• Overview

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Technical Mathematics (2024S)

Courses (excluding empty):

1. Semester (8)

101.275 Introduction to Programming (VU) [414]

2. Semester (8)

103.301 Analysis 2 (UE) [42]
101.463 Computer mathematics (VU) [105]
107.A02 measure - and probability theory I (UE) [27]

3. Semester (14)

101.448 Analysis 3 (UE) [48]
105.591 Life Insurance Mathematics Exercises (UE) [27]
107.A09 Measure- and Probabilty Theory (UE) [66]
106.064 Numerical Analysis (UE) [66]

4. Semester (18)

104.304 Algebra UE (UE) [1]
101.666 Differential Equations 1 (UE) [32]
101.341 Functional Analysis 1 UE (UE) [21]
105.121 Introduction to stochastic processes and time series analysis (UE) [37]
105.594 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (VO) [1]
105.595 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (UE) [21]

5. Semester (32)

107.258 Computerstatistik (VU) [96]
104.259 Discrete and geometric algorithms (UE) [43]
105.602 Life and health insurance methematics (UE) [24]
106.064 Numerical Analysis (UE) [66]

6. Semester (24)

105.043 Non-life insurance mathematics (UE) [5]

8. Semester (1)

9. Semester (1)

Ohne Semesterempfehlung (365)

104.469 - (UE) [26]
101.500 .. (VO) [17]
185.211 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming (VL) [3]
107.A27 Advanced Probabilitz Theory (UE) [68]
101.335 AKANA nonlinear partial differential eqautions (UE) [47]
101.334 AKANA nonlinear partial differential equations (VO) [9]
110.198 AKDUFO.Graphenth.Meth.d.Op.Res. (VO) [7]
110.209 AKDUFO.Graphenth.Meth.d.Op.Res. UE (UE) [38]
105.089 AKVFM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 1 (UE) [36]
105.092 AKVFM Stochastic analysis in financial and actuarial mathematics 2 (UE) [20]
104.304 Algebra UE (UE) [1]
104.347 Analysis of Algorithms (UE) [24]
104.278 Analysis on manifolds AKANA (UE) [30]
130.009 Analytic Mechanics for TPH (VU) [70]
104.492 Applied geometry (UE) [22]
105.655 Applied Operations Research (UE) [23]
142.089 Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics I (UE) [31]
107.386 Classification and Discriminant Analysis (VU) [21]
101.523 Complex Analysis (UE) [11]
181.142 Complexity theory (VU) [9]
101.484 Computer Numerics (VU) [64]
107.258 Computerstatistik (VU) [96]
184.686 Data Base Systems (VU) [18]
104.358 Differential Geometry (UE) [41]
104.259 Discrete and geometric algorithms (UE) [43]
104.350 Discrete Methods (UE) [10]
105.600 Econometrics II (VU) [4]
182.691 Electrical Engineering (VO) [13]
182.692 Electrical Engineering (LU) [34]
136.015 Electrodynamics I (VU) [251]
136.047 Electrodynamics II -exercises (UE) [56]
107.A16 Elements of mathematical Stochastics (VO) [3]
107.A17 Elements of Mathematical Stochastics (UE) [18]
105.057 Financial mathematics (VO) [1]
105.131 Financial mathematics (UE) [27]
185.291 Formal Methods in Computer Science (VO) [26]
101.341 Functional Analysis 1 UE (UE) [21]
101.280 Functional Analysis 2 (UE) [15]
105.650 Game Theoretic Modelling (UE) [94]
104.355 Geometric analysis (UE) [5]
104.360 Geometry Processing (UE) [12]
107.A23 Information- and Coding Theory (UE) [31]
136.026 Introduction to General Relativity (VO) [3]
101.405 Introduction to Scientific Computing (VU) [40]
105.121 Introduction to stochastic processes and time series analysis (UE) [37]
186.822 Introduction to Visual Computing (VU) [4]
105.602 Life and health insurance methematics (UE) [24]
105.591 Life Insurance Mathematics Exercises (UE) [27]
105.594 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (VO) [1]
105.595 Mathematical Finance 1: Discrete-Time Models (UE) [21]
107.210 Mathematische Statistik Übungen (UE) [50]
105.126 Microeconometrics (VO) [1]
105.599 Microeconometrics (UE) [21]
107.391 Multivariate Statistics (UE) [30]
105.043 Non-life insurance mathematics (UE) [5]
105.652 Nonlinear Programming (UE) [34]
106.065 Numerical solution of differential equations (UE) [95]
101.316 Numerics of differential equations (VO) [12]
101.532 Numerics of partial differential equations: instationary problems (UE) [10]
101.507 Numerics of partial differential equations: stationary problems (UE) [13]
105.619 Operations Management (VU) [25]
105.618 Optimization practice (VU) [25]
104.404 Projective goemetry (UE) [1]
136.019 Quantum Mechanics I (VU) [293]
136.027 Quantum Mechanics II (VU) [189]
105.041 Risk theory (UE) [34]
389.055 Signals and Systems 2 (VU) [57]
138.017 solid state physics I (VO) [5]
136.020 Statistical Physics I (VU) [248]
130.007 Technical Mechanics for TPH (VU) [43]
108.037 Theoretical Computer Science, Exercise (UE) [7]
108.036 Theoretical Computer Science (VO) [1]