Suche: "Grechenig, Thomas"

197 Lehrveranstaltungen gefunden:

020.001Aktuelle Vertiefungen unternehmensweiter Softwaresysteme (VU)
180.764Software-Qualitätssicherung (VU)
(2022W, 2023W, 2024S)
180.765Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (SE)
180.777Seminar für Diplomand_innen für Software Engineering & Internet Computing (SE)
(2022S, 2021W)
183.069Softwarequalitätssicherung (VU)
(2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.070Software Engineering 2 (VL)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.071Software Engineering 1 (LU)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.072Softwarequalitätssicherung (UE)
(2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.074Kooperatives Arbeiten (VU)
(2013W, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W, 2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.075Privatissimum für Dissertanten (Methodenseminar) (PV)
(2008W, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W, 2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.076Privatissimum für Dissertanten (Literaturseminar) (PV)
(2008W, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W, 2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.077Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (PS)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.078AK der Praktischen Informatik 4 (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.079Projektpraktikum im betrieblichen Umfeld (PR)
(2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.080Praktikum aus Software Quality Engineering (PR)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.081Praktikum aus Advanced Software Engineering (PR)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.082Fortgeschrittene Aspekte von Software Security (VU)
(2010S, 2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.083Fortgeschrittene Aspekte des Usability Engineering (VU)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.085Web Engineering (VO)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.086Web Engineering (UE)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.087Risikomanagement (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.088Wahlfachpraktikum (PR)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.089Wahlfachpraktikum (PR)
(2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.090Softwareprojektmanagement für Wirtschaftsinformatiker (PR)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003S)
183.096Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (PS)
(2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.098Projektpraktikum (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) (PR)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.099Seminar für DiplomandInnen (SE)
(2006S, 2005S)
183.100Seminar (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) (SE)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.101Projektmanagement (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.103Praktikum aus Projekt- und Qualitätsmanagement (PR); Praktikum aus Project&Quality Management (PR)
(2011S, 2007S, 2006S, 2005S, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.104Informatikpraktikum (PR)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.109Forschungsseminar für DissertantInnen (SE); Forschungsseminar für Dissertanten (SE)
(2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W, 2018S, 2017W, 2017S, 2016W, 2016S, 2015W, 2015S, 2014W, 2014S, 2013W, 2013S, 2012W, 2012S, 2011W, 2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W, 2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W, 2003S)
183.112Software Engineering (UE)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W)
183.113AK der praktischen Informatik 2 (VU)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.115Software Engineering (VO)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.116Software Engineering 1 (VO)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.118Entwicklg.u.Einführg.betriebl.Informationssysteme (VO)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.119Entwicklg.u.Einführg.betriebl.Informationssysteme (UE)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.120User Interface Design (VU)
(2008W, 2007W, 2006W, 2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.123Usability Engineering (VU)
(2014S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S, 2006S, 2005W, 2004W)
183.124Security (VU)
183.131Risikomanagement (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2015S, 2014S, 2011S)
183.134Software Wartung und Evolution (VU)
(2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S, 2004W, 2003W)
183.135AK aus Software Engineering 1 (VU)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.137Freifachpraktikum (PR)
(2011S, 2010S, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W, 2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W)
183.141AK aus Software Engineering 2 (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S)
183.142AK aus Software Engineering 3 (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S)
183.143IT Controlling (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S)
183.145Software Configuration Management (VO)
(2004W, 2003W)
183.146Web Service Engineering (VU)
(2004S, 2003W)
183.147Teamführung (VO)
183.148Software Ergonomie (VU)
(2005W, 2004W, 2003W)
183.149Werkstatt Informatik (VU)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2003W)
183.153Wahlfachpraktikum (PR)
(2006S, 2005W, 2005S, 2004W, 2004S, 2003W)
183.154Aufwands- und Kostenschätzung (VU)
183.158Theorie und Praxis der Gruppenarbeit (VO)
(2005S, 2004S)
183.162AK der Praktischen Informatik 3 (VU)
(2006S, 2005S, 2004S)
183.163Praktikum aus Internet Computing (PR)
(2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W, 2006S, 2005S, 2004S)
183.166Management von Software Projekten (VU)
(2006S, 2005W, 2004W)
183.167Theorie und Praxis der Gruppenarbeit (VO); Theorie und Praxis der Gruppenarbeit (VU)
(2014S, 2013S, 2012S, 2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2006S, 2005S)
183.173Seminar in Software Engineering (SE); Seminar aus Software Entwicklung (SE)
(2022W, 2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2005W, 2004W)
183.177Community Networks und kommunale Informationssysteme (SE)
(2006S, 2005S)
183.192Praktikum mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit (PR)
(2006S, 2005W)
183.193Software Testen (VL)
183.195Engineering Special Software I: Operating Systems Kernel Programming&Crafting (OSKP&C) (VO)
183.199Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (PS)
183.207Fortgeschrittene Aspekte des Qualitätsmanagements (VU)
183.208Projektpraktikum aus Medieninformatik (PR)
183.223Web Application Engineering & Content Management (VU)
(2020S, 2012S, 2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.224Seminar für DiplomandInnen (SE)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W)
183.226Seminar (mit Bachelorarbeit) (SE)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2009S, 2008W, 2008S, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W)
183.229Projektpraktikum aus Medieninformatik (PR)
(2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.231ERP Systeme (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2015S, 2014S, 2012S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S, 2023S)
183.232Entwicklung von Web-Anwendungen (VU)
(2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.233Schwerpunkte der Informationstechnik im Gesundheitswesen (VO)
183.234Forschungsmethoden (VU)
(2021S, 2019W, 2017W, 2017S, 2016S)
183.236Grundlagen methodischen Arbeitens (SE)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W)
183.239Software Engineering und Projektmanagement (VO)
(2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2011W, 2010W, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W)
183.241Software Engineering und Projektmanagement (PR); Software Engineering und Projektmanagement (LU)
(2022W, 2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2013W, 2010S, 2009W, 2009S, 2008W, 2008S, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W)
183.243Advanced Software Engineering (PR); Advanced Software Engineering (LU)
(2022W, 2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W, 2018S, 2017W, 2017S, 2016W, 2016S, 2015W, 2015S, 2014W, 2014S, 2013W, 2010S, 2009W, 2009S, 2008W, 2008S, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W, 2023S, 2023W, 2024S)
183.245Projektpraktikum (PR)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2009S, 2008W, 2008S, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W)
183.246Informatikpraktikum 1 (PR)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2009S, 2008W, 2008S, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W)
183.247Informatikpraktikum 2 (PR)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W, 2009S, 2008W, 2008S, 2007W, 2007S, 2006W)
183.251IT Strategie (VU)
(2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.252Softwareprojekt-Beobachtung und -Controlling (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2015S, 2014S, 2012S, 2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S, 2023S)
183.253Informationssysteme des Gesundheitswesens (VO)
(2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2011W, 2011S, 2010S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.267Interdisziplinäres Praktikum: Interaktionsdesign (PR)
(2011S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.268Praktikum aus Mensch-Computer-Systemen (PR)
(2011S, 2009S, 2008S, 2007S)
183.286(Mobile) Network Services and Applications (VU); Network Services (VU)
(2022S, 2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2012S, 2010S, 2009S)
183.287Privatissimum für Dissertanten (Methodenseminar) (SE)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W)
183.288Privatissimum für Dissertanten (Literaturseminar) (SE)
(2011S, 2010W, 2010S, 2009W)
183.289Interface und Interaction Design (VU)
(2013W, 2009W)
183.290Software Testing (VU)
183.576Seminar aus Information Engineering (SE)
183.577Pilots in Mobile Interaction: User-centered Interaction Research and Evaluation (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2014W, 2013S, 2012S, 2011S)
183.594Introduction to Security (VU)
183.595Bachelorarbeit für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik (PR)
(2022W, 2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W, 2018S, 2017W, 2017S, 2016W, 2016S, 2015W, 2015S, 2014W, 2014S, 2013W, 2013S, 2012W, 2012S, 2011W, 2023S, 2023W, 2024S)
183.597Projekt aus Software Engineering & Internet Computing (PR)
(2013W, 2013S, 2012W, 2012S, 2011W)
183.598Projekt Medizinische Informatik (PR)
(2012W, 2012S, 2011W)
183.599Seminar aus Medizinischer Informatik (SE)
(2012W, 2012S, 2011W)
183.600Advanced Aspects of IT Infrastructures for Health Care (VO)
183.601Advanced Aspects of Hospital Information Systems (VO)
183.602Praktikum aus IT-Security (PR)
183.603Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing (SE); Seminar aus Medieninformatik (SE)
(2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2011W, 2023W)
183.604Building Interaction Interfaces (PR)
(2013W, 2012S)
183.606Seminar aus Security (SE)
183.607Advanced ERP-Systems 1 Vertiefung in Modellierung und Management von Geschäftsprozessen (VU)
(2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2011W)
183.622Softwaretechische Konzepte und Infrastrukturtechnologien zur Identifikation von Objekten und Geräten: RFID, Smartcards, NFC und Mobile Phones (VU)
183.635eHealth in Theorie und Praxis (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2015S, 2014S, 2013S, 2012S, 2023S)
183.638Advanced Project Management (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2014S, 2023S)
183.639Beyond the Desktop (VU)
(2014S, 2012S)
183.640Enterprise Information Systems (VU)
183.644Telemedizin (VU)
183.645Advanced Security for Systems Engineering (VU)
183.646Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (SE)
(2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W)
183.647From Design to Software 1 (PR)
(2019S, 2018W, 2018S, 2017W, 2017S, 2016W, 2016S, 2015W, 2015S, 2014W, 2014S, 2013W, 2013S, 2012W)
183.649From Design to Software 2 (PR)
(2019S, 2018W, 2018S, 2017W, 2017S, 2016W, 2016S, 2015W, 2015S, 2014W, 2014S, 2013W, 2013S)
183.652Software Quality Management (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2015S, 2014S, 2013S)
183.653Methodisches, industrielles Software-Engineering mit Funktionalen Sprachen am Fallbeispiel Haskell (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016S, 2015S, 2014S, 2013S, 2023S)
183.659Theorie und Praxis der Evaluierung von innovativen User Interfaces (SE)
(2021S, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W)
183.661Mobile (App) Software Engineering (VU)
(2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S, 2016W, 2015W, 2023S)
183.667Mobile (App) Prototyping and Evaluation (PR)
(2019S, 2018S, 2017S)
183.668Introduction into Connected Car IT (VU)
(2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2017S)
183.669Advanced Aspects of Connected Car IT (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2018S, 2017S)
183.670Cases in Engineering Connected Car IT Systems (PR)
(2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W, 2018S, 2017W, 2017S)
185.294Einführung in die Medizinische Informatik (VO)
(2010W, 2009W, 2008W, 2007W, 2006W)
187.A23Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen (VU)
(2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013W, 2012W, 2011W)
187.A49HCI in Health Care (VU)
187.B13Interface and Interaction Design (PR)
188.029Forschungsseminar für Dissertanten (SE)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 1999W, 1998W, 1997W)
188.030Wahlfachpraktikum (PR)
(2003S, 2002W, 2002S, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.031Privatissimum für Dissertanten (Methodenseminar) (PV)
(2003S, 2002W, 2002S, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.032Privatissimum für Dissertanten (Literaturseminar) (PV)
(2003S, 2002W, 2002S, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.033Mensch - Maschine - Kommunikation (AG); Mensch - Maschine Kommunikation (AG)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 1999W, 1998W, 1997W)
188.035Informatikpraktikum I (PR)
(2003S, 2002W, 2002S, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.036Informatikpraktikum II (PR)
(2003S, 2002W, 2002S, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.037Seminar aus Informatik (SE)
(2002W, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.038Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (PS)
(2002S, 2001W, 2001S, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.041AK aus Informations- u. Kommunikationssysteme 4 (VU)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.053Praktikum aus Wirtschaftsinformatik (PR)
188.061Praktikum aus Software Engineering (PR)
(1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.069Praktikum aus Qualitätsmanagement (PR)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.070Seminar aus Qualitätsmanagement (SE)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.071Software Engineering für Wirtschaftsinformatiker (VO)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.108Das WWW als Präsentationsmedium für Ingenieure (LU)
(2000S, 1999S)
188.132Wahlfachpraktikum (PR)
188.168Projektmanagement (VU)
(2002W, 2002S)
188.171Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (PS)
(2002W, 2002S)
188.172Seminar (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) (SE)
(2002W, 2001W)
188.174Projektpraktikum (mit Bakkalaureatsarbeit) (PR)
(2002W, 2002S, 2001W)
188.188AK der Informations- u. Kommunikationssysteme 3 (VU)
(1999W, 1998W)
188.211Softwarequalitätssicherung (VU)
188.213Software Engineering 1 (LU)
188.214Software Engineering (VO)
188.215Software Engineering (UE)
188.216Software Engineering 1 (VO)
188.220Softwarequalitätssicherung (UE)
188.224User-Interface-Design (VU)
188.228AK der Praktischen Informatik 2 (VU)
188.230AK der Praktischen Informatik 4 (VU)
188.233Praktikum aus Software Entwicklung (PR)
188.235Praktikum aus Project&Quality Management (PR)
188.236Projektpraktikum im betrieblichen Umfeld (PR)
188.237Entwicklung und Einführung betrieblicher IT-Systeme (VO)
188.238Entwicklung und Einführung betrieblicher IT-Systeme (UE)
188.239Informatikpraktikum (PR)
188.259Partizipation und Gestaltung von Mensch Computer Systemen (VU)
188.320Software Engineering I (VO)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 1999W, 1998W, 1997W)
188.353Software Engineering I (LU)
(2001W, 2000W, 1999W, 1998W, 1997W)
188.375Software Engineering II (VO)
(2003S, 2002S, 2000S, 1999S, 1998S)
188.397Software Engineering II (LU)
(2002S, 2000S, 1999S, 1998S)
188.441Methoden der Software-Qualitätssicherung (UE)
(2003S, 2002W, 2002S, 2001W, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1997W)
188.518Einf. i. d. angewandte Informatik (VO)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 1999W, 1998W, 1997W)
188.530Informatikpraktikum aus Anwendungsentwicklung (PR)
(2002W, 2001W, 2000W, 2000S, 1999W, 1999S, 1998W, 1998S, 1997W)
188.808Das WWW als Präsentationsmedium für Ingenieure (VO)
(2000S, 1999S)
193.052Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (SE)
(2022S, 2023S)
193.054Anwendungen im Gesundheitswesen (VU)
(2022W, 2021W, 2020W, 2019W)
194.051Interface and Interaction Design (PR)
(2022S, 2021W, 2020W, 2020S, 2019S, 2018W, 2023S)
194.052Pragmatische Werkzeuge für modernes Projektmanagement für Ingenieure (VU); Pragmatische Werkzeuge des modernen Projektmanagements für komplexe Ingenieurtätigkeiten (VU)
(2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W)
194.053Project in Computer Science 1 (PR)
(2022W, 2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W, 2023S)
194.054Project in Computer Science 2 (PR)
(2022W, 2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S, 2018W, 2023S)
194.063Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 (PR)
194.064Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 (PR)
194.065Ausgewählte Kapitel digitaler Forensik I (VU)
(2022S, 2021S, 2020S, 2019S, 2023S)
194.066Optimierung von Legacy-Systemen - Lernen aus der Geschichte großer IT-Systeme und ihrer (Nicht-)Ablöse (VU)
(2021S, 2020S, 2019S)
194.067Technical and Organizational Mechanisms of Payments (VU)
(2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W, 2019S)
194.081TechTalks - Industrielle digitale Technologien Stand 2022 (PV); TechTalks - Industrielle digitale Technologien Stand 2021 (PV); TechTalks - Industrielle digitale Technologien Stand 2020 (PV)
(2022S, 2021W, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W)
194.087Unkonventionelle IT (U.IT) zwischen (Kontroll-)Theorie, Neuralen Netzen, Quantenalgorithmen und -kryptographie (SE)
(2022S, 2021W, 2021S, 2020W, 2020S, 2019W)
194.113Sport-Technologien: Einführung in den Mess-, Trainings- und Plattform-Systembau für Athletinnen und Athleten (VU)
(2022S, 2021W, 2024S)
194.120Mobile Security (VU)
(2022W, 2022S, 2023S, 2024S)
194.121CTF Contests: Einführung und Vertiefung in die "Olympiade" der IT Security Kultur (durch OlympionikInnen) (UE)
(2022W, 2022S, 2023S)
194.130Legacy Software Engineering in PL/I und COBOL (VU)
194.145Project in Computer Science 1 (PR)
(2023W, 2024S)
194.146Project in Computer Science 2 (PR)
(2023W, 2024S)
194.149Software Engineering Projekt (PR)
195.039Studieneingangsgespräch (UE)
(2016S, 2015W, 2015S, 2014W, 2014S, 2013W, 2013S, 2012W, 2012S, 2011W)
280.118Advanced Aspects of IT-Law (VU)
(2022W, 2021W, 2020W, 2019W, 2018W, 2017W, 2016W, 2015W, 2014W, 2013S, 2012S, 2023W)