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260.661 - Landscape- and Environmental Planning (VO 3.0ECTS)

Hauck, Thomas
Hauck, Thomas
Pfanner, Bianca
Pohl, Nikola
Salak, Boris
Bumbiczka, Petra
Witthuhn, Edda
Kutzenberger, Harald
Jiricka-Pürrer, Alexandra
Grossauer, Franz

E260 Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
Hauck, Thomas
Pfanner, Bianca
Pohl, Nikola
Kurz, Peter
Bumbiczka, Petra
Kutzenberger, Harald
Witthuhn, Edda
Wrbka, Elisabeth
Proksch, Thomas

E260 Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
Ruland, Gisa
Kastner, Martin
Kurz, Peter
Witthuhn, Edda
Hauck, Thomas
Mattanovich, Ernst
Pfanner, Bianca

E260 Institute of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture