134.251 | Course not found () |
134.254 | Course not found () |
136.103 | Course not found () |
141.287 | Accelerator Physics (PR) |
141.291 | Accelerator Physics (VO) |
134.995 | Acoustical Engineering (VO) |
302.699 | Advanced and Alternative Energy Systems (LU) |
138.132 | Advanced Machine Learning in Physics (SE) |
138.102 | Advanced Theory of Superconductivity and Magnetism (VO) |
141.310 | Advanced Topics in Quantum Information (VU) |
141.B11 | Advances in Quantum Science and Quantum Technology (SE) |
141.B29 | Aktuelle Kernstrukturmethoden (VO) |
133.018 | Analytical electron microscopy - project work (PR) |
141.A40 | Application of ionizing radiation in medicine (VO) |
141.905 | Application of radiation physics in engeneering and medicine (SE) |
132.070 | Applied Quantum Mechanics (VO) |
141.399 | Archaeometry: physical methods of dating (SV) |
142.094 | Astro-Particle Physics (VO) |
134.514 | Atomare Stoßprozesse (VO) |
142.086 | Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (VO) |
142.089 | Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (UE) [31] |
142.093 | Atomic , nuclear and particle physics II (UE) [21] |
141.212 | Atoms - Light - Matter waves (VO) |
136.021 | Attosecond physics (VO) |
141.058 | Ausgew.Kap.der Tieftemperaturphysik (SE) |
134.163 | Basic Electronics (VU) [49] |
142.440 | Biol.u.Med.Anw.der Kernphysik II (SV) |
142.081 | Biological and Medical Applications of Nuclear Physics I (VO) |
101.028 | Biomedical Engineering: An Introduction (VO) |
134.202 | Biomembranes (VO) |
136.084 | Black Hole Physics project (PR) |
159.830 | Brennstofftechnologie (VO) |
141.075 | calculational exercises in radiation protection I (UE) |
134.236 | Chemical physics for datascience (VO) |
132.073 | Coherent Control of Quantum Systems (VO) |
134.230 | Colloid and Interface Physics (VO) |
138.058 | Computational Materials Science (VU) [26] |
101.991 | Computernumerics for TPH (VU) |
136.003 | Decoherence and quantum information (PA) |
131.038 | Discussion with diplomands (PV) |
131.042 | Discussion with diplomands (PV) |
138.077 | Discussion with diplomands (PV) |
138.004 | discussion with students (PV) |
136.068 | DK-lecture BIOINTERFACE (VO) |
166.127 | Ecological and Social Aspects in Chemistry (VO) |
164.225 | Ecology and Sustainable Development (VO) [12] |
134.206 | Electrochemical Surface Science (VO) |
136.047 | Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56] |
138.100 | Electronic data processing for experiments (UE) |
138.099 | Electronic data processing for experimnets (VO) |
134.161 | Electronic Measurement Technique (VO) |
134.089 | Electronic Structure of Solids and Surfaces (VO) |
138.049 | Electron microscopy (PR) |
133.010 | Elektronen - Energieverlustspektrometrie (PR) |
134.252 | Environmental Chemistry (VO) |
163.135 | Environmental Chemistry (VO) |
141.293 | Exercises in Accelerator Physics (LU) |
134.326 | Exp.Methoden der Oberflächenphysik (VO) |
141.A99 | Experiments at the MedAustron Particle Accelerator - Applied Particle Physics and Medical Physics (LU) |
132.069 | Foundation and application of the correspondence principle between classical and quantu mechanics (PA) |
164.212 | Fuel Cells (VO) |
134.204 | Functional Imaging Technology and Devices - Physical Principles (VO) |
138.056 | Functional Materials (VO) |
141.234 | Fundamental Physics with Coherent X-Rays and Neutrons (VO) |
141.236 | Fundamental Physics with Polarized Neutrons (VO) |
136.007 | Geometry, Topology and Physics I (VU) [1] |
136.008 | Geometry and Gravitation II (SV) |
136.064 | Graduate seminar Particles & Interactions (SE) |
141.A76 | Graphical Programming and Experiment Control (LU) |
136.102 | Gravitational waves and their detection (VO) |
141.B16 | Gravitation and Cosmology I (VO) |
141.B04 | Gravitation and Cosmology II (VO) |
136.083 | Gravity and holography in lower dimensions I (VU) |
133.293 | Grundlagen der Elektronenmikroskopie/I (VO) |
101.A02 | Higher Mathematics 1 for Summer Semester Entrants (UE) |
131.047 | Highly correlated electron systems (VO) |
133.031 | High Resolution Electron Microscopy (HREM) (VO) |
141.457 | Hochtemperatursupraleiter (SV) |
134.177 | Introduction into Acoustics (VO) [1] |
134.194 | Introduction into Plasmaphysics and -technology (VO) |
141.A56 | Introduction into teaching of Physics at the university level (SP) |
138.039 | Introduction into the fields of science and research of the Faculty of Physics. (PR) |
136.026 | Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3] |
138.043 | Introduction to low temperture physics and technology (VO) [5] |
141.B07 | Introduction to medical physics aspects of ion beam therapy (VO) |
141.B00 | Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics I (VO) |
141.B01 | Introduction to Models of Elementary Particle Physics I (UE) |
134.152 | Introduction to Nanotechnology (VD) |
141.724 | Isotopentechnik (SV) |
194.138 | Journal Club "Solid State Physics: Theory and Experiment" (SE) |
135.046 | Journal Club Mathematical Physics 1 (SV) |
135.048 | Journal Club Mathematical Physics 2 (SV) |
141.309 | Journal Club Quant-Ph (SE) |
136.060 | Journal Club Theoretical Quantum Dynamics (SE) |
131.025 | laboratory course (PA) |
131.028 | laboratory course (PA) |
138.064 | laboratory course Computational Materials Science (PA) |
141.A78 | Laboratory Course in Neutron Physics (LU) |
131.024 | laboratory course in sample preparation and single crystals growth (PR) |
131.062 | laboratory course in thermo electrica (PA) |
131.060 | laboratory course quantum phenomina (PA) |
138.063 | laboratory course solid state theory (PA) |
141.166 | laboratory exercise in nuclear environmental analysis (LU) |
141.A81 | laboratory exercise in radiochemistry (LU) |
134.154 | Laser in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine (VO) |
136.065 | Lecture Series Doctoral College TU-D (VO) |
135.053 | Lie-groups and Field Theory (SV) |
136.022 | Logical methods in theoretical physics (VO) |
138.034 | Low Temperture Physics (VO) |
138.129 | Machine Learning and Data Compression in Physics (PR) |
138.128 | Machine Learning in Physics (VU) |
141.231 | Macroscopic Quantum Systems (VO) |
138.033 | Magnetism (VO) |
134.231 | Mammalian Cell Culture (VO) |
134.232 | Mammalian Cell Culture (LU) |
134.241 | Mammalian Cell Culture (LU) |
134.247 | Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage: With Basic Science to Industrial Deployment (RV) |
138.065 | Materials Synthesis (VO) [9] |
141.225 | Medical Physics of diagnostic imaging (VO) |
141.A84 | Methods and applications of radiation physics (LU) |
138.091 | Methods and Materials of the moderen optical spectroscopy (VO) |
141.A45 | Methods for Particle Physics (PR) |
141.A41 | Metrology (VU) |
134.996 | Microscopy on Biomolecules (VO) |
134.209 | Molecular Biophysics (VO) |
141.285 | Monte Carlo Simulations for Particle Physics (VO) |
134.215 | Multiscale Computational Tribology (VO) |
141.242 | Neutron and X-ray Diffraction (VO) |
142.318 | Neutronen-und Kernphysik (SV) |
141.158 | Neutronenoptik und Tomographie (SV) |
134.069 | New Development in Surface Science (SE) |
142.637 | Nuclear astrophysics (SV) |
141.308 | Nuclear Engineering (VO) |
372.028 | Numerical analysis of electrical machines and devices (VU) |
134.645 | Numerical Methods in Surface Physics (VO) |
134.172 | Particle Solid Interactions (VO) |
142.725 | Pfadintegral i.Quantenmech.u.Feldtheorie (VO) |
132.968 | Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (SV) |
134.750 | Phys.Grundlagen d.Kernfusionsreaktors (VO) |
132.015 | Physical models of chaotic systems (PR) |
133.054 | Physical properties of high-temperature superconductors (VO) |
141.A52 | Physics at the LHC: Measurement of the Higgs Boson and Searches for Physics beyond the Standard Model (VO) |
138.131 | Physics Back-of-the-Envelope Analysis, Estimation and Rough Calculation (VO) |
142.072 | Physics of Exotic Atoms (SV) |
134.237 | Physics of living matter (PR) |
134.239 | Physics of Living Matter (VO) |
133.019 | Physics of Magnetic Materials (VO) |
133.043 | Physics of silicon semiconductors (VO) |
138.032 | Physics of thin films (VO) |
138.035 | Physics of thin films (UE) |
134.179 | Physics Problem Solving with Symbolic Languages (UE) |
134.180 | Physics Problem Solving with Symbolic Languages (VO) |
134.048 | Physikalische Analytik (VO) [27] |
134.169 | Plasma Technology and -Chemistry (VO) |
311.089 | PLC: Programming and Industrial Communication (VO) |
133.027 | PRA, Elektronenmikroskopie von Halbleitern (PR) |
133.021 | PRA Angew. Tieftemperaturphysik (PR) |
141.016 | Practical course on archaeometry (PR) |
141.106 | Practical course on Archaeometry (LU) |
141.A82 | Practical Course on Radiation Protection (LU) |
141.A79 | Practical course on Reactor instrumentation (LU) |
141.018 | Practical course radiation protection and dosimetry (PR) |
141.A87 | Practical Exercises at the Reactor (LU) |
141.241 | PrA Fundamentals of Superconductivity (PA) |
141.B23 | PrA High temperature superconductivity (PR) |
141.080 | Praktikum aus Reaktortechnik (PR) |
132.039 | PrA on dynamical processes at surfaces (PR) |
132.068 | PrA on Physics of Mesoscopic Systems (PR) |
141.A43 | Precision Measurements with heavy Mesons (VO) |
141.A33 | Presentation techniques for physicists (SE) |
133.005 | Privatissima für Diss. (PV) |
136.085 | Privatissimum (PV) |
138.093 | Privatissimum Diss. (PV) |
133.248 | Privatissimum f.Dipl.u.Diss. (PV) |
133.325 | Privatissimum f.Dipl.u.Diss. (PV) [4] |
133.127 | Privatissimum f.Dissertanten (PV) |
134.245 | Privatissimum f. Dissertanten (PV) |
134.088 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
134.100 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
134.196 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
134.213 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
134.224 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
134.248 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
138.020 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
138.022 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
138.060 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
194.028 | Privatissimum for Doctor's Thesis (PV) |
138.130 | Privatissimum for Doctoral Students (PV) |
141.118 | Privatissimum for doctoral thesis (PV) |
132.018 | Privatissimum for Ph.D.Students (PV) |
135.035 | Privatissimum for Ph.D. students (PV) |
136.043 | Privatissimum for PhD-students (PV) |
132.041 | Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
136.101 | Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
141.283 | Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
141.297 | Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
141.307 | Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
141.A42 | Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV) |
141.B06 | Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV) |
141.B27 | Privatissimum for PhD Students (PV) |
141.A38 | Privatissimum for PhD students Privatissimum for PhD students (PV) |
134.036 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.065 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.066 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.070 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.071 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.072 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.073 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.075 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.076 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
134.077 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
141.232 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
141.304 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
141.B17 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
142.018 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
142.023 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PR) |
143.009 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
143.012 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten (PV) |
133.030 | Privatissimum für Dissertanten und Diplomanden (PV) |
131.041 | Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV) |
136.096 | Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV) |
138.126 | Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV) |
141.A53 | Privatissimum für Doktoranden (PV) |
138.095 | Privatissmum for Doctor¿s thesis (PV) |
136.052 | Privitassimum for PhD stuidents (PV) |
322.068 | Project Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer (PR) |
141.167 | project in radiochemistry (LU) |
134.243 | Project Physics of Living Matter (PR) |
132.037 | Projects on classical and quantum chaos (PR) |
141.A95 | Project thesis Gravitation and Quantum Mechanics (PR) |
134.246 | Project thesis Mirco- and Nanosctructured Biointerfaces (PR) |
141.A96 | Project thesis Weak Interaction (PR) |
138.085 | Project Work: Electrodynamics of new optical materials (PA) |
131.061 | Project Work: Experimental Solid State Physics (PA) |
134.144 | Project Work an Applied Surface Physics (PA) |
132.010 | Project work in Condensed Matter Theory (PR) |
141.110 | Project Work in Electron- and X-Ray Physics (PR) |
135.024 | Project work in Field Theory (PR) |
135.026 | Project work in Fundamental Interactions (PR) |
132.067 | Project work in Interaction of atoms with strong and short Laser fields (PA) |
135.027 | Project work in Particle Physics (PR) |
132.013 | Project work in Statistical Mechanics (PR) |
136.023 | Project work in Thermal Field Theory (PA) |
141.A72 | Project work metrology (PR) |
134.998 | Project Work on Biophysics (PA) |
134.155 | Project Work on Electronic Structure of Solids and Surfaces (PA) |
134.133 | Project Work on Experimental Atomic Physics (PA) |
134.114 | Project Work on Interactions with Surfaces (PA) |
134.141 | Project Work on Ion Physics (PA) |
134.132 | Project Work on Laser Spectroscopy (PA) |
134.148 | Project Work on Magnetic Interactions (PA) |
134.116 | Project Work on Nanostructures at Surfaces (PA) |
134.137 | Project Work on Physical Measurement Technique (PA) |
134.118 | Project Work on Plasma Technology (PA) |
134.138 | Project Work on Sensors and Measurement Methods (PA) |
133.055 | Project work on Spectroscopy of Solids (PA) |
134.198 | Project Work on Surface Science (PA) |
134.143 | Project Work on Surface Technology (PA) |
134.131 | Project Work on Thin Film Analytics (PA) |
136.090 | Project work on wavefunction based methods in solid state physics (PR) |
141.153 | Project work on X-ray analysis (PR) |
141.079 | Project works on applied radiation physics (PR) |
142.088 | Project Work Subatomic Physics (PA) |
142.039 | Projektarbeit "Experimentelle Teilchenphysik" (PR) |
134.229 | Projektarbeit Applied Interface Physics (PR) |
141.A27 | Projektarbeit Atomic Clocks and Quantum Metrology (PR) |
142.026 | Projektarbeit aus Experimenteller Hadronenphysik (PR) |
141.026 | Projektarbeit aus Neutronenoptik (PR) |
141.102 | Projektarbeit aus Neutronenphysik (PR) |
142.025 | Projektarbeit aus nuklearer Festkörperphysik (PR) |
131.023 | Projektarbeit aus Röntgendiffraktometrie in der Festkörperphysik (PR) |
142.045 | Projektarbeit aus Theorie der starken Wechselwirkung (PR) |
141.A21 | Projektarbeit Nuclear Astrophysics (PR) |
141.A22 | Projektarbeit Nuclear Physics (PR) |
134.228 | Projektarbeit Surface Structure and Reactivity (PR) |
131.030 | Projektarbeit über Phys. Messwerterfassung (PR) |
134.142 | Projekt Work on Laser Applications in Medicine (PA) |
134.135 | Projekt Work on Surface Physics (PA) |
142.197 | Quantenchromodynamik (VO) |
135.817 | Quantenfeldtheorie I (VO) |
142.923 | Quantum Chromo Dynamics II (VO) |
138.088 | Quantum Field Theorie for many body systems (UE) [64] |
138.062 | Quantum field theory for many body systems (VO) |
141.B28 | Quantum information & quantum thermodynamics (PR) |
141.282 | Quantum Information Theory I (VO) |
141.A86 | Quantum Physics Quantum Physics (LU) |
141.A15 | Quantum Technology (PA) |
141.A16 | Quantum Technology I (VO) |
141.A58 | Quantum theory of angular momentum (VO) |
141.295 | Radiochemie I (SV) |
141.600 | Radionuklidbestimmung in Umweltproben (LU) |
141.281 | Radioökologie (SV) [1] |
141.537 | Reaktorphysik I (SV) |
141.658 | Reaktortechnik II (VO) |
101.A36 | Repetitorium Lineare Algebra f. TPH (RE) |
133.047 | Research seminar for doctoral thesis (PV) |
133.606 | Research seminar for doctoral thesis (PV) |
138.120 | Research Seminar for Doctoral Thesis (PV) |
143.026 | Research seminar for doctoral thesis (PV) |
141.194 | Research seminar for master- and doctoral studies on radioecology and environmental radiometry (PV) |
142.070 | Scattering and Reaction Theory (VO) |
141.A54 | Science TU You - Science - communication in practice (SP) |
138.089 | Scientific Computing (VU) [5] |
141.A49 | Search for Dark Matter (VO) |
141.243 | Selected experiments of atomic, nuclear and particle physics (VO) |
141.543 | Sem.Neutronen-und Festkörperphysik (SE) |
362.084 | Semiconductor Technology Labcourse (UE) |
132.036 | Seminar for theoretical physics (SE) |
136.058 | Seminar in Theoretical Physics II (SE) |
138.001 | SEMINAR of solid state physics (SE) |
142.069 | Seminar on Atomic and Subatomic Physics (SE) |
132.071 | Seminar on Fundamental Interactions 1 (PR) |
141.B19 | Seminar on Medical Radiation Physics and Ion-Beam Therapy (SE) |
136.100 | Seminar TU-D (SE) |
134.099 | Seminary on Computational Materials Science (SE) |
134.081 | Seminary on Physics in General (SE) |
141.114 | Seminar über Reaktorsicherheit (SE) |
366.092 | Sensors (VU) [1] |
389.040 | Signal Detection (VO) |
134.235 | Soft matter analysis techniques and applications (VO) |
138.017 | solid state physics I (VO) [5] |
142.064 | Solitons, differential geometrie and topology (SV) |
134.108 | Sound Propagation and Noise Protection (VO) |
132.035 | Special Topics in Atomic Theory (SV) |
138.057 | Spectroscopy of Solids (VO) |
142.340 | Statistical methods in data evaluation (SV) |
142.351 | Statistical Methods of Data Analysis (UE) [39] |
142.090 | Statistics (VO) [43] |
141.405 | Strahlenphysik (SV) |
353.095 | Stromversorgungen und Schaltnetzteile (VO) |
304.524 | Strömungslehre für Physiker (VO) |
134.220 | Superresolution microscopy with single molecules (LU) |
141.685 | Supraleitung (SV) |
141.388 | Supraleitung:neuere Entwicklungen (SE) |
134.165 | Surface Physics (VO) |
134.192 | Surface Physics and -Analytics (VO) |
136.014 | Symmetries and QFT I (VO) |
141.010 | Techn.Strahlenschutz I (SV) |
131.058 | Technical Optics (VO) [1] |
034.003 | Technik und Gender, Grundlagenvorlesung für IngenieurwissenschafterInnen (VO) |
138.103 | Techniques of analytical elctron microscopy (VO) |
141.A88 | Techniques of signal detection and analysis (VO) |
141.A89 | Techniques of signal detection and analysis (UE) |
138.030 | Technology of thin films (VO) |
141.944 | Teilchenbeschleuniger (SV) |
134.257 | Theoretical concepts of fusion research (VO) |
132.034 | Theoretische Festkörperphysik I (SV) |
302.034 | Thermodynamics in power engineering (VO) |
302.048 | Thermodynamics in power engineering (UE) |
302.691 | Thermodynamics of Advanced and Alternative Energy Conversion Methods (VU) |
138.071 | Thin Film Technology - project work (PA) |
141.214 | Ultra Cold Atoms and Spectroscopy (PA) |
141.305 | Ultracold Molecules (PR) |
134.157 | Ultrasound in Nature, Engineering and Medicine (VU) |
133.026 | Versetzungen in Kristallen (VO) |
134.240 | VWA-Mentoring I (SE) |
134.242 | VWA-Mentoring II (SE) |
034.004 | Was hat Gender mit dem Technikstudium zu tun? (SE) |
141.211 | X-ray analytical methods (VO) |