics (VO)
164.362 Provatissimum for PhD students (PV)
164.169 Quality Assurance and GLP/GMP (VO)
141.295 Radiochemie I (SV)
057.024 Radiochemistry 2 Radiopharmaceutical chemistry (VO)
163.180 Rapid prototyping of microfluidic devices (UE)
265.045 Rechtsfragen des Umweltschutzes (VO)
164.298 Recycling (VO)
166.154 Refinery Technology and Fluidized Bed Systems (VO)
166.710 Residues from Air Pollution Control Systems (VO)
166.679 Resource Management (VO)
164.296 Selection and evaluation of materials and processes (VU)
163.193 Seminar - Organische Chemie I (SE)
166.176 Seminar accompanying the diploma thesis (biotechnology and bioanalytics) (SE)
164.347 seminar for diploma students (SE)
166.085 Seminar for Diploma Thesis (SE)
166.235 Seminar for PhD-students (PV)
165.114 Seminar related to diploma work (SE)
165.165 Seminar related to diploma work (SE)
165.144 Simulations of solids (VU)
164.313 single crystal structure analysis (VU)
166.726 Social Ecology and Technology Assessment (TUW together with BOKU) (VO)
164.357 Spatial Omics (VO)
163.067 Special Synthetic Polymer Chemistry (VO)
164.299 Statistics and Chemometrics (VU)
164.310 Strategies and Concepts of Environmental Analysis (VO)
163.159 Strategies in organic synthesis (VO)
164.182 Surface and Interface Analysis (VO)
165.146 Synthesis of Inorganic Materials (VO)
163.155 Synthesis of organic materials (VO)
166.647 Synthetic Biology (VO)
166.685 Technical Microscopy (VL)
164.004 Technology of hard and superhard materials (VO)
164.167 Technology of Nanostructured Materials (VO)
165.157 Theoretical molecular chemistry (VO)
164.297 Thermal analysis (VU)
166.220 Thermal Biomass Utilization (VO)
163.195 Thermal Energy Storage (VO)
163.105 Total Synthesis of Natural Products (VO)
172.071 Toxicology for Chemists (VO)
164.052 Umweltchemie und Analytik (VO)
166.649 Urban Mining (VO)
164.312 Vibrational Spectroscopy (VO)
165.042 Wahlübungen, chemisch (angewandte anorganische Chemie) (LU)
226.063 Wastewater Treatment (VO)
159.220 Wirbelschichttechnik (VO)
141.211 X-ray analytical methods (VO)
164.319 X-ray crystallography (VO)