• Overview

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Urban and Regional Planning (2024W)

Courses (including empty):

1. Semester (9)

259.607 Computer Aided Design (VU)
120.106 Geodetic and Cartographic Fundaments for Spatial Planing (VU)
280.777 History of the City (VO)
280.771 Introduction to Regional Science (VO)
280.770 Introduction to Scientific Work (VU)
280.776 Introduction to Transport Planning (VO)
280.775 Introduction to Urban Planning (VO)
280.768 Orientation Week (VU)
280.769 Planning Studio (PR)

3. Semester (7)

280.782 Databases and Information Management (VU)
280.773 Economic foundations of Planning (VO)
280.779 Fundamentals of Regional Planning (VO)
280.796 Land Law and Planning Law (VO)
260.661 Landscape- and Environmental Planning (VO)
280.780 Spatial Analysis with GIS (VU)
280.788 Spatial Design and Urban Development (PR)

5. Semester (6)

280.800 Cohesion Policy of the EU (VO)
280.916 Gesamtanmeldung Projekt 2 (PR)
280.799 Planning theory and ethics (VU)
280.934 Spatial Developement Planning Triester Straße (PR)
280.924 Spatial development planning - Rethink Mattersburg (PR)
280.794 Spatial development planning (PR)

6. Semester (6)

280.A02 Bachelor Thesis - Traffic Mobility Transport Logistics (SE)
280.802 Bachelor Thesis (SE)
280.967 Bachelor Thesis General Registration (SE)
280.982 Bachelorthesis Research Unit Sociology (SE)
280.639 Bachelor Thesis Seminar - urban commercial transport (SE)
280.B09 Bachelor thesis Sustainable spatial development in Europe (SE)

7. Semester (5)

280.920 Integreated Development Planning (VU)
280.832 Methodology and Process Design (VO)
280.837 Planning Law (VU)
280.833 Research and Planning Design (UE)
280.841 Sociological Theories of City, Space and Planning (VO)

8. Semester (2)

280.B12 Land Use in Transportation | Analysis, Visualisation and Optimisation (PR)
280.A68 Masterprojekt - General Registration (PR)

9. Semester (3)

280.835 Qualitative Methods in Spatial Research and Planning (VU)
280.836 Quantitative Methods in Spatial Research and Planning (VU)
280.839 Strategies for Sustainable and Resilient Spatial Development (SE)

10. Semester (7)

280.922 Diploma Seminar (SE)
280.963 Diploma seminar land policy (SE)
260.889 Diploma Seminar Real Estate Development and Project Management (SE)
280.923 Diploma Seminar Region (SE)
280.B06 Master Thesis Seminar "International Urban Studies" (SE)
280.925 Seminar for Master Thesis Mobility and Transport (SE)
280.B25 Transport Research (SE)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (57)

259.610 3D Visualization (VU)
259.643 Agentenbasierte räumliche Simulation und Visualisierung (VU)
280.944 Benefit-Cost Analysis (VO)
126.097 Cartographic Interfaces (VU)
280.911 Community Work (SE)
260.894 Design Studio Going Dutch – Unproduktiv? Produktiv! (UE)
260.896 Design Studio Made in Sicily (UE)
280.601 Design Studio Recovering - Designing new Stabilities (UE)
280.822 Economic and Environmental Law in Planning (VU)
280.865 Environmental and Spatial Impact (VO)
280.935 Ethics of Planning (SE)
280.842 European Cities in a Global Context (VO)
280.985 Evaluation as an Instrument for Spatial Planning (VU)
280.942 Evaluation of rail transport projects (VO)
280.B10 Everyday life, difference and intersectionality in urban research: Places of Music (SE)
280.A11 Experiencing Japan – Part 1: Hospitality (EX)
265.727 Expert law (VO)
280.A04 Field Trip - Reimagining rural downtowns (EX)
280.959 Focus spatial planning - Excursion Planning viewing and communicating space (EX)
280.957 Focus spatial planning - Vienna's urban development (SE)
280.B15 Fokus Raumplanung - Grundlagen der Kommunikation und Verhandlung in Raumplanung und Architektur (UE)
280.B17 Fokus Raumplanung - Industrial Transitions in Europe (SE)
280.B24 Fokus Raumplanung - Leerstandsaktivierung für Zwischennutzungen (VU)
280.B14 Fokus Raumplanung für ländliche Räume: Von Strategien über Konzepte zur Umsetzung (PR)
259.609 Image Manipulation (VU)
280.863 Land Policy (SE)
280.868 Law of Administrative Procedure (VU)
280.B23 Mental Health & the City (SE)
257.036 Monument preservation and building renovation (UE)
280.A53 MOVE.Walks (VU)
280.B22 Peri-urban transformations: bridging debates from different metropolitan regions in the Global South and North (SE)
280.332 PhD Seminar (SE)
280.B20 PhD Seminar (SE)
280.B16 PhD Seminar EX³ - Expanding Excellence (SE)
280.821 Planning Law (UE)
280.B18 Positive Energy Districts 3.0 (PR)
280.561 Privatissimum (PV)
280.B07 Privatissimum Doctoral Student Thesis Fenster „International Urban Studies“ (PV)
280.808 Public transport and freight transport logistics (VU)
260.701 Real Estate Development (UE)
260.702 Real Estate Development (VO)
280.853 Real Estate Economics (VO)
280.B13 Regional and urban economics: Economic Impacts of Transport and Social Infrastructures (SE)
280.B08 Right to the City and Spatial Planning Focus: Caring City (VU)
299.001 Softskills for technicians communication of science and Co-creation (VU)
280.843 Strategic Planning and City Marketing (VU)
280.A49 Sustainable mobility through law (SE)
280.864 Territorial law - Digitization, law and spatial planning (SE)
280.A29 Themen der Raumplanung - Langfristige Stadtentwicklung Wiens (SE)
280.909 Theories of Space in Social Sciences and Humanities (VO)
280.814 Tourism Analysis and Sustainable Planning of Tourism (VU)
280.815 Tourism and Planning (VU)
280.807 Traffic Safety and Environmental Impacts (VU)
280.844 Transformation Processes and Steering Approaches in Metropolitan Regions (SE)
280.579 Transportation (PV)
280.845 Urban Development Trends (VU)
280.910 Urban Research, Living Environment and Everyday Life (UE)